Peerless concubine pharmacist

Chapter 1344 Ah 3 Breaks In Suddenly

Chapter 1344 Ah San Breaks In Suddenly
Zi Nian and Luo Yue walked in.

It didn't attract much attention, there were too many mages here, and no one paid special attention to the lack of inscriptions on the back of their hands.

Before they got to the counter, many underworld masters rushed forward. It turned out that the underworld masters came out slowly.

There is a teacher's character printed on the back of this mage's hand, and the handwriting is more transparent. He will not let his sleeves cover the back of his hand, revealing the teacher's character, showing it to everyone and to himself. This is an honor symbol of.

In the underworld, subordinates respect their superiors very much, because it is a symbol of understanding and ability.

"Master Mingshi, what tasks are released today?" A Mingshi asked with a smile on his face.

"You have done a lot of tasks in a row, why are you so active during this time?" Mingshi asked.

"I need money recently. I want to marry a woman and go home." The ghost said shyly.

"Tsk tsk, there is something good in this. Money is beauty. Today's task is counted on you." Master Ming said with a smile.

The underworld master seemed quite easy-going.

"Master Mingshi, today's task is also counted as me. I want to advance quickly and improve myself." Another Mingshi said anxiously.

"Enterprising, you are one of them. But don't be too tired, it will be counterproductive. You have done a lot of tasks in a row. After finishing this, you should take a proper rest. This is the principle of sharpening a knife and chopping firewood." Ming Ming The teacher said very responsibly.

Everyone has a pleasant face and rarely quarrels, but they also want to do more tasks, for fear that they will not complete this wave of tasks.

"Don't worry, mages, there are quite a lot of tasks today. I think it's not enough for all of you to be human, and it's very challenging. Everyone has a share." The mage announced.

These mages can rest assured.

Luoyue and Zi Nian both like the atmosphere of the underworld, and they can only know it when they come here in person. It is not at all like the underworld described by the world and the fairy world, so much horror and ferocity, evil and insidiousness.

On the contrary, it seems easier to survive here.People are also kinder.

It can be seen that Pluto's level of governance is much stronger than that of the emperor.

At this time, a hurried shout interrupted the enthusiastic atmosphere of everyone scrambling to do the task.

Looking back, a person staggered out of the door, and he was the one who yelled loudly. Before he could say too much, the whole person had already fainted on the ground, with several wounds on his body, bleeding profusely. The bottom of the body is already bright red...

"Ah San!" One of the mages knew him and hurried over to help him up. The others also helped to feed him, wipe his face, and stop the bleeding. They all wanted to know what was going on.

What, what, and who hurt Ah San like this.

Everyone's complexion was not very good, and the entire trade union fell silent in an instant.

Because everyone knows that Ah San went to a mission released three months ago, and there were a total of [-] people who went to participate in that mission, and none of them came back...

He was the only one, with only half his life left.

That task was too difficult and dangerous, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

"My hemostatic medicine can't stop Ah San's blood!" A ghost said anxiously, he was also stained with his blood.

"I've never seen this wound before, it's triangular! Try the hemostatic medicine I made myself." Another magician took out his own medicine and applied it on him without hesitation, but Ah San's bleeding still didn't stop .

"Let me take a look." The underworld master came over, and all the underworld scholars gave way.I saw the underworld master carefully inspecting the wound

(End of this chapter)

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