Chapter 762
At the dinner after the victory, the soldiers ate happily, but careful people will also see the generals' faces. Although there is joy after the victory, there are also worries.

Not only the generals, but also the soldiers who thought more about it were not happy. Nearly half of the army rations were burned, and they would have to starve for at least three days on the return journey. How could they survive.

Although a large number of Tartar cavalry were killed, this is the enemy's territory after all. When our side returns to the army, the Tartars can still mobilize a large number of forces to pursue them. When the time comes when our own food and grass are exhausted and the army is panicked, the situation will be a disaster. .

A big victory is not enough, and everyone who is calm has seen the difficulties ahead.

Wang Tong preached loudly from a high place, when he said "behead eight thousand and capture one thousand", no matter those who were worried or not, they all roared and cheered.

The shouts of "Wan Sheng, Wan Sheng" spread around the camp of the Ming army. The horses inside and outside the camp were frightened and neighed, and some birds were frightened and flew up.

This was indeed a glorious victory. Ming Taizu expelled the Tartars, and Ming Chengzu made several northern expeditions. Except for the era of these two heroes, there was no major victory in Ming's military operations against the northern border.

Officially recorded victories generally involved beheadings of no more than a thousand people, and more victories were just defending the city under the offensive of the Tartars.

There are more failures. The Nine Border Towns, which cost most of Ming’s finances, seem to be a sieve most of the time. They are always broken through by large or small groups of Tartars. Thousands of soldiers and civilians are facing the tragedy of the capital city.

But suddenly it was different. Less than [-] soldiers fought under the city of the Tartars and fought against an enemy superior to themselves in the enemy's territory. It is indeed a proud record. With this experience, You can tell it to your children and grandchildren, and you can be glorious forever.

The cheers came and went, and finally weakened a bit. Wang Tong stretched out his hand and pressed down, but it was only after a while that he calmed down. Wang Tong said loudly again:
"Everyone has seen the battle during the day, and also seen that half of our army's food and grass has been burned. Now our army's slack rations are only enough for us to eat for three days. If we are so full, I am afraid it will be less than three days... ..."

There are personal soldiers under the carriage, and there is a personal soldier at a certain distance. These personal soldiers act as trumpets and repeat what Wang Tong said.

These words were conveyed sentence by sentence, and the entire camp was silent. Yang Jin and Ma Yong, who were listening, changed their faces, not only their faces changed, but also the expressions of the people from Jizhen and Datong. Yes, Yang Jin stomped there and said:

"Why does the commander say such things? The morale is so high that it should be maintained. Why bother pouring cold water on it? If this happens, the morale of the army may panic."

The other people also roughly meant it. Unlike them, the leaders of the Huwei army headed by the supervising army Cai Nan all looked calm. Cai Nan turned his head and said with a smile:

"The commander-in-chief said such things, so there is naturally such a reason. After such a big victory, do you think the commander-in-chief is confused?"

After saying this, those who expressed doubts in Jizhen and Datong kept silent. No matter what the intention of Wang Tong's words was, he always had his own way. If he questioned here, maybe In the end, he would make himself appear to be a fool. Among other things, the officers and soldiers of Jizhen thought that they were the main force in the battle before the battle started, and that the Huwei army had to rely on their own protection to survive.

But as soon as the battle started, they realized that they were wrong. The main force of the attack was the Tiger's Might Army, and it was the Tiger's Mighty Army that caused the greatest damage to the Tartars. In the end, it was the Tiger's Mighty Army that saved the Jizhen position from the brink of collapse. Who knows what Wang Tong can do, let's talk less and watch more, Wang Tong's preaching is still going on.

"...Are you flustered? Do you feel that your heart is gone? Don't worry, we don't have any food, but Guihua City has it!!!"

Wang Tong said loudly. After finishing speaking, he pointed to the city in the darkness. It was almost the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. The moonlight on the grassland was bright and clear. Looking at the past, they couldn't see anything, but the emotions of the officers and soldiers gradually became higher.

"The Tartarists also have nearly 20 serfs farming in Tumochuan, and they have accumulated a large amount of food and grass in that city. As long as we open the Guihua City, we don't have to worry about eating and drinking for five or ten years. What are you worrying about food and grass! !?"

The originally quiet soldiers began to stir slowly, and everyone was excited by what Wang Tong said. Wang Tong continued to say:

"There are also people who say that when attacking a city, there is no reason to settle the battle within a day or two. If it cannot be opened, the situation is still critical. Don't worry, even if Guihua City cannot be opened, there are pastures outside the city where they gather cattle and sheep in winter. After this, we don’t have to worry about it, brothers, what you should worry about is whether it is better to eat food or meat, not whether there is food!!”

