Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 943 Looking at the scenery at the inn

Chapter 943 Looking at the scenery at the inn (I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival)

There is also a big inn in Ningxia town, Wang Tong and his group are the same as the previous few times, they will book a big inn to live in as usual, it doesn't take long to get from the city gate to the inn, but Wang Tong and the others actually dodged three times.

Just like the other side of the city gate, there are servants and guards of the Xiao family passing by arrogantly. Pedestrians and business travelers always have to avoid it, or they will cause trouble.

The end of the new year is approaching. Except for some wealthy merchants from the Western Regions who are still in the city, there are no foreign merchants. Wang Tong and others can find an inn of sufficient size to live there. Go call the guys who went back for New Years.

The shopkeeper of the inn has enough eyesight to welcome and send them off, he can also see that Wang Tong's business is probably fake, and wandering is the real thing.

"Guest officer, it seems that you have just come to the Northwest. Ningxia Town is the head of the border town, but the most prosperous place is not here. I want to go to the Changcheng Pass and Gaoping Fort at the rear of Ningxia, which is next to the Huama Pond. The salt merchants from Shaanxi and Tartar are all staying there, and they have everything to eat, drink and have fun, which is much better than here.”

When they came from Yan'an Mansion and walked through Qingtong Gorge, the idle man who led the way said the same thing.

For inland merchants, there is no big difference between transporting goods here and to the grasslands. The benefits of border trade are far less lucrative than those border towns in the east. The most profitable here in Ningxia Town is Chiyan. Ningxia Town is close to several salt lakes. , the salt produced in the lake was of the highest quality in this era, the so-called snowflake fine salt.

Whether the salt is trafficked to the grassland or to Shaanxi, there are quite high profits. People cannot live without salt. If they can control the salt pond, many tribes on the grassland will seek refuge.

Both Changcheng Pass and Gaoping Fort are fortresses on the side walls, and Yanchi is nearby. As long as Ningxia Town has enough force, Yanchi can be controlled. There is a son of the Xiao family, that is, Xiaoyun, the adopted son of Xiaobai, who is doing guerrilla attacks there. , guarding the local area, the armed forces of the Qi family and the soldiers and horses of Ningxia have obvious advantages over the Hetao tribes, and Yanchi is naturally under their control.

According to Jin Yiwei's investigation, after the Jia family took control of Yanchi, their strength began to swell as a governor. Of course, their ambitions also followed.

Although Ningxia's defenders are rich and the economic lifeline of Ningxia as a whole, but it's not here, and Wang Tong doesn't care about it now, he just said to the shopkeeper:

"I'm planning to go to the west after the first month, and I don't have anything to worry about in Yanchi."

"Guest officer, I'm going to Hamiwei and Yilibali to have a look. It's not bad. In the past two years, many businessmen from Ming Dynasty have gone to do business!"

The people who run the inn are all well-informed, let alone Ningxia, an important town in the northwest. In fact, there are deserts and mountains on the way to Ningxia Wei, so it is a detour, but it is just a few small talk, no one will take it seriously.

After settling down here, some of the guards changed into their clothes and went out. The Chinese New Year was approaching, and the shopkeepers and clerks of the inn were short of manpower. There were more than a hundred people and so many horses, and they couldn't pay attention to everyone's actions. Seeing the dress of this guard, he will definitely be shocked.

Wearing a sheepskin jacket inside out and a leather hat, he is completely dressed like a local, and he can't tell anything unusual when walking on the street.

If the Xiao family was really doing something, the yamen of thousands of households stationed in Jinyiwei must be closely watched, and communication and communication must be cautious, otherwise there may be trouble.

It was not only the disguised bodyguard who went out, but also a few people who left the inn in the name of wandering. It is not uncommon for outsiders to go out and take a look when they come.

There are several large commercial firms inside and outside the town of Ningxia. Although they are not merchants in the Sanjiang system, they are connected with the Guihua merchant group. It is necessary to tell them your identity when you go there, just to say that if there is a caravan from Guihua , Let them go to a certain inn to say hello and contact Yunyun.

The business of merchants and naturalized business groups in various places may not notify the local branch of the relevant firm. This kind of thing is also common, and the local branch always needs to assist.

After making these arrangements, Wang Tong led a few confidantes to walk around the inn. This is no different from watching the battle before the battle. When people are in different places, they must always be prepared to deal with all kinds of emergencies. In such a situation, it is better to be familiar with the terrain than necessary, and you can't be blinded by the imminent situation.

Along the way, we had meals and slept in the open. When we came here, we had to arrange things first. It was hard to go back to the inn. The chef of the inn also went home to celebrate the New Year, but the food was simple. The sheep were cleaned up and boiled in the pot, and they were cut into large pieces for sharing. Others There is nothing more than pickles and bread.

