Chapter 1847
No one else fell asleep.

Shui Lang looked at the stars and the moon in the sky wistfully, and his mood was hard to calm down. Although he was not excited, it was like ripples in the lake, touching your heart one after another.

Let your heart cannot be truly safe.

Shui Lang was walking on the grass in a daze, when a shadow appeared next to him, it was Leng Yanlong, and he was also dazed.

"Hi, haven't slept yet..." Shui Lang greeted unnaturally.

"Yes, a little bit, can't sleep, and you haven't slept either?" Leng Yanlong said.

The two stopped separately, with a distance of one meter, neither far nor near.

Close can be intimate, far can be long and mighty.

"Well, I can't sleep anymore..." Shui Lang said.

"Me too..." Leng Yanlong said.

They didn't even want to get to the point, they just exchanged greetings and were polite, sometimes looking at the bright moon and stars in the sky, sometimes looking at the darkness at hand, and the endless grass...

"How's your dinner..." Leng Yanlong asked.His heart is also tangled, confused, hesitant, hesitant, and unknowable about the future, but at this moment, the feeling of being with the other party is very good, and he enjoys this feeling very much, even if it is just a few words.

This is irreplaceable by other people and other things.

"Well, it's okay, how about you, I rarely see you eating seafood..." Shui Lang asked.

"It's rare, it's delicious..." Leng Yanlong knew in his heart that almost everything he ate had the same taste, and he ate some at night just to sit at the same table with him... But these words couldn't be uttered .

"There are still a lot of fish and shrimp in our frozen lake. If you like it, next time you catch one yourself, let the skeleton hand grill it on the ancient shipwreck with the thousand-year-old black ice. It must taste very good... cold and crisp. "Shui Lang said.

"Okay, then it's settled." Leng Yanlong's heart felt sad, and the word "cold and crisp" was spinning in his heart. Although he couldn't distinguish the taste of food, he could clearly distinguish between hot and cold, crisp and tough. Among them, he liked it the most. Cold and crisp, maybe because there is also a word cold in the name.

"Well, definitely." Shui Lang turned his head and smiled tenderly at him.

Leng Yanlong hurriedly avoided his eyes, he was really afraid that he would not be able to get out if he watched it, and he was really afraid that he would expose his heart...

Because, Shui Lang, he is so beautiful...

He was beautiful in the past, but now, he is even more beautiful, the beauty from the bottom of his heart.

Both of them are unwilling to break the existing pattern, they both enjoy the feeling of not being far or near at this moment...

It is said that this is one of the three most beautiful feelings in the world.

They did it.

"Look, the meteor..." Leng Yanlong stood up, pointing his fingers in the direction of the sky.

"Make a wish." Shui Lang clasped his hands piously, muttering to himself, wishing all lovers in the world will finally get married.

Seeing his appearance, Leng Yanlong followed suit, and made a pious and earnest wish. This is probably the first wish in his life. It turned out to be that others would be better than himself and be happier than himself.

After making a wish, Leng Yanlong smiled happily.Giving is the beginning of all passions.

The figures of the two people are silently waiting on the grass of the dark island...

Looking at the two of them like this, there is another guy who tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, of course it was a skeleton hand.

He was lying on the grass with a grass in his mouth, and he was still talking secretly: "The dark princess is really strange, did she take the wrong medicine... I don't match her anywhere... I am almost the same as the master."


A slap came over.

"Is the master used by you as an illusion? You are defiled!" Phoenix suddenly appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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