Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 779 Selling Big Cars, Firearms, and Services

Chapter 779 Selling Big Cars, Firearms, and Services

Everyone has met officials, magistrates, county magistrates, even chief envoys and governors. Everyone has a lot of money and travels, and they have dealt with each other more or less.

These officials don't say anything in private, but on such occasions, they always have to put on a majestic appearance and speak in an official tone. With the status of Mr. Wang, he is also an imperial envoy, a governor, or a commander-in-chief. But I didn't expect that as soon as I came out, I would tell everyone that there was something to sell.

It's awkward, but the businessman is looking for profit, so he immediately reacted, wondering what the general has to sell, the gold and silver treasures of the palace, he is the commander, there are so many things in Guihua City from north to south, and treasures from the Western Regions of Ming Dynasty , the best must be concentrated in his hands, and if he wants to sell, it must be the best.

Some dirty people even thought that they had heard for a long time that there were many beauties in the palace of King Targaryen Khan, and there were even stunning beauties from Persia and Taixi, so they wondered if they would sell them at this time.

Everyone stared intently at Wang Tong standing on the cart. Seeing that he had attracted everyone's attention, Wang Tong said with a smile on the carriage:

"Everyone, these are the ones for sale!"

After speaking, he waved his hand down, and the merchants were stunned. There was no display of goods. Aren't there carts, light artillery, musketeers and spearmen below?However, there were also those who reacted quickly and figured out something, and were more concentrated, lest they missed a little bit of Wang Tong's words.

"This firecracker, this armor, this spear, this cart, and this cannon are all for sale!!"

Wang Tong said loudly again, the preaching on this venue was also the same as usual, and there were personal guards standing under the cart to help repeat the words. After saying this, the audience was quiet first, and then whispered. Someone understood A little, more people are still confused, don't know why.

Wang Tong looked at the expressions of the people below, smiled and nodded to one person, and asked:
"This bewildered look, does he not understand what the commander-in-chief said just now? There is no need to be so careful. This is not a blame. If there is something you don't understand, just ask!"

The person pointed out by Wang Tong was standing in front of the queue, and he looked very fearful at this moment. Seeing Wang Tong's kindness, he was relieved, hesitated for a while and asked:
"Xiaomin is stupid, Commander, Xiaomin and others are all good citizens, what's the use of these weapons?"

These words really spoke out the hearts of the people, Wang Tong nodded and said with a smile:
"Everyone, have you seen the rehearsal just now? If you have this large cart and these equipments, and walk on the grassland, even if there are horse thieves and small groups of Tartars harassing you, can you still defend well?"

There were a lot of people traveling around, so they could tell what the big cart and the firearm represented. When Wang Tong said this, everyone below nodded in agreement, showing a look of approval.

"You have traveled to northern Xinjiang to traffic in goods. Although the journey is long and hard, what are you most afraid of?"

The answers are very consistent. The most feared thing is the harassment of the Tartar horse thieves. As long as the goods can be trafficked to the north, it must be a huge profit, but it is really worrying about safety. Compared with making money and life and death, many people will naturally Considering life and death, Wang Tong continued to say loudly:
"Why is Guihua City important? Because you came out of Datong and came here to sell in Guihua City. You don't have to worry about horse thieves or harassment along the way. You can go on your way with peace of mind, right?"

Everyone nodded again, Wang Tong stretched out his hand on the carriage and pointed in all directions, and everyone looked along, but they didn't find anything. When they were confused, they heard Wang Tong say loudly:

"The grassland is so vast, are you limited to Guihua City? You worked hard to transport the goods to Guihua City, and the Tartars of Alda bought your goods and sold them to the Western Regions and Mobei. This is double or even several times the profit, don’t you want to earn so much gold and silver?”

When Wang Tong said something at the top, the merchants below discussed it in a low voice. Afterwards, no one commented. Everyone listened attentively, lest they missed a sentence.

"The grassland is so vast, I don't know how many tribes there are, these tribes are definitely willing to pay high prices to buy your goods, as long as you can do business with them, how much profit will you have, how much money you can make, I am an official, I seldom do business, so if you don’t know how to figure this out, you can figure it out yourself!”

When Wang Tong said this, the merchants all laughed. Anyone can calculate this account. It is really easy. How much to make is really laughable. Everyone usually sells goods to Guihua City, or directly Doing business with the Tartar tribes outside the frontier fortress is already making a lot of money. The profit is so high. Just like this, Guihua City can sell it again and make another profit. If you buy it directly, it will definitely It is earning more.

