Peerless concubine pharmacist

Chapter 2125 She is a prostitute

Chapter 2125 She is a prostitute
After hearing this, Madam touched her cheek, baby, baby in other people's eyes, her heart was ready to move after hearing these words...

Which woman doesn't want to have a love, a man who treats herself wholeheartedly...

"If I leave, there will be no way back. The connection is no longer my home, and I can't go back to my mother's home. What should I do? Will I die of old age alone..." The eldest lady read slowly.

"Who knows the fate of the future, but I know that it will start your new life, meet new friends, new partners, and even new opposite sex, these are things you will never get here, or you don't have to Choose to take risks, but continue here, live the rest of your life that you can predict, there is no fun at all, let alone real happiness in your heart, even if you don't meet your lover, you can at least experience freedom, True freedom..." Luoyue said with deep emotion.

"Who on earth sent you, and why did you instigate me to do such a thing..." Da Furen asked angrily.

"If my words don't reach Da Furen's heart, please forgive me." Luoyue left here after speaking.

There is no source here.Luoyue went to the second lady's place.

The second lady's abdomen has protruded slightly, and she is in the period of vomiting whatever she eats... Before entering the hospital, she heard her getting angry at the servants: "Take it out, take it out, I feel sick when I see it! If it’s lotus seed porridge!”

Crackling, the plates fell to the ground and were broken to the ground. The maids trembled: "Madam, you can't stop eating and drinking for a day. What can you do if the fetus in your stomach is starved? It's wartime, and the emperor has ordered All the lakes are not allowed to enter, we can’t pick lotus, let alone pick lotus, even other dishes may be difficult in the future, the kitchen is gone for my wife’s favorite food... you can only eat this to satisfy your hunger... I don’t know how long this is going to last.”

"Don't the emperor know that I am pregnant with his flesh and blood!" The second lady became more and more angry as she thought about it.

The maids looked at each other with sad expressions: "I didn't want to tell Madam about this, so we went to Dijun to ask Dijun to undo the barrier, let us pick lotus seeds, and store some of Madam's favorite food. Originally, Dijun was hesitant I meant to let go, but when it was said that you were already pregnant, Dijun immediately turned his face and refused to recognize anyone, as if he was very angry, and refused to give him anything, and even urgently summoned his alchemist. That was the last time we went to Dijun Palace .”

"I want to go there myself! See if he recognizes his son!" The second lady said forcefully.

"The emperor's palace has been sealed. Except for the high priest, I'm afraid no one can enter...the wives are not allowed. There are seals and traps everywhere, it might be fatal..." said the servant girl.

"Tell my natal family immediately to withdraw the troops and stop supporting him!" The second lady spat and said again.

"It's too late, there's no way to notify them. It is said that they have gone to a certain place to fight according to the emperor's arrangement... No one can be contacted." The servant girl replied.

Luoyue listened attentively for a while, and already knew the general situation, she changed her clothes and went in, letting the second lady and her maids smell her fragrance from a distance...

Luoyue wore this attractive clothes, she had a dusty temperament on her body...

The maids all looked at this side wonderingly, where did this butterfly come from... I have never seen it in the palace before...

They are both women, so they naturally became suspicious when they saw it.

(End of this chapter)

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