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Chapter 1022 Is Obviously Your Lover

Chapter 1022 Is Obviously Your Lover

Chanel Peak?
Hearing this name, a strange look appeared in Kong Guo's eyes. This young girl was actually from Xianglai Peak. Could it be that Lin Xiu really belonged to that senior sister from Xianglai Peak?

"I don't know what is the relationship between Lin Xiu and Xianglai Peak?" Kong Guo was obviously more polite, he said.

"Rou'er doesn't know about this matter. If Senior Brother Kong Guo wants to know, you can come to our Xianglai Peak. Our Senior Sister Chen Xiang will wait for Senior Brother Kong Guo's arrival!" The girl said with a smile.

This young girl already possesses the third level of the Martial Ancestor Realm. Judging by her appearance, she is probably not yet 20 years old. If this kind of talent is placed in the Fenggu Continent, it will probably cause turmoil, but in this holy courtyard Inside, it can only be regarded as a mediocre qualification.

And this girl, Rou'er, here, is only a messenger and errand, and her status is not high.

After all, this is the Holy Academy. If you practice here, your speed will be much faster than that of the Fenggu Continent!

A truly talented person, but at the age of 20, has already stepped into the fourth level, or even the fifth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm!

But even so, Lin Xiu was still stunned when he saw that Rou'er's level was higher than his own. Lin Xiu was already the one who cheated, and his level was not as good as this woman. She couldn't be rejuvenated, right?
Lin Xiu's expression was a little weird, but of course he won't say it now, Rou'er came to help him, if he ran her away in anger, it would be too late to regret it.

"Xiang Laifeng really wants to intervene in this matter?" Kong Guo asked with a cold tone.

"Of course, does senior brother Kong Guo think that our senior sister Chen Xiang is joking?" Rou'er still said with a smile.

"What if I insist on killing Lin Xiu?" Kong Guo took a step forward and said.

"If this is the case, then Rou'er can't stop it, but please brother Kong Guo, you can think twice and don't ruin your future!" Rou'er replied.

Kong Guo looked at Lin Xiu, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"What are you looking at? Are you jealous of my handsomeness, or are you worried about someone behind me? I'm not afraid to tell you, give me three months, and I will be able to destroy you. In the eyes of this young master, a true disciple is considered a What are you doing!" Lin Xiu said arrogantly.

Although he doesn't know who this Chen Xiang is, Lin Xiu will not let go of this good opportunity to pretend to be aggressive.

Although Kong Guo was angry, he knew that now was not the time for him to fight with Chen Xiang, and Chen Xiang's strength was quite terrifying. If he offended Chen Xiang, although the other party might not kill him, they would definitely be dissatisfied with him .

"I will write down what happened today, Lin Xiu, don't think that Chen Xiang can protect you forever!" Kong Guo said coldly.

"I don't need to protect me for the rest of my life, it's enough to make you unable to deal with me now! If you are not convinced, hit me now!" Lin Xiu said with a sneer.

"You... let's go!" Kong Guo shouted loudly.

Kong Guo was afraid that if he stayed any longer, Lin Xiu would vomit blood in anger. This bastard dared to provoke him, so he must not let him go!

"Ding...Pretentious value +"

Seeing that Lin Xiu was able to survive without any injuries, the eyes of the people around him also changed when they looked at Lin Xiu.

There is actually someone behind Lin Xiu, and it seems that he is a true disciple!

"Master Lin Xiu, my senior sister Chen Xiang wants to invite you to Xianglai Peak!" Rou'er said.

"Xianglai Peak? Why should I go?" Lin Xiu looked at Rou'er and said.

"Master Lin Xiu, why did our senior sister help you, and you treat my senior sister like this?" Rou'er said a little unhappy.

"What happened just now, I am very grateful to Senior Sister Chen Xiang, it's not that I don't know Senior Sister Chen Xiang!" Lin Xiu replied.

After meeting Kong Guo, Lin Xiu felt a sense of crisis in his heart. If he wanted to live better, he had to survive first. Entering the holy realm as soon as possible was what Lin Xiu should do.

On Lin Xiu's body now, there is still a star treasure box, a diamond treasure box obtained after the settlement of the trial forest dungeon.

If these two treasure chests are opened, Lin Xiu believes that his strength should be improved a lot!
If it's not necessary, Lin Xiu doesn't want to visit this Chen Xiang now. After all, in Lin Xiu's eyes, even if Chen Xiang protects him once, he may not be a good person. If she goes to her place, what will she do if she wants to attack him?
"Lin Xiu, I have a token from my senior sister here. She said that as long as you see this thing, you will know who she is!" Rou'er said, a red handkerchief appeared on her hand.

Seeing this handkerchief, a figure of a person appeared in Lin Xiu's mind, right?Could it be her?

"Master Lin Xiu, it seems that this is also a confidante of yours!" Mo Yue said a little unhappy.

"This is an old friend!" Lin Xiu said angrily.

"In that case, Master Lin Xiu, I'll go there with you!" Mo Yue said to Lin Xiu.

"No, it's not convenient for me to meet her, it's not convenient for you to be by!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said.

Mo Yue curled her lips and said in a low voice: "Obviously I'm going to meet your lover!"

As if Lin Xiu didn't hear it, he said: "Miss Rou'er, I was rude just now, it seems that Senior Sister Chen Xiang is still my friend, please go back, I think I should go see her!"

"Let's go!" Rou'er's attitude towards Lin Xiu is obviously not as good as it used to be. If it weren't for the fact that Lin Xiu is Chen Xiang's friend, she would have exploded now. After all, Lin Xiu is so ignorant that he saved him by himself. , dare to be so arrogant.

Watching the two leave, Moyue sighed a little frustrated.

"We and him, I'm afraid we can only go so far!" Tang Qing seemed to see through Moyue's thoughts, "He has always been with us, people from two worlds!"

"What did you say?" Mo Yue stared at her beautiful eyes and said.

"I know that you are the proud daughter of heaven. In Fenggu Continent, you are a strong man with outstanding talent, but here, we are nothing. Lin Xiu is different from us. The secret can make him grow a hundred times faster than us!" Tang Qing shook her head and said.

Mo Yue is indeed not reconciled, Mo Yue doesn't know how much she feels for Lin Xiu in her heart, but she knows that she doesn't want to give up!

These Lin Xius didn't know that Lin Xiu had already followed Rou'er, only to see Rou'er take out a leaf, and the leaf turned into a green leaf with a size of three meters. After the two went up, the leaf disappeared in place in an instant.

This speed is much faster than the Tianyi flying boat that Lin Xiu got, and even so, it took a full quarter of an hour to reach the Xianglai Peak.

(End of this chapter)

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