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Chapter 1025 He Ming's thoughts

Chapter 1025 He Ming's thoughts

This is the stage of life and death, and here will be the place where the disciples will fight for life and death.

On this stage of life and death, if two people go up, only one can survive.

Now on this platform of life and death, there is a person standing, it is He Ming.

He Ming's heart is also disturbed now, he already knows that Lin Xiu's strength is extraordinary, Lin Xiu is someone who can defeat even Kong Yang, this person can't be judged by common sense.

Lin Xiu defeated Kong Yang, but no one can prove it, but if Lin Xiu didn't do it, who could it be?

This matter was reported back to the Holy Court, but Lin Xiu couldn't be traced anyway, because the three corpses had been eaten badly by the wolf monsters, so there was nothing to be found.

He Ming actually wanted to break the contract, and didn't want to fight Lin Xiu again, but He Ming found out that the news had already spread.

I don't know who deliberately spread the word, but many of the ordinary disciples in the Holy Academy have come here, wanting to watch this battle!
This time, He Ming is riding a tiger!
Now He Ming can only pray that Lin Xiu will not come here!
Because He Ming suddenly discovered that this Lin Xiu is a hot potato!

Leaving aside Lin Xiu's strength, whether He Ming can defeat Lin Xiu and kill Lin Xiu!
Even if He Ming really has the strength to kill Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu belongs to Senior Sister Chen Xiang!
Senior Sister Chen Xiang is a true disciple, and in terms of strength, she seems to be much stronger than Kong Guo. In this way, even if He Ming wants to deal with Lin Xiu, he still has to consider Chen Xiang's face.

Although there will be punishment for the true disciples to kill the outer disciples, it will not have much impact. If Chen Xiang is really angry and kills him, he will still have to die!
But looking at Lin Xiu's appearance, it is obvious that he doesn't want to give him a way out!

Now He Ming regretted it, he shouldn't have offended Lin Xiu, even if he could get some Qi Pei Pills from Fang Nan, so what?He has no life to enjoy!

When He Ming thought so, a figure had already arrived, it was Fang Nan!
Fang Nan strode up to Yang Xing's side and said, "That Lin Xiu, hasn't arrived yet?"

"That Lin Xiu was injured in the trial forest, and he needs time to recover, so he retreated at Xianglai Peak, and I heard that he hasn't come out of the retreat until this morning!" Yang Xing shook his head and said.

"This Lin Xiu, is he afraid to come? It's almost noon, and if he doesn't come, is he trying to break the contract?"

"It's not surprising. No matter how powerful Lin Xiu is, he's only at the third level of the Martial Ancestor Realm. How dare he come here to challenge Senior Brother He Ming?"

"If he really doesn't come, his reputation will be ruined, and no one will believe his words anymore!"


The other disciples around immediately began to discuss.

Lin Xiu hasn't come yet, obviously there is something wrong, everyone doesn't think Lin Xiu really dares to come here!

Even if Lin Xiu has some secret method that can improve his strength, but facing the fifth level of Martial Ancestor Realm, what qualifications does Lin Xiu have to be rampant?
He Ming also calmed down when he heard the people around him talking. That's right, no matter how powerful Lin Xiu is, he is only at the third level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, and Lin Xiu may not have recovered yet. Why should he worry?
"It's already noon now, if Lin Xiu hasn't come yet, then today's appointment can be regarded as Lin Xiu's loss to me!" Only He Ming said loudly.

It stands to reason that this is indeed the case, and everyone has no opinion.

"Look, aren't those senior sisters from Xianglai Peak?"

"It's so beautiful, the sisters of Xianglai Peak, they are quite beautiful!"

"The one in the lead is Senior Sister Chen Xiang? She really is as beautiful as a fairy!"


At this moment, everyone saw colorful figures coming from a distance.

These figures are all the beautiful women from Xianglai Peak. These women all took refuge in Xianglai Peak and belonged to Chen Xiang.

Among them, Tang Qing and Mo Yue are the most outstanding women, plus Chen Xiang, the beauty of the three of them makes Bai Hua pale.

But among these people, a figure fell on the stage of life and death.

Everyone's eyes shifted from these stunning beauties to the platform of life and death. On the platform of life and death, it was Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu stood proudly, and pointed his nostrils directly at He Ming.

"Lin Xiu, you really dare to come here?" He Ming looked at Lin Xiu and immediately said loudly.

"Why didn't I dare to come?" Lin Xiu said calmly.

"This is the stage of life and death. If you come here to fight with me, even if I kill you, you don't need to take any responsibility, do you know? You are only the third floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm. I am the fifth floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm. You Fighting with me has no chance of winning!"

"so what?"

"If you are willing to admit defeat now, I can ignore your fault for offending me. What do you think?"

"not so good!"

"What did you say?" He Ming was a little annoyed, he had already given Lin Xiu a step down, but Lin Xiu still didn't accept it, and wanted to continue fighting with him?Is Lin Xiu so confident?
I only saw Lin Xiu's nostrils facing He Ming, quite arrogant, he said loudly: "He Ming, I didn't want to attack you at first, but it's really disappointing that you are bullying the weak and