That's all for the small merchants, but the big merchants were extremely tempted. Wang Tong hadn't finished speaking, and just as the crowd quieted down, he said loudly again:
"How can your big cart and those guards you hire go so far? I'm afraid they will be robbed halfway. Not to mention making money, whether the corpse can return home is another matter?

This is all true. When these guards are attacked by Tartars and horse thieves, it is good to escort their employers away. Hiring them is a courageous thing. Horse thieves and captives have passed two hundred, and they have to resign themselves to fate.

"With this big cart, you can load more goods, and you can block the attacks of horse thieves and captives. With this gun and light artillery, you can repel them. With these, you can go Go farther, do business thousands of miles away, earn more silver, and maybe even more gold!"

After saying this, everyone laughed, but it happened to speak to the hearts of the businessmen. What Wang Tong said could indeed make them earn more.

Wang Tong said loudly there again:

"Everyone, this commander captured Guihua City and seized countless treasures, not to mention gold and silver treasures, the boundless fields outside the city, countless livestock, and even these people. You must know what kind of wealth this is. Just now when the commander-in-chief was walking among the crowd, he heard countless people sighing, hating himself for not coming earlier, and ended up making less money, didn’t he!?”

There was another burst of laughter, and Wang Tong said loudly again:
"Is this commander envious of you? It turns out that Niu Gengang, Pan Shengcai, Tian Daqian, etc. who were in the city, sent their own private soldiers to follow this commander's troops to defeat the enemy and captured countless. Do you envy them or not? They made a fortune Ah, I don’t know how much gold and silver, I don’t know how many livestock, some even snatched a dozen beautiful Mongolian girls, are you greedy!!? Regret it or not, do you regret that I came late, just now I was down there Let's go, the most heard is 'too late'."

The hall roared with laughter, and the merchants felt that this general was not only able to lead troops to fight, but also had a first-class eloquence. He said it in everyone's heart, and he said it so attractively.

Seeing other people getting rich, how can you not be envious when you come late? This is exactly the mentality of everyone. Wang Tong stretched out his hand to press down on the top, but the bottom immediately fell silent. Everyone was waiting for Wang Tong's next words, and Wang Tong raised his voice again. said:
"Guihua City has its own distribution, you can only buy and sell, but you can't get rich without capital, but don't be discouraged, the grassland is thousands of miles away, and the northern border is endless, and the commander-in-chief is just occupying it. In this small Guihua City, there are so many tribes, so many gold and silver treasures, people and livestock, all waiting for you. With this big cart and this firearm, you will not be able to go anywhere!! ?”

After Wang Tong said this sentence, there was no commotion and discussion like the previous words. It was still quiet below. Everyone was pondering what Wang Tong said. In fact, it was very simple, and everyone could understand it immediately. That is to say, there are so many tribes on the grassland, you can do business or rob them, and if you rob them, they are all yours.

This idea is really appalling. Except for the wealthy merchants of the Han people in Guihua City, the merchants from Shanxi can't change it for a while. After so many years, everyone has a fixed mindset. The Tartars on the grassland are the ones who rob people Yes, everyone can only do business as usual, and it would be too shocking to rob.

Moreover, the officials from the court should let everyone be good citizens and abide by the law. How to encourage everyone to rob is really incredible.

But there are also big businessmen who are touched. The grassland is a lawless place. Whoever has the strength can do whatever they want. Anyway, there is no law to control it. If there are these carts and weapons, on the grassland, those who cannot be looted will go. In business, what can be robbed is to rob. This is really a business that makes a lot of money.

"Commander, the grassroots are talking nonsense. The elite soldiers trained by the general are only useful with these household items. How can the grassroots use them? Taking this thing and walking in the northern border is not a gift for the Tartars!"

The words were funny, and someone laughed again, and the atmosphere became a little more relaxed. No one asked whether it was legal or not to rob something, and no one asked whether it was in compliance with the rules. On the contrary, someone asked whether this thing was useful. It's like it's useless, which means that everyone is tempted.

"I don't know if you have heard of the four words after-sales service. If you sell it and don't care about it, it's too black-hearted. Please rest assured that the carts and weapons that are sold are all taught and supervised by special personnel. Let you know how to use it, and use it well, and provide professional repairs, only charge everyone for the cost of artificial materials, and never make money!!"

It was quiet down there again, making such a promise, and in such a public place, there is no possibility of cheating, but everyone is also surprised, it is possible that this imperial envoy used to do business, how can he be so proficient in business clichés!
(End of this chapter)

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