The audience roared with laughter, worry and worry, all disappeared without a trace in Wang Tong's words, and Wang Tong said again:
"We won a big victory today, but the victory we deserve is far more than that. Eat well and sleep well tonight. Don't rush to celebrate the victory. The time to celebrate the victory is still behind!!"

After saying this, there was another commotion below, the soldiers were whispering to each other, and Yang Jin and the others below saw that the soldiers were completely relaxed, the worries just disappeared, everyone was there Talking, laughing and discussing returned to normal.

To be more precise, the current state of the soldiers is even better than yesterday when they were about to fight. When Yang Jin and the others were feeling emotional, they heard the soldiers shouting in unison:
"God bless Daming!! Our army will surely win!!"

The soldiers below all yelled in unison, and the generals who were sighing at the side hesitated for a while, and then yelled too.

After this lecture, the worries in the hearts of the officers and soldiers dissipated a lot, and the exhaustion after the day's fierce battle also turned up. Without worries, most people can fall into a deep sleep.

The soldiers went to rest, but the commander and the generals at all levels below had no rest. They all gathered in Wang Tong's tent. After everyone was seated, Wang Tong said with a smile:

"These inspiring words should be said tomorrow morning, but there are already such discussions in the army tonight, and they need to be reassured, but some people may not be able to sleep tonight due to excitement!"

Everyone in the military tent laughed, Yang Jin pondered for a while and asked:
"Commander, the commander-in-chief said that the reason for breaking the city tomorrow is to appease the morale of the army or there is a real plan. His subordinates feel that it is most feasible to open up the pastures around the city and plunder the cattle and sheep of the Tartars. Some mobilization, so as not to be escaped by the Tartars."

Hearing Yang Jin's words, Wang Tong said with a smile:

"The plundering of cattle and sheep is just An'erlang's mind, and tomorrow's battle will naturally focus on destroying the city. Do you think our army is here just to win such a battle?"

The generals of Huwei Army exchanged a smile with each other, and the generals of Jizhen and Datong also exchanged glances with each other. Isn't such a big victory enough?Returning to Daming with such a record, it is enough to leave a name in history and be rich for a lifetime.

Before we could speak here, there was an announcement from outside. Not long after, a cavalryman quickly walked into the military tent. After saluting, he opened his mouth to report and said:
"Marshal, there is a sudden commotion in Guihua City. It seems that there is chaos in the city, but there is no movement of the guards at the top of the city, and the city gate is still closed."

The distance is so close, even though they won a big battle, Wang Tong will not be careless. Naturally, detectives and horses are arranged around Guihua City. If there is any news, report back at any time. After hearing this report, Wang Tong ordered to continue to keep an eye on it. Then he ordered the man to retreat, and said with a smile:

"It seems that letting the horse team go around the city, it really has an effect!!"

The city of Guihua was already in chaos, there were cries and shouts everywhere, and a few fires could be seen from time to time, there were Tartar soldiers coming and going in and out of the shops on the street, and there were often screams in the shops .

The Alda tribe became the overlord of the grassland, and built cities in key places like Guihua City. Guihua City has also become the center of the grassland. The tribes from east to west, north, south, and Ming merchants all trade here, and merchants from Shanxi are even more Many opened shops in Guihua City.

On the contrary, the Mongols have always lived as nomads. Even with the city, there are still very few people engaged in business. Except for the Han people, there are more businessmen in the Western Regions.

There are Han businessmen in the city, and there are more Han people working for these businesses. The number is quite large, but they have no status in the city.

Mongolian Yuan divided the whole country into four classes. The first class is Mongols, the second class is Semu people, the third class is Northern Han people, and the fourth class is Southern Han people. This kind of shameless and barbaric practice is also inherited by the IDA Department. After that, in Guihua City, people are also divided into several classes, and the status of Han people is the lowest.

Peacetime was fine, but today the Tartar cavalry were defeated outside the city. After returning to the city, some people started looting the shops of the Han people. Officers and soldiers began to rob shops and run amok in the city.

The leader of the Han Chinese Chamber of Commerce in the city is Niu Gengang. He is over 50 years old this year. His parents have served with the first generation of Altan Khan, and he has a high status in the city. He was kneeling in front of the Khan's palace, and a commander said indifferently:
"The Khan is resting and doesn't want to see guests. The Khan also said that the Han people have made so much money in Guihua City. It's not a big deal for the warriors to bring back some money. You don't have to worry about it!"

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(End of this chapter)

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