The people in the store were a little puzzled when they saw Wang Tong and the others' delicious food. Although they were full of travel and dust, Wang Tong's clothes, horses and luggage looked like first-class luxury merchants, and their accent was obviously from the east. Come on, it stands to reason that Ningxia's rough food should not be used to it, but everyone didn't care. He didn't expect that when he went to Guihua City in Datong, Shanxi, he would eat the same food.

After eating, he simply washed up, and Wang Tong was about to go to sleep. On the first day, what else could he do? He also drank a glass of wine while eating, and his body was exhausted, and he felt drowsy when his head touched the pillow.

It didn't take long to close his eyes, but he heard a commotion outside, which woke Wang Tong up from his sleep, and immediately reached for the handle of the knife.

After waking up and listening carefully, the noise was outside the inn, and there were shouts and yells mixed in. They spoke the local dialect of Ningxia, but it was not too different from the official dialect. The noise was the usual provocation and insults before a fight.

"Master, it's two groups of people outside the inn who are fighting!"

A guard whispered a report from outside. Wang Tong tidied up his clothes a bit, stuffed the short gun under his robe, put on a waist knife and went out. After going out, he asked:

"The garrison is opposite here, and there are people who dare to fight in front of the official gate?"

The town of Ningxia is not big, and these big inns are located in the central area of ​​the city. The central area is generally the residential area of ​​the rich and the rich and the government offices are located here. The patrolling and defense of the city itself.

Some of the border towns do not have civilian government officials, but are all managed by generals. This guard post is actually the local official of Ningxia town. In addition to guarding, it is also responsible for public security and robbery. Fighting, even ordinary local government officers and police officers will not let it go, let alone such soldiers with knives, isn't this courting death?

When Wang Tong asked this, the guard outside naturally knew what it meant, and the guard replied with a rather strange expression:
"My lord, it was the officers and soldiers of the Garrison who fought with the people of the Qi family!"

Wang Tong was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and smiled, and said:
"Go up and see!"

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, the big inn is built with two floors, facing the street to fill the scene. When I walked to the front, I saw the shopkeeper yelling at the guys to put up the door and close the door, and complained in a low voice:
"It's almost New Year's Eve and there's no rest. Playing in the twelfth lunar month. Look at it. It's going to be playing in the first month. When you're full, go back to sleep with your wife. What are you doing here?"

Cursing, it was a commonplace appearance, and I went over here to say something, and the shopkeeper hurriedly led Wang Tong up with a smile, and said as he walked:
"The guest officer doesn't know that Ningxia Township was originally a peaceful place. Who would have thought that starting in July this year, there would be some kind of evil in the city. They would be beaten every two days. The people under the governor beat them, and they also fought with the people in this garrison. Once they beat them, it was a mess, and they stopped doing business. They were rushed in in October and broke a lot of things. Now when they see that they are going to fight, they simply The door was closed first."

Hearing what he said, Wang Tong suddenly realized, no wonder he saw wounds on the faces of the soldiers guarding the city when he entered the city gate, that's how he felt.

Go upstairs and enter the room facing the street. At this time in Ningxia, there are thick cotton curtains on the windows, and it is quite troublesome to lower the curtains. Unload it, open the window, and there is already a fight outside.

Fortunately, it was winter, so there was not much dust on the ground, and it could be clearly seen from above. The two groups of people had already fought into a ball on the street in front of the inn.

The garrison is a place of thousands of households, the officers and soldiers are naturally wearing uniforms, while the members of the Qian family are all dressed in leather robes and commoners, dressed like ordinary servants, the two sides did not use any swords, most of them were holding wooden sticks And whips, more punches and kicks.

Looking at it from above, the two groups can be easily distinguished. Ma Sanbiao looked at it for a while, and said in a low voice:

"There are so many people in the guard station!"

Anyone who pokes their heads out can see clearly that there are fewer people in the garrison and more people in the defense station, but in a fight, the people from the garrison have the upper hand. The opponent, after three punches and two kicks, will be put on the ground.

The shopkeeper at the back didn't bother to watch the excitement, so he explained behind:
"These people from the Xiao family are looking for trouble everywhere, and they still have fewer people and beat more people, and they don't suffer any disadvantages. They have to walk sideways in this city. If you have the time to go out and shoot a few sheep and return for money, it's good to stay here. What are you fighting for, is there no place to use all your strength?"

"It's not surprising that a servant can fight like this."

Wang Tong muttered something in a low voice, then turned around and asked:

"The garrisons are all like servants, the shopkeeper, is it like this when you fight with the chief soldier?"

"The commander-in-chief can't do it either. Those who were beaten hid in the commander-in-chief's mansion and didn't dare to come out. Now they don't dare to wear uniforms when they go out on the street. They are very soft-hearted.

What the shopkeeper said was quite disdainful, Wang Tong smiled and nodded, several people by the window exchanged glances, Chen Dahe said in a low voice:
"The family is standing up for power"

"And this Willy is pretty good."

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(End of this chapter)

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