Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 945 What does Wang Tong want to deal with?

Chapter 945 What does Wang Tong want to deal with?

It is indeed impossible to know so many details just by reading the local reports in the capital. Originally, the capital only knew that the family was unstable and wanted to do something big. Now there is another Liu Dongyang.

Next, it was Li Baihu who systematically introduced the affairs of the entire Ningxia town to Wang Tong. Li Baihu was also a little puzzled, whether Dutang was here for business or for pleasure, how could he have nothing to do with the local affairs? You need to know everything.

"You go back and arrange for two trustworthy people to come to this inn to work, and send letters to report at any time."

At the end of Wang Tong's words, Li Baihu bowed in response.

The inn I stayed at suddenly received so many people from Wang Tong during the New Year’s Eve, and the clerks were very short of staff. Some clerks who went back to celebrate the New Year lived far away and went back early. It would be troublesome to call, but they are too busy now. It's been all over the place, but the Chinese New Year is not the time to find someone to work for. Many things in the inn are done by people from Wang Tong's side.

Under such circumstances, it is estimated that the inn will be thankful for arranging two people to come and work, and there will be no traces of it.

After Li Baihu left, Wang Tong didn't call everyone, but arranged for the night watchman to continue to sleep, get a good rest first, and talk about other things tomorrow.

Waking up the next day, it was already the 29th of the twelfth lunar month. Wang Tong got up late, which is rare. He had eaten enough yesterday and slept in a warm place. His spirit seemed to have been washed by water, and he was in a much better state.

After breakfast, I went out for a walk, but I heard the shopkeeper say thankfully:
"It's really time for you guys to come here. It's an emergency. You don't have to worry about wages, board and lodging. The first month is definitely better than what you eat at home!"

This should be the person who arranged to come here. Wang Tong and the others gave enough money, so the shopkeeper was naturally willing to spend money to recruit, and the room and board were also given preferential treatment.

Not long after, Sha Dongning came to report and said:
"Master Hou, there are three newcomers in the store, and they have given the password of Jin Yiwei to the subordinates, and the subordinates have come to report to Master Hou."

Wang Tong nodded, which was a confirmation that the order from last night was carried out. Sha Dongning was about to go out after saluting, but Wang Tong stopped him and told him to go outside and call some people in.

Tan Dahu, Tan Erhu, Sun Pengju, Qi Wu, Han Gang, Chen Dahe, Li Xiaobiao, Bao Erxiao, and Sha Dongning just entered the room together.

"Benhou remembers an allusion. It is said that during Emperor Wuzong's time, King Ning rebelled. Although Wang Shouren used regiment training to suppress it, Emperor Wuzong still led an army to the south of the Yangtze River for fun, and ordered Wang Shouren to keep the news of King Ning secret. , and then the army stopped in Nanchang, and many stories happened, who can tell a few?"

The various absurdities and romantic affairs of Emperor Zhengde are one of the main sources of folk stories in the Ming Dynasty from the Jiajing year to the Wanli year in the past hundred years. Many people have heard of it. It is the special existence of Wang Tong. This impression is not deep.

When Wang Tong asked, everyone was a little stunned, but they quickly realized that Chen Dahe said:
"Master Hou, do you mean that Zhang Yong and Jiang Bin sent people to provoke Wang Shouren, and Wang Shouren shot arrows on horseback, and all three arrows hit the bull's-eye?"

Wang Tong shook his head, Bao Erxiao pondered for a while, and then said:

"Is Hou Ye talking about Emperor Zhengde and some ladies in Nanchang City? No, my subordinates have made a mistake."

Bao Er knew something was wrong after writing two lines of the novel, coughed twice, the young Li Xiaobiao couldn't help laughing, Qi Wu also asked:
"What Hou Ye said is that Jiang Bin thinks that the northern soldiers are strong, but Wang Shouren chooses short and elite fighters who are good at martial arts, and goes to the northern army to provoke them all day long. The soldiers of the northern army suffer too much from these elite southern soldiers. unruly heart"

Before he finished speaking, Wang Tong clapped his hands and said:
"This is it."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking that Master Hou did something unexpected, and came to investigate the family's misconduct, how could it involve the allusion of Emperor Wuzong's going to the south of the Yangtze River.

"What do you think, what are the townspeople in Ningxia doing now?"

Wang Tong asked.

In Nanchang, Wang Shouren used the elite soldiers of the South to provoke the frontier soldiers led by Jiang Bin, demonstrating the strength of the soldiers of the South, so that Jiang Bin, who was in charge of the four towns, did not dare to have any changes.

This family has provoked many times in the town of Ningxia, went to fight with the general soldier of Ningxia town, the governor of Ningxia town, and the officers and soldiers of the town garrison, and beat them into a mess. On the one hand, it is to let the soldiers of other forces know how powerful it is, and on the other hand, it is to let the people of all ethnic groups in the city know how powerful the city is.

