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Chapter 102 Congratulations!

Chapter 102 Congratulations!

"Thank you Master Lin Xiu!" Chen Xiang replied after hearing this.

"Get dressed first!" Lin Xiu said after taking a look at Chen Xiang's figure.

Chen Xiang was only wearing a bellyband, her figure was a perfect goddess, but Lin Xiu's eyes were clear, there was nothing he could do about it, after all Lin Xiu was a man with a wizened body, even if he was a little impulsive, there was nothing he could do , let alone the ability to do anything.

Chen Xiang's face turned red, and she immediately covered her figure with a quilt, this young master Lin Xiu is really a gentleman!

After other men saw her figure, they couldn't move their eyes away. They wanted to hang their eyes on her chest, but this young master Lin Xiu was different. This young master Lin Xiu was a real man. Seeing that he was only wearing a bellyband, his eyes could still be so clear.

This has already proved that Lin Xiu is not a lustful person. Although this person is a bit shameless, greedy for money, and cheap, he is still a good person!
Chen Xiang's favorability towards Lin Xiu increased greatly, but Lin Xiu turned his back to her and said, "Miss Chen Xiang, are you alright?"

"I'm already dressed!" Chen Xiang blushed a little before saying.

"You guys outside, come in!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

As soon as these words came out, people outside immediately rushed in, Su Long and Shuang'er rushed in the fastest, as soon as they came in, they saw that Chen Xiang was blushing, and her clothes were still a little disheveled.

The two of them didn't really have the same thing, but behind them, the old bustard was a person who had experienced big storms, and she was also a seasoned person, she immediately came forward and said with a smile: "Lin Xiu Young master, Chen Xiang, I really congratulate you for making a good deed!"

" a good thing?" Hearing what the old bustard said, the expressions of Shuang'er and Su Long changed. Although they had not experienced such a thing, they could still understand the old bustard's words now.

"Don't you understand yet? Look at the blood on the quilt!" I heard the old bustard pointing to the blood on the quilt and laughing.

As soon as this sentence came out, even Lin Xiu and Chen Xiang were stunned. Originally, they planned to explain it, but now that the old bustard said this sentence, Lin Xiu knew that even if it was an explanation, he couldn't explain it clearly. , Nima, how do you explain this?
Chen Xiang's face turned even redder, she knew that even if she jumped into the Yellow River now, she would not be able to wash it clean, it seems that this matter cannot be erased.

But this was the blood she vomited when she was treating Chen Xiang just now!
"Master Lin Xiu, thank you very much for today's matter!" Chen Xiang had no choice but to say.

"It's okay, but it's just taking people's money and helping them... No, it's the parents' heart of a doctor, and I am a doctor!" Lin Xiu immediately changed his words.

Chen Xiang is very grateful to Lin Xiu, and originally wanted to recruit Lin Xiu, but now that there are so many people around, she can't find a chance.

Now that Chen Xiang has been cured, Lin Xiu will naturally not stay anymore, but Chen Xiang still seems to want Lin Xiu to give her some advice on piano skills, but Lin Xiu finds an excuse to refuse.

Lin Xiu doesn't want to do things that are not beneficial, and today's time has passed a lot. Although only three treasure boxes have been collected, it's almost time to go back. Lin Xiu still needs to prepare for tomorrow's hunting competition .

After finding an excuse, Lin Xiu left, and Chen Xiang also saw Lin Xiu's intention of leaving, so he didn't make amends.

However, the two maids looked at Lin Xiu from behind, with dissatisfaction in their eyes.

"What's wrong with you two?" Lin Xiu asked suspiciously.

"Young Master, did something happen between you and Miss Chen Xiang?" Shuang'er asked directly.

Lin Xiu told what happened before, and after listening, Shuang'er was startled: "It turns out that you are going to treat Miss Chenxiang!"

"Otherwise, what do you think I'm going to do?" Lin Xiu asked.

"We..." The two maids blushed at the same time.

"Do you both believe what I said?" Lin Xiu looked at the two and asked.

The eyes of the two maids became firm immediately: "Yes, master, we trust you!"

Although Lin Xiu is shameless, wretched, despicable, and even cheap, the two of them already have a deep understanding of Lin Xiu's protection of shortcomings, and they believe that the young master will not deceive them both.

"Okay, you are indeed Lin Xiu's maid!" Lin Xiu nodded with a smile and said.

The two maids didn't know, because of this sentence, Lin Xiu had already agreed with the two of them, but at this time the three of them had already walked back to Lin's mansion.

"Master, do you think that young master of the Li family will come again?" Shuang'er was only heard asking.

"Whether he will come or not has anything to do with me?" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

At this moment, the three of Lin Xiu saw some people gathered in front of Lin Fu.

"Su Long, open the way!" Lin Xiu immediately said, but after thinking about it, Lin Xiu felt that he still lacked a dog leg, as a wicked young master, some things still need a dog leg to handle things!

Although Su Long's strength is not too bad, she still can't do some things, for example, the dog leg shouted "Master Lin Xiu is here!"

These people will immediately disperse, how could a girl like Su Long do such a thing?

Lin Xiu still squeezed in, only to see Li Li knelt on the ground again, towards the direction of the Lin residence.

Li Wei is also here. As soon as she saw Lin Xiu, she immediately came over: "Brother Lin Xiu, please accept my brother as your apprentice. My brother really wants to be your disciple and become an alchemist!"

"There are quite a few people who want to be alchemists. Do I have to accept everyone as a disciple?" Lin Xiu asked rhetorically.

"My brother is different, Master Lin Xiu, he has already been kicked out of the house by my father in order to become your disciple, if you don't accept him as a disciple, he will not be able to survive in the future!" Li Wei said.

"Kicked out of the house?" Lin Xiu glanced at Li Li.

Li Li immediately turned his head to Lin Xiu and said, "Master Lin Xiu, that's right, my father doesn't agree with me being your apprentice, because to become your apprentice, you must be loyal to you, so my father will not agree, but I wholeheartedly yearn for Dan Dao, I hope the young master will be fulfilled, and I am willing to serve the young master by his side!"

This is exactly what Lin Xiu wanted. He didn't mind Li Li's poor talent, but he cared about Li Li's status. If Li Li didn't want to break with the family, why did he accept Li Li as an apprentice?If the matter between Lin Xiu and the Li family is involved in the future, how will Li Li deal with it?

Lin Xiu could tell that Li Li's longing for alchemy was almost crazy, and his cultivation talent was also poor, so he had no possibility of becoming a strong man at all. In the Li family, he would just become a good-for-nothing young master That's all, his situation probably won't be better than that of Lin Xiu before.

 Thanks to Wuyu for tipping 300 book coins, and a sun dolphin for tipping 100 book coins. Do you have any friends who donate?Ask for a reward, ask for red!Pikachu's helmsman, where is the leader?

(End of this chapter)

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