Chapter 2061
"You don't need to know where this is, whether it exists or not, you just need to know that this is where you will live for the rest of your life. You are very lucky to meet the king of beasts as your husband." Wang Nan said.

"Zi Nian is the real king of beasts." Luoyue said.

"I am ignorant, the successors of the king of all beasts have been in pairs since ancient times, one female and one male, and there is only one left in the end, that is the male, and I am the male, and Zi Nian is the female. When he met me, he was the male." His end." Wang Nan laughed.

Luoyue lowered her head in thought, she had never heard such a saying...

Whether it's true or Zi Nian doesn't know.

"This kind of deceiving trick is outdated. Let's think of a new one. Wang Nan." Luoyue whispered.

"The sad thing about you is that you hold an ordinary stone and think it is a treasure, but the real treasure is right in front of your eyes, but you can't recognize it. You are destined to be a tragic figure." Wang Nan looked at the sky contemptuously, whistled, Countless flying eagles were attracted and arranged in various queues. One of the red-topped flying eagles flew down. Wang Nan leaned over, and at the same time pulled Luoyue up, making her sit on the other red-topped flying eagle beside her.

Flying eagles, bird's-eye view of grasslands, fields, skyline...

It rotates high and low, ups and downs, and it seems to have a bird's-eye view of the entire sky and the universe, hovering between the sky. At that moment, it seems that all the troubles have been forgotten...

After a long time, it stopped.

"See, this is the ability of the king of all beasts. There is nothing the king of all beasts can't control!" Wang Nan once again let out his domineering aura. It can be seen that this is his innate inner aura. Not pretending...

That confidence comes from the heart, from destiny.

I wanted Luoyue to throw herself on the ground, but she didn't expect Luoyue to vomit on the green grass because of her flying too fast just now.And he was in a mess.

Wang Nan covered his nose, who likes the smell of vomit.

"There is no example of a lady, how could I meet a woman like you..." Wang Nan shook his head dissatisfied.

When he shook his head, Luoyue was very satisfied. It wasn't because she was flying too fast. She was able to fly at a faster speed without being injured. It was because she secretly took some medicine from the rouge ring while flying just now. This caused him to vomit, and this ugliness appeared, so that he would not have to worry about it, and the hands would not come to his waist from time to time.

This is Luoyue's self-protection, and now it seems that it really started to work.

Wang Nandi put on a veil, pointed to the corner of Luoyue's mouth, and pinched his nose at the same time. Luoyue found that this was a man with a cleanliness habit. You could tell from his spotless clothes. There was a little grass on his boots. Also blow off.

Luoyue took the veil, and she was amazed by the exquisite female red embroidery on it. I'm afraid that such an embroiderer would not be able to reach this level after practicing for another 100 years. Every stitch is so precise, harmonious and beautiful.

But the embroidered on this veil is nothing else, flowers, countless flowers are in full bloom, just like a garden, if you look carefully, there seems to be something hidden behind those flower branches, it is a snake, a dragon, or neither, but a dragon .Hovering above the flowers and plants, cleverly hiding their bodies...

But if you look closely, you can see that...

At the same time, looking at Wang Nan's side face, Luoyue really doesn't know who he is. What he said doesn't seem to be a lie... Luoyue herself was confused. If what he said was true, wouldn't it be true that year? Danger?

(End of this chapter)

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