Chapter 798
On the twelfth day of May, Wang Tong appeared in front of the gate of Si Yamen, the Commander of Jinyiwei. He entered and left the palace last night, but not many people saw him. Some of those who saw him spread the news, and some Most people didn't, and more people thought that Wang Tong would always rest for a few days when he came back, and would not be in such a hurry to come to the yamen to be on duty.

So after seeing Wang Tong's appearance, most people came forward to salute and say hello after being astonished. Rumors belong to rumors, and Wang Tong still has the official title of Commander of Jinyiwei and Tongzhi.

Wang Tong greeted him kindly, and walked towards the inside, before entering the duty room, there was a Jinyiwei Baihu who ran over quickly, and greeted him first from a distance.

However, Wang Tong recognized this person as a follower of Luo Sigong, the commander of Jinyiwei. With Wang Tong's current status, Luo Sigong should come to greet him, but a hundred families came. Pie, this is a little weird.

"Master Wang, Dutang sent a messenger to send a message. Dutang suddenly felt dizzy this morning, so he hurried home for treatment, saying that the errands of Jin Yiwei will be left to Mr. Wang in advance."

Wang Tong frowned, Jinyiwei is the most important department of the imperial court, and it is a major matter for the imperial court to command whoever will be in this position. Although it is a foregone conclusion that Wang Tong will be promoted to this position, Luo Sigong cannot be tolerated. Such a child's play.

Seeing Wang Tong's frown, the hundred households hastily took out a few official documents and sent them to them. After Wang Tong took them, the hundred households explained with a smile:

"Although Luo Dutang is not feeling well, he is afraid of delaying his official business. When he returns home, he will write a memorial to His Majesty and resign from office after recovering from his illness. This official document is to ask Mr. Wang to take care of our army's various errands. Sealed letters are kept in the value of Dutang. In the room, the adults need to use it, and the small ones will be delivered later."

Families have family rules, state-owned state laws, Jinyiwei and other yamen's powers and responsibilities change, there are certain rules, Luo Sigong has worked in Jinyiwei for generations, but it seems like a child's play.

Wang Tong frowned even deeper, but he still took the official document and glanced at it. It was nothing more than stating that he was suddenly ill, dizzy and unable to work. He was afraid of delaying his official business and disappointing the king, so he went back to recuperate first, and then let Wang Tong Taking the responsibility for it temporarily, he pinched the official documents to read, and suddenly felt sticky on his fingers. Looking carefully, the ink on these official documents was not dry, which was simply something that had just been written.

Looking at the handwriting, it was indeed the handwriting of Luo Sigong's staff, Wang Tong stared at the hundred households in front of him for a few moments, the heads of the hundred households were even lower, and their faces were full of obsequious smiles.

"I know, you should go back and report to Luo Dutang, and tell him to take care of his health, and the Japanese officials will visit him instead."

Hearing what Wang Tong said, the hundred households quickly stood up and left, as if they were receiving an amnesty, Wang Tong was a little puzzled, and looked back at Yang Sichen, who also shook his head, not knowing why.

Luo Sigong went to recuperate, Ren Datong, Yang Zhan and other Jinyiwei's acquaintances and Qianshi also disappeared, but counting the days, it's not a festival at all, it would be a coincidence if everyone had something to do.

Wang Tong sat down after he walked into the valet room, but Hou Zhen, who had been in charge of the department, came to ask for an interview. When Wang Tong first arrived at the Jinyiwei Yamen, this Hou was the first person to post it. He is diligent, and often comes to inform and deliver news.

Such a person already has the label of Wang Tong's faction. Wang Tong's return to the capital was very sudden. Hou Zhen didn't know it was normal, and the news of last night might not have reached him. It was normal for him not to know, but Wang Tongjin It is not right that Hou Zhen did not come to greet him when he passed the gate of the Si Yamen, the Commander of Jin Yiwei.

In the past when Hou Zhen came in, Wang Tong gave him a smile, but today he asked calmly:
"What's the matter with the experience department?"

Seeing Wang Tong's reaction, Hou Zhen was also a little embarrassed, but he adjusted quickly, and said with a smile:

"My subordinates would like to congratulate my lord on the great victory of the Northern Expedition. Your majesty will definitely reward you for such a great achievement. When the time comes, your lord will honor your ancestors and be rich and honored for several generations. Congratulations first!"

Hou Zhen could also feel the change in Wang Tong's attitude. When he said the second "Congratulations", he had already knelt on the ground and kowtowed with a smile. Wang Tong flipped through the document in his hand and asked without looking up:
"Has Luo Dutang been here today?"

Hou Zhen was taken aback, but he quickly replied:

"Luo Dutang came this morning, but just left in a hurry through the back door. Ren Tongzhi and Yang Qianshi did the same."

Wang Tong nodded, put the paper on the table, and said:
"You go back to your errands first, and the officer will call you if you have anything to do."

Hou Zhen could feel Wang Tong's indifference, but still smiled and kowtowed, and left respectfully.

