Chapter 947

In ordinary street fights, a few brave fighters are let go, or even don't need to be let go. After suffering a loss, the people behind will scatter like birds and beasts.

The servants of the Xiao family are naturally different, and they are all people who have seen life and death. Street fights are often life-and-death, and no one escapes.

Not to mention that Qi Wu, Han Gang, Sun Pengju and other tall and strong men can fight against each other, even Li Xiaobiao, who is thin and weak in one-on-one, will not suffer, and even have the upper hand.

The more than 30 family servants who watched the battle already saw that it was not easy to join the battle, but even if they joined, the number of them was still smaller than that of Jin Yiwei.

If one is defeated, Jin Yiwei will be able to spare manpower to besiege the other. If the fight continues like this, the numerical advantage will become more and more obvious, gradually forming the most suspenseful siege. On the scene, four or five people often fight around one person, and everyone fights. It's quite measured, but there are no decent fights along the way, and this kind of fist-to-body, unrelated life-and-death hand-to-hand combat is enjoyable, so you don't have to worry about anything, and you can exert your strength even more. .

It didn't take much effort, none of the people sent by the Xiao family stood still, Ma Sanbiao was darting behind, and then seeing his hands itching, he rushed in directly, knocked one over with his fist, and then looked up to find someone, There was no one there, and Shi Qi yelled and said:

"Brothers, your subordinates have a sense of proportion. If you kill someone, you will be in trouble!"

Ma Sanbiao kicked everyone around him casually, spit it up again, and cursed disdainfully:
"Looking at your arrogance in the city, do you think it's some kind of superficial character, just this virtue?"

After someone in the distance reacted from the shock, he turned around and ran away, and ran away. There was someone hitting the house here, and someone must have tipped off the news, so Jin Yiwei didn't bother to pay attention to it.

It is said that it is Chinese New Year, and it is the center of the city, and there are so many people there, so it shouldn't be so quiet and deserted, but in fact, it is like this at this time. Apart from the painful groans of those people on the ground, the surrounding people are all It was completely silent, with a look of astonishment and disbelief on his face.

In the northwest, especially in Ningxia Town, there are various ethnic groups. The Han people are also fierce and aggressive in the frontier for a long time, and the Mongolian people are also brave and ruthless. Wei, who has been battle-hardened and has an official status, has taken the lead in viciousness.

Needless to say those small conflicts in the past, starting from June of the 14th year of Wanli, the Jiajia Ding almost defeated all other official and civilian forces in the city, and won a complete victory.

The people watching the excitement in Ningxia town didn't feel anything at first, but later they felt very happy. The Xiao family was regarded as one of Ningxia's own people, and this person led them to beat up those foreign officials, and they felt motivated when they saw it.

Usually, the soldiers and the standard battalion in the hands of the governor are also arrogant in the town of Ningxia. After being beaten, they are much more honest and relieved.

Jinyiwei Qianhu, stationed in Ningxia, behaved low-key, but they used to be jerks. They came here in the first month of the 15th year of Wanli to teach them a lesson. It happened to be Chinese New Year to watch a movie. Many people were going to see Jinyiwei's distressed appearance. With such a result, everyone was dumbfounded.

"What are you looking at, Xiaoju Street, aren't you afraid of Wang Fa?"

Chen Dahe got Wang Tong's order and yelled loudly. After the fight just now, Jin Yiwei's power in the eyes of these idlers increased greatly. After being yelled at, many people trembled and immediately rushed away.

"The people around Du Tang are all tigers and wolves!"

The word "tiger wolf" is a standard compliment here, but this Liu Jilin has also followed Wang Tong for many years. Wang Tong nodded with a smile and said:
"We Jinyiwei are warriors. Don't relax yourself when you are on errands. When the next wave comes, show me your next activity."

"Subordinates obey!"

This Dutang of his family is straightforward, Liu Jilin knows it well, this is also a test, to see his martial arts skills, he pondered for a while, followed Wang Tong who was walking in, and said in a low voice:

"Dutang is full of calculations. We only have more than 200 people here. Let alone more than 400 people inside and outside the city. If there is really trouble, is Dutang a rich man?"

"Don't worry, since I live in this city, these things have already been thought out!"

Wang Tong said that he was full of confidence. This group of people suffered a loss in the morning, and it was much quieter in front of the Jinyiwei Thousand Household Yamen, but those people dispersed for about half an hour in the morning, with sneaky looks, and more "pedestrians" poking around However, Mo Zhigen and the others were sitting on the wall with shochu and dried meat, and their bows and arrows were standing aside. They didn't move, they just watched the people wandering below.

