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Chapter 1009 In Xialvlin Liangshan Hero Conscience Village Master...

Chapter 1009 In Xialvlin Liangshan Hero Conscience Village Master...

Lin Xiu unceremoniously began to collect the protection fee here, no, it was the visit fee, since this is the site of my young master, it is natural to charge some visit fee.

In the next half day, Lin Xiu dealt with another five or six strong men.

But this night, Lin Xiu didn't practice any more. After leaving the scope of the teleportation array, there will be monsters around here, and here, it is no longer safe. If someone comes to attack again, the consequences will be very serious. serious.

With Lin Xiu's current realm, the third level of Martial Ancestor Realm is enough to deal with other people here.

In front, there are five freshmen here, besieging the three testers, but it can be clearly seen that even if it is three against five, the strength of these three testers far exceeds these five freshmen. When these five freshmen were young, they were able to do a job with ease.

"Is this also the strong one among the new students? It is said that you are a Buddhist disciple, so you probably only have this strength?"

"Haha, this one also said that he is a disciple of Confucianism, it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

"And this one, what kind of hell fire dragon martial soul does he have, so weak!"


The continuous opening of the three people made Wuchen, Tian Shu and others look ugly. Their strength has not reached the level of ordinary disciples in Buddhism and Confucianism. Otherwise, they would not lose to the three in front of them.

But now they don't have the power to fight back at all. If this continues, they can only lose the battle.

"What? You don't accept? You, what right do you have to refuse? They are just some freshmen. Today, I will let you experience the love of the seniors! Liantianlian!" Only a chain appeared on the palm of one of them. Throw it out in front of you in an instant.

The chain hit Wuchen in front of him, and a layer of golden light appeared on Wuchen's body, but before this chain, there was no way to destroy it easily, and the golden light on Wuchen's body was scattered all at once, and he The whole person was blown out.

Wuchen spat out a mouthful of blood, the difference in strength was too great!

Wuchen is only on the second floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm, and the person in front of him is an existence on the fourth floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm. Even Wuchen is not his opponent.

Apart from Wu Chen, the other two freshmen were also sent flying, how could Lian Nian and Tian Shu resist?One was hit in the chest, the other was stabbed by a sword, and the two were also defeated.

"The new students this time don't seem to be that great, that's all!" the man in the long coat sneered.

"You!" He gritted his teeth looking at the long-clothed man for years, but there was nothing he could do. The current man's strength was indeed too strong for him to handle.

"You just won us. If you meet Lin Xiu, you will definitely not be his opponent!" Wu Chen said.

"Lin Xiu? Who is that?" the man in the long coat asked the people around him.

The other two shook their heads. They obviously didn't know who Lin Xiu was, but they didn't think that Lin Xiu could have any strength.

At this time, a person came out suddenly, and shouted loudly: "I will drive this route, and I will plant this tree. If you want to pass by, leave money to buy roads!"

A man came out, his words made everyone obviously stunned, and their eyes fell on the man.

This man has a long beard that reaches to his chest, and he looks mighty and domineering. This man looks to be in his 40s and [-]s, and his realm does not seem to be weak, but where did this man come from? here?

You must know that although there are many strong people here, none of the freshmen are over 30 years old, otherwise they will definitely not be allowed to join the Holy Academy.

If it was a tester, it would be even more impossible, because the people here, these three testers all know each other!

"You are..." The three testers looked confused.

"I am a hero from Liangshan in the Green Forest, Song Jiang, the owner of the Conscience Village! I came here today just to see the injustice and draw my sword to help!" Only the man said loudly.

As soon as Lin Xiu said these words, the faces of the people present were a little weird, conscience stronghold?What kind of village is that?They hadn't seen it, or even heard it.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you enter our Holy Court Trial Forest?" the long-clothed tester said coldly.

"My young master... No, my uncle has already told you, I am Song Jiang, but I am a person who sees injustice and draws his sword to help. Of course, I am also a freshman here, don't worry!" Hearing that person laughed.

Behind this man, three young and beautiful women came out. When they looked at Lin Xiu, their eyes were full of brilliance. They had to say that this was the first time they had seen Lin Xiu's face, and it was even more impressive. The three women couldn't believe it.

With Lin Xiu's current face, even if they knew that Lin Xiu had used the technique of disguise, they would not be able to tell it apart.

This disguise technique is so domineering that they can't feel anything wrong at all!
When the three women appeared, Wu Chen, Lian Nian and Tian Shu were a little surprised. Didn't these three people follow Lin Xiu all the time?
"Are you Lin Xiu?" He only heard Wuchen exclaim and said.

"Little bald head, you have a bit of eyesight!" Lin Xiu smiled when he heard it.

Sure enough it was him!

Everyone was quite surprised, especially in the past years, he had already felt Lin Xiu's realm, but now he couldn't feel it.

This means that Lin Xiu's current state is still above him!
How can it be?

Before Lin Xiu entered here, he was still at the first level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, but now he is already at the third level of the Martial Ancestor Realm?What kind of cultivation speed is this?

"No matter who you are, today, we will not let you go. Since you are a new student, that's great. Hand over your fairy stone, and we can still spare you!" The man said again.

"Don't spare me, I have already decided, I must draw my sword to help today!" Lin Xiu said again.

Lin Xiu's words made the faces of the three long-clothed men a little ugly: "Okay, since this is the case, we will let you know where this place is! No matter who you are, you will pay the price for offending us today!"

One of them had already drawn his sword and stabbed towards Lin Xiu. The surging artistic conception of swordsmanship appeared, and Lin Xiu showed disdain on his face: "How dare you challenge me at the beginning of Dao? Dance sword in front of me, Song Jiang, court death!"

 These two are late, sorry, the next update will be on time, the update time is 0:10 am, 11:30 am, 2 pm, 6 pm, 10 pm, five times a day

(End of this chapter)

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