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Chapter 1012 You guys are trying to make things difficult for me, Song Jiang!

Chapter 1012 You guys are trying to make things difficult for me, Song Jiang!
When the five of them heard Lin Xiu's words, the corners of their mouths twitched. It was the first time that they were robbed by a freshman.

But the freshmen behind Lin Xiu didn't feel this way, they were already numb. It wasn't the first time Lin Xiu did this kind of thing.

The people here really admire Lin Xiu very much. Lin Xiu's strength is so strong that at the same time, he can still gain the upper hand with one against two, three, or even one against five at the same time. Even the existence of the fourth floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm couldn't do it, but Lin Xiu was able to do it.

This person is simply a monster!

Lin Xiu has a body of fire, and these people's physical attacks can be completely dodged by Lin Xiu, but they can't resist Lin Xiu's attack, and they can defeat one of them with one move of the Great Flame Hand, Lin Xiu's beast The Yan Jue can make the spiritual fire in his body play to the extreme, plus the Yandi Martial Soul on him.

Lin Xiu fought one against five and knocked four of them to the ground, but one of them turned around and ran away.

After Lin Xiu saw it, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said: "You protect yourself here first, and this young master will deal with him!"

With a sway of Lin Xiu's body, he rushed towards the fleeing person. This person fled so fast that he was about to disappear. Lin Xiu felt that the other person had cultivated special body skills, so he had to go after him with all his strength.

After Lin Xiu left, the people here immediately caught the four of them, after all they had been seriously injured by Lin Xiu.

The strength of each of the four people here is different, but now, they can only be reduced to prisoners. These people immediately took out the fairy stones from their bodies and snatched them separately.

The freshmen here know that the aura in these fairy stones is much more precious than the tenth-grade primordial stones. Now that their fairy stones have been taken away by Lin Xiu, they naturally want to take the fairy stones from these testers. coming.

"What are you doing? These four are young master Lin Xiu's prey, and you actually want to take away these fairy stones?" Mo Yue said angrily after seeing it.

"Master Lin Xiu is not here now. We captured these four people, so the fairy stones on them should belong to us!" Someone said.

"That's right, Master Lin Xiu has already obtained so many fairy stones, so he won't argue with us so much!" Another person said.

"Leave her alone, let's divide these fairy stones first!" Another person said.


Mo Yue, Tang Qing and Yun Yan have no way to stop them, they can only let them forget.

After all, Lin Xiu is not here, and they are not against these people.

As for Wuchen and others, they don't care about such things. If they didn't restrain themselves, they would even go up to grab it themselves. This is a fairy stone!

Just when these people were having fun, only five people came out. These five people had a terrifying aura. As soon as they stood up, they could already change the faces of the people present.

"Great freshmen, hello, my name is Liang Shu, today, let me play with you!" Only one young man in the lead said with a smile.

"Tester!" Everyone's face changed drastically. Lin Xiu was not here, but the tester came.

"Let's fight together, they will definitely not be our opponents!" Only Wuchen said.

As soon as this sentence came out, the people around also came to their senses. There are more than 20 of them, if they fight together, they may not lose!

Everyone's momentum was high, and they wanted to make a move.

The person Lin Xiu was following stopped at this moment. He turned his head and looked at Lin Xiu with a sneer in his eyes: "It really surprises me that you came after me here, but you think you are really Can you catch me?"

"I've caught up with you now!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"I just stopped by myself!" said the man. "This time, you are finished!"

"Just looking at you, I know you are a villain. What are you pretending to do? Come on, let me see what kind of traps have been laid here!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said.

Hearing Lin Xiu's words, that person's face changed. He didn't expect Lin Xiu to know about the ambush here.

"Yes, your strength is stronger than I imagined. I didn't expect you to be at the third level of the Martial Ancestor Realm. You are very good at defeating so many testers!" The person in front of him sneered, "My name is Kong Yang, you should know who I am, right?"

"I, Song Jiang, a hero from Liangshan, have never known a nameless junior!" Lin Xiu said loudly.

As soon as this sentence came out, Kong Yang's face was distorted, who is the unknown junior?And when did you change your name to Song Jiang?
"Aren't you Lin Xiu? How did you become Song Jiang?" Kong Yang said with a frown.

"Song Jiang is my name, but I don't think you guys will know it. Hurry up and show me your trap, don't waste your time!" Lin Xiu roared.

"Okay, since that's the case, come out, both of you, let's fight together!" Only Kong Yang said.

As soon as Kong Yang said these words, he could only see two figures suddenly appearing from behind Lin Xiu, and surrounded Lin Xiu.

These two people are exactly Hei Ping and Fei Ji, both of them are in the fifth level of Martial Ancestor Realm.

"So that's how it is, three strong men came to besiege me? I think you are trying to make things difficult for me, Song Jiang!" After Lin Xiu saw it, his eyes were filled with chills, "Do you think this will make it hard for me?"

"It doesn't matter if you are Song Jiang or Lin Xiu, you have already lost today! The three of us are all existences at the fifth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, which is different from those trash you have encountered before!" Fei Ji said immediately.

"I'm afraid you didn't bring me here to let me listen to your nonsense, right? Why don't you do it?" Lin Xiu curled his lips when he heard it.

Since these three people brought Lin Xiu here, I am afraid that it is not for the simple purpose of defeating Lin Xiu, but if they are to deal with Lin Xiu, it is enough for them to be in the place just now. , should be very confident.

If the three Martial Ancestors at the fifth level didn't even have the confidence to deal with Lin Xiu at the third level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, then they would have failed too.

So they must have other reasons for bringing themselves here, for example, they want to kill Lin Xiu!

The three of them exchanged eyes, only to see a golden book appearing in Kong Yang's hand, only to see him say loudly: "Li!"

At this moment, a giant golden character flew towards Lin Xiu. It was exactly the word "Li". Xiu has already seen that this Kong Yang is actually a disciple of Confucianism!

(End of this chapter)

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