When Na Hou really went out, Wang Tong said to Yang Sichen:

"I just came to this yamen, why are there so many weirdos, you go and ask our people to bring me a pot of tea."

Wang Tong also had his own eyes and ears inside Jinyiwei, but no one knew that these people were placed by Wang Tong. Since they didn't know, they wouldn't be wary of talking and doing a lot of things, so the information was collected naturally.

Yang Sichen led the order to go out, and after a short while, he greeted someone from outside, and a Jin Yiwei came in with a tea tray, he looked like an ordinary soldier, this kind of person was a servant in the yamen of the Jin Yiwei Commander, the most ordinary Yes, no one will notice at all.

When the soldier closed the door, Wang Tong asked straight to the point. The soldier put down the tea tray and stood with hands down, then replied in a low voice:

"My subordinates dare not speak nonsense, and I don't know why Luo Sigong and the other adults left in such a hurry."

Wang Tong was a little disappointed. The person in front of him answered in a normal manner, and there was nothing wrong with it. Just as he was about to send this person away, he heard the person say again:
"This subordinate previously heard from Master Luo's tea room that when delivering tea, someone reported that there were rumors in the city, which was quite detrimental to Sir and the Northern Expedition Army. After I heard it, I have never heard such a rumor again, and I dare not take it as a certainty. Today, my lord asked me, I don’t know if this matter has anything to do with it.”

Hearing what this person said, Wang Tong thought for a moment and then he understood the whole story, and said with a smile:

"You have done a good job in your errands, and you have a clear mind. If you do your errands well, you will not be treated badly in the future!"

The soldier hurriedly saluted and thanked him, and when the soldier withdrew and Yang Sichen came in, Wang Tong said with a smile:
"Mr. Yang works in the Jinyiwei yamen every day, but there are many things that he didn't see or hear. Do you know why Luo Sigong and the others left? They didn't stop the rumors that were raging in the capital. Whether it contributed to the flames or not is unknown.”

Hearing this, Yang Sichen quickly bowed to apologize, his face was quite ashamed, Wang Tong waved his hands, and said with a sneer:

"These people are looking forward to my downfall. If I arouse the suspicion of the superiors and my official position is taken away, so if there is anything that is against me, they will not only ignore it, but will push it back. Seeing me back now, I know everything It’s all useless, and I’m afraid I’ll embarrass them on the spot, so I’ll run away first!”

The news of Wang Tong's return did not spread widely. The officials who claimed to be rumors were actually the most ill-informed group of people, especially those scholars without official positions and ordinary people without fame.

Right now, what the common people talk about most is Lord Wang's great victory in northern Xinjiang. The people in the capital have all kinds of memories and stories about the Tartars who attacked the city of the capital. They have heard their parents or grandparents talk about it. It is an allusion that when they attacked the capital city, the forbidden army of the Yumajian attacked at several city gates and fought the Tartars to death.

When they thought of the Tartar army approaching the city, everyone was terrified. When Wang Tong sent troops, they were worried, and when the news was cut off, they cursed and hated them. I am really happy.

The news of the great victory has been spread to the capital for some time, but the discussions in the streets and alleys are still the same, the commentaries in the teahouses, the dramas in the theaters, whatever describes the great victory, will attract their heated discussions.

Compared with the joy of the folks, the places where scholars gather are quite different. Some relatively high-end teahouses, restaurants, guild halls, brothels, and some scholars' houses are all scholars. The place I like to go to, here is a completely different argument for Wang Tong's big victory this time.

In the beginning, he disregarded the safety of the world for the sake of his own achievements. In the middle period, the treacherous ministers finally got bad rewards and died at the hands of the Tartars, eliminating one harm for the Ming Dynasty. Up to now, Wang Tong takes credit for himself, indulges his subordinates to harm the local area, and is ambitious , will be a disaster for the country
There are also enthusiastic scholars who said that Wang Tong's move greatly increased the country's prestige, which is really like the Han and Tang Dynasties. Those who say this will be criticized and criticized immediately, and they will be accused of being insane.

Among the Suzhou guild halls in the capital, the discussion on this is the most enthusiastic. Scholars who come to Beijing come many mornings, make a pot of tea, and start talking about the world. These days, listening to the lectures of the two Qingliu has become a must. In the program, these two scholars are disciples of Yan Shangshu of the Ministry of Officials. One is in the Ministry of Rites and the other is in the Ministry of Household Affairs.

People like this, everyone is willing to praise them, and they will be favored by others. It may be beneficial in the future, and these two people are really good at speaking, and what they say is also to everyone's appetite. Wang Tong is a lowly military official who relies on crooked ways to curry favor with the Holy One. There are such high-ranking officials, and there are such achievements.

"Students, Wang Tong is a wolf with ambition. Why did he indulge in military discipline after he returned from a great victory? This is where his conspiracy lies, everyone."

The impassioned speech was about to begin, and everyone gathered around. Just after saying a few words, someone shouted outside:

"Is it Zhang Boyu, Li Guangting?"

Everyone followed the voice and looked over, a few Jinyi guards were standing outside——
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(End of this chapter)

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