Sha Dongning and a few young people sat at the door, seeing the appearance in front of the door, couldn't help but sneered and said:
"The old men who raise horses in our house can see this appearance, what kind of spies are you?"

The voice was loud, and the one who was close could hear clearly, but hurried away to avoid it, as if he had been discovered something strange, this action made Sha Dongning and his group laugh again.

People at this age like to fight bravely and fiercely. The fight in the morning made them very excited. They were all chatting there to relieve the excitement. A young man said:
"Brother Sha, didn't you say you still want to fight? Why haven't you seen anyone yet?"

"What are you in a hurry for? Those Tartars must have been stunned after suffering a loss. They came so soon. I heard that Liu Qianhu invited a cook from the city to give our brothers a good meal. Along the way, pancakes and mutton are eaten every day, and the food fades away.”

Immediately, everyone's attention turned to the good Chinese New Year meal, and they discussed happily, and the day really passed quietly.

In the evening, Liu Jilin arranged to watch the spies of the Xiao family as a reward, saying that the Xiao family was rewarding their subordinates, and several places outside the city and inside the city were full of wine and meat. During the new year, everyone is lively and lively.

Although he judged that nothing happened, he dared not be careless. Wang Tong still ordered his subordinates not to drink, but the food was indeed much better than the monotonous and rough road.

There are still people coming and going from several big companies that have made a pre-greet greeting. Some people come to the door in the name of giving gifts to Jin Yiwei and pass on the news. Outsiders see it. It's not a big deal for businessmen from all over the world to come to burn incense.

Wang Tong's personal guards are fearless, but Liu Jilin, a thousand households of Jinyiwei, has been in charge of errands outside for a long time, and he has been more careful. In his opinion, no matter what, a person with such a valuable status is in danger. The responsibility is very heavy and cannot be neglected in the slightest.

Resting at night, Liu Jilin and his cronies were on duty at night in shifts, taking precautions carefully, but there was no movement all night, and the town of Ningxia was still in a festive atmosphere.

The next morning, after eating a full meal and taking a nap, the refreshed Wang Tong and the others finished washing. Liu Jilin, a thousand households of Jinyiwei, came to report with bloodshot eyes:
"Dudang, people from the family outside are here again. This time the people here are similar to us, and there are many more idlers watching the fun than yesterday."

Wang Tong smiled and said:
"If the people of the Xiao family want to show their bravery, they naturally have to be about the same number as us. He is unwilling to have a large number of people now. Do you have any weapons?"

"No, this subordinate found someone to hang out with the idlers to have a closer look!"

Wang Tong nodded. He was also wearing Jinyiwei's uniform today, and he was going out to exercise his hands and feet. He shook his wrists and said loudly:
"Today is still a majestic formation, the rear team should pay attention, if the enemy uses their weapons to fight back immediately, the rest, everyone, let's fight hard!!"

The people below agreed abruptly, with joyful expressions on their faces, Jin Yiwei Qianhu Liu Jilin was also wearing the uniform of an ordinary soldier. Hearing this, he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

There is a lot of swearing outside, and the strategy of the Xiao family is actually very cautious. He controls these fights within the scope of the private fights of the young and strong below, and will not be listed on the line, but can affect the locals a little bit. Judging and inciting emotions is a very good strategy, but for Wang Tong and his group right now, it suits their intentions.

Wang Tong heard the scolding outside, smiled and said again:

"You guys will scold them, scold them back, and make them angry!"

Although the crowd said that many of them came from wealthy generals, but they fought against the reckless in the army, so there was nothing to be said about being polite, and they did not dare to be presumptuous under military discipline. What Wang Tong said, let them "show their strengths".

The folk customs in the Northwest are relatively simple, and it can't compare with this group of well-informed guards. When the door is opened and they exchange a few words, the servants of the Xiao family are no match at all.

Wang Tong raised his head and glanced at Mo Zhigen and Batu who were still on the wall. They both shook their heads there. It seemed that the people outside did not have any weapons.

Fighting is fighting, but safety is still an issue. Just as Wang Tong was about to give an order, Chen Dahe ran over from the other side, leaned over and said in a low voice:
"Master Hou, there is a group of people on the west side of the road that don't look like idlers."

Liu Jilin hurriedly sent someone over to take a look, and soon gave the answer, reporting:
"Dutang, Chengen pretended to come over to look."

Wang Tong shook his head and smiled:

"In the end, it's superficial. I just lost for a while, so I can't hold back."

After commenting, Wang Tong raised his arm and said:
"Have a good time!!"

Everyone agreed loudly, and rushed out of the courtyard gate. There was a slight pause, but it was a little different from yesterday. More people formed the front team, roaring and rushing forward!

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(End of this chapter)

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