Chapter 773 Closing
"When this guy started to take shelter of the leader of the Tartars, Lalik, he kept it a secret. Later, the grassroots felt that this person was acting suspiciously, and that he must be trying to harm Daming, so he spent a lot of money to buy off Lalik's side, and found out about this person. It is some kind of prisoner of our Ming Dynasty, a relative of a great eunuch in the palace..."

This Niu Gen just said that he is righteous, and that he can spend money to buy off the prince's influence. This is a status in the Ministry of Answers, and everyone will understand.

Wang Tong was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and asked:
"Could it be that this person is called Lin Shucai?"

This time it was Niu Gengang's turn to be in a daze, and he answered after a while:

"Responding to the commander's question, the villain doesn't know the name of this person, but all the cronies around Lin call him the third master."

Wang Tong laughed loudly, patted the armrest of the chair, and said with a smile:

"It doesn't take much effort to come, bring it up, bring it up and show me!!"

General Tan on the side bowed to accept the order, and stepped out of the tent. Naturally, such important criminals would not be brought here by the businessmen who came here today to show their sincerity.

Not long after, Wang Tong's personal guard carried a middle-aged man into the tent. The middle-aged man was tall, but his face was wrinkled and his skin was loose, which made him look awkward.

The middle-aged man glared viciously at Niu Gengang who was kneeling there at first, and when he saw Wang Tong who was sitting there, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then his expression was a little dazed, and then he exploded suddenly.

Even though two strong personal guards were grabbing him, and he was still bound by cowhide ropes, he didn't catch him the first time, and made him charge forward two steps. The guard behind him was also anxious, and he fell down when he went up. That's what caught him.

There was a lot of movement in the handsome tent. The guards inside and outside were all alarmed and approached with knives. Wang Tong stretched out his hand to signal them not to, and the middle-aged man roared on the ground and said:

"Wang Tong, you bastard, I want to eat your flesh and drink your blood..."

"Mr. Lin, what's the use of saying such cruel words? After you return to the capital and are hacked into pieces, only dogs will eat your flesh and blood, and they will be the wild dogs of the capital."

Wang Tong got up and walked to Lin Shucai, stared at him, shook his head and said with a smile:

"What a wealthy person Chai Fulin is. He is a big fat man of two hundred catties. It seems that the water and soil in the northern Xinjiang are not as good as the land in Beijing and Tianjin. Have you lost dozens of catties!?"

The skin was sagging and wrinkled. It was indeed the appearance of a person after losing weight. He was staring at Wang Tong through gritted teeth, but Wang Tong faced it with a smile.

The Sanyang Sect, the Sanyang Society of Heaven and Earth, since Zhao Jinliang came to the palace, Wang Tong has had enmity with them, fighting and entangled with each other. In the end, Beijing and the palace mobilized and fought fiercely to defeat this cult.

But from another point of view, Lin Shulu, as an eunuch with a crippled body, relied on tactics to mobilize the queen mother, courtiers, military generals, nobles, wealthy merchants, and ordinary people, and took advantage of the situation to do things, and finally almost succeeded in his scheme, which can be regarded as shocking.

But Lin Shulu died in the palace, and Lin Shufu died later. This Lin Shucai, that is, Chai Fulin, fled outside the Great Wall and went to the Tartar prince.

According to the habit of Daming since the founding of the country, this Chai Fulin should die in Guihua City, but no one thought that Wang Tong would actually make a shocking move. If the Anda Department is wiped out, it is estimated that yesterday or even this morning, Chai Fulin never thought of running away until now.

Wang Tong bent down in front of Chai Fulin, stared at Chai Fulin's angry eyes, and asked calmly:

"Do you remember that six years ago, there was a family on the South Street. During the Chinese New Year, the husband and wife hanged themselves to death, and the five-year-old child was cruel enough to leave the palace for revenge."

Chai Fulin always wanted to look like eating meat and drinking blood, but he was stunned when Wang Tong asked this question. The ins and outs of Zhao Jinliang's incident were not a big deal at all, so how could he know the bottom line.

Seeing the puzzled expression on his face, Wang Tong suddenly reached out and grabbed Chai Fulin's hair, lifted it up, and pressed it down hard.

Although the floor of the handsome tent was covered with felt, it was still icy ground underneath. Wang Tongjun had been in the army for many years, and his arms were so strong that Chai Fulin was pulled up involuntarily, and then hit the ground hard.

Wang Tong pulled his hair again and raised his head. Chai Fulin's face was covered in blood, and he looked at Wang Tong with fear in his eyes.

"Of course you don't remember the life and death of a family of three, of course you don't remember what it was like for a child to injure himself, and of course you don't remember those people who were killed by the Sanyang Sect..."

After saying these few words, Wang Tong breathed out, got up and stood up straight, looked down at Chai Fulin in disgust and said:
"When you arrive in the capital, you will be punished in the Ming Dynasty, and you will be cut into pieces. I heard that you can't finish cutting in three days. You will be fed ginseng soup on the first night and the second night. Take it down and keep it in custody. Don't let him Died before execution!"