Seeing the high-ranking governor and the personal guards of the commander-in-chief being beaten so embarrassingly all day long, and seeing the town and city garrison that maintains law and order being beaten so embarrassingly all day long, in this frontier fortress that advocates force, who would Will respect their authority, who will pay attention to what laws, everyone will definitely respect the family more and more.

Moreover, there are many foreigners coming and going in the city. Let these foreigners see what is going on in the city. When there is trouble, there will be many people who follow Jing Cong.

Thinking about it, that's the reason. A foreign military general in the northwest border town, or a local tyrant, wouldn't have any clever schemes. It's pretty good to be able to come up with this idea.

Otherwise, the Xiao family has been tossing around in the city since June, and there is no explanation. I have never heard that it took such a long time to make trouble.

While talking, I heard someone shouting outside:
"Go to Jingshui Street to watch the fight, the people from the Xiao family are fighting with the general soldiers!!"

Someone yelled, the street was bustling with activity, and then it became a lot quieter, and I thought I went to watch the play.

After Wang Tong and the others finished explaining, the guards thought about it for a while, and their faces showed suddenly realized expressions. The messy things that happened in the town of Ningxia completely made sense in this way.

"In and out of Ningxia town is very loose. It seems that the people in the garrison were beaten to shame. Others saw them as useless and gradually lost face. But the fortresses along the way are strictly guarded. That's why they should know the news. Strict vigilance, after all chaos, they are the first to suffer."

Qi Wu opened his mouth to analyze and said, Wang Tong nodded in agreement, patted his thigh with his hand, pondered for a while, and then said:
"In this way, it may not be appropriate for us to enter the town of Ningxia in secret. However, we are not familiar with the place with our strength, and we can't do much in this city."

Wang Tong asked and answered questions here, and everyone dared not speak out, but at this moment, he heard the shopkeeper outside respectfully say:
"Master Wang, the shop went to the market today to buy some food and goods for the Elder Master and his party to use during the first month. There are too many things and the shop is understaffed. I am really worried if the Grand Master can arrange someone to help."

The shopkeeper of this inn has dealt with Wang Tong's side for a few days, and he can see that Wang Tong's side is easy to talk to. There must be a lot of food and supplies for more than a hundred people in the first month, and Wang Tong will not care about it. , The conversation in the room has also reached a stage, Wang Tong arranged for Bao Erxiao to go and find someone.

Wang Tong asked the smart people under him to go wandering on the street, to drink tea, drink and see the scenery as they please, but the purpose is to get as much news as possible and understand what happened.

Wang Tong was in the middle of the inn, waiting for news from various places and people who came, that is, Bao Erxiao just went out here, the shopkeeper went back and forth, and brought in a foreigner, who could see the shopkeeper The expression was a bit more respectful, but this foreigner was the shopkeeper of a big business in Ningxia, well-known in and out of the city, such a person still politely asked to see Wang Tong, which showed that Wang Tong's status was extraordinary.

After chatting for a few words, the foreigner said goodbye. Ningxia was cold in winter, and although the house was warm, it was stuffy. Wang Tong didn't want to stay in the house for too long, and it was more comfortable to practice martial arts outside.

Wang Tong hadn't gone out yet, but Bao Erxiao, who had just gone to arrange someone, came back, and when he came in, he reported solemnly:
"Master Hou, when I went to help just now, I saw that this inn bought a lot of salt, which was almost enough for a year's consumption. I asked the shopkeeper why, and the shopkeeper explained that the price of salt had dropped a lot. Opportunity to buy more, otherwise who knows when it will rise."

Oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar, this is really a trivial matter. Why did you report it to Wang Tong specifically under this situation? What kind of money is earned, such an anomaly, there must be something strange.

"The subordinates also asked other people, saying that the price of salt in the city was going to rise at this time of year, but they didn't expect that many Tatars came in to sell salt this time, and the price of salt dropped like this. The shopkeeper also said that the Tatars in the past Who would have thought that the sun would come out from the west now.”

"You are familiar with salt, go and find out now, what's going on!?"

Wang Tong gave the order in a deep voice, and Bao Erxiao quickly bowed to accept the order and hurried away.

The innkeeper was really surprised on the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month. Several big businessmen from outside Ningxia town sent people to meet Wang Tong. In the past, they couldn't see these big businessmen when they wanted to see them, but today they are all It's really rare to deal with him, but how sacred is this old man, it really makes the innkeeper curious.

He didn't notice that these people's attitudes towards Wang Tong were extremely respectful, and every time Wang Tong saw one, the dignity on his face became less serious.

Bao Erxiao's family has a long history, so he naturally understands the sales channels of private salt and official salt in the city, but he is not familiar with the place where he lives, so he wanders around until the afternoon and comes back to report:
"Master Hou, the price of salt at Huamachi has dropped by [-]%, and it is allowed to be bought and used by the Tartar tribes. It is said that it may be given away for nothing in the future."

Wang Tonglue sneered as soon as he pondered:

"Eli is moving, you go and call the two people sent by the local Jinyiwei!"

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(End of this chapter)

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