The guards agreed, dragged him up, and were about to take him out. Chai Fulin was cursing viciously, but his voice became smaller and smaller. When he was about to reach the door of the tent, Chai Fulin was quiet for a while, and suddenly spoke loudly. said:
"Wang Tong, no, Mr. Wang, no, Commander, spare... spare the little one's life, spare the little one, the villain is willing to dedicate 320 million taels of silver to the commander... forgive the little one... "

Outside the tent, the voice was already hoarse. Wang Tong could hear Chai Fulin's hissing outside begging for mercy in the tent. In the end, he could hear "My lord, the villain just wants to die quickly...".


Wang Tong sneered, Chai Fulin's begging for mercy could not be heard outside, so Wang Tong went to the chair and sat down, taking a few deep breaths.

It was not quiet outside, but Wang Tong suddenly felt a little tired. Sanyang taught himself to entangle himself for several years, and it seemed to be the end when he caught Chai Fulin. Well, doing this to Chai Fulin seemed like crushing a bug, but now, after all, it's done.

Niu Gengang, who had been kneeling on the ground, waited for the rich merchants in Guihua City to feel that there was something wrong with the atmosphere in the tent, and the guards in the tent stood in awe, and these wealthy merchants did not dare to make a sound.

The quiet time was not long, Wang Tong patted his leg lightly, said with a smile:

"This handsome Lin San has been arresting him for a long time, but he didn't expect Boss Niu to win this prize. Boss Niu has a heart for Daming, and he did such a thing for Daming. This handsome will remember it in his heart, and he will also Chen Zou, His Majesty. There must be rewards on the side."

Hearing Wang Tong's words, Niu Gengang trembled all over his body, kowtowed several times, and said repeatedly:
"Caomin has been in the enemy's territory for so many years, and has been humiliated. Every time he wants to return to the heavenly court, but he can't do so. Today he sees the heavenly army, and he is taken care of by the commander. I am really grateful. !!"

He spoke excitedly, and even cried a little, but everyone knew what was going on, and on such occasions, everyone just wanted to save face.

Wang Tong nodded with a smile, and praised:

"Boss Niu's loyalty is really admirable. There are nearly 20 people in Guihua City, not counting the farmers who cultivate the fields. There are about [-] merchants and civilians in the city. I listened to it when I was in Ming Dynasty It is said that the people in Guihua City are divided into four classes, the Han people are the third class, and the serfs outside the city are the fourth class. I don’t know who these third and fourth class Han people respect? Who usually makes decisions for them? ah?"

Although Wang Tinghua was asking, his eyes were scanning the dozen or so people kneeling below. Everyone knew that this huge city had changed hands, and among so many people, only these dozen or so Han people were eligible to come to see Wang. Tong, they are all Han Chinese, so they are naturally the leading figures in the city.

Since the question was asked here, and Wang Tong praised him just now, Niu Gengang always felt that this was not a bad thing, he hesitated for a while, then raised his head and said:
"Reporting to Commander, the villain still has some prestige among the Han people in Guihua City. I dare not say whether he is respectful or not, but everyone knows him anyway."

"I didn't know until I entered the city today that the Tartar army was defeated and returned to the city yesterday. They burned, killed and looted wantonly in the city. The Han people suffered heavy casualties, and their family property was also suffered heavy losses. What do the Han people think about this?"

Unexpectedly, Wang Tong suddenly turned the topic to this again. Niu Gengang was stunned, but a black and fat man next to him kowtowed and said:
"Marshal, it's not only the common people who suffer from misfortune, even the little people who are usually considered to have a face, their family wealth is lost, the little cousin was burned alive in the shop in the north of the city, and the only family left The woman was spoiled and went crazy, and the villain also received the title of commander-in-chief from the Tartars, and it still happened like this. In the eyes of the Tartars, the others are not like pigs and dogs, thanks to the commander leading the Heavenly Army Come here, otherwise, even if the little one gritted his teeth, he would not know where he could avenge this enmity. Even if the villain is like this, the people below would like to tear the Tartars to pieces and drink their blood. All the familiar people came to pray and wanted to fight the Tartars together with the villain. When the heavenly army entered the city, the villain also sent his family to lead the way, and also sent people to comfort him with wine and food. The commander, the junior and the people in the city all He hated the Tartars to the bone, and the general came to the city to rescue him, he is truly a Buddha of all families!!"

He spoke quickly and urgently, it seemed to be the accent from Shaanxi, he gritted his teeth and said these words, after he finished speaking, Niu Gengang's expression was not very good-looking, but it aroused the sympathy of others, everyone chattered Everyone agreed, gnashing their teeth and scolding constantly.

Wang Tong's personal guard coughed, and then he calmed down. The smile in Wang Tong's eyes was even wider, but he shook his head and sighed heavily:
"How innocent the people are, how difficult the people are, this Tartar is like a beast, it is really hateful to do such heinous evil deeds!!"

Wang Tong paused, then said again:
"Do the common people recognize it like this?"
The monthly ticket list is really fierce

(End of this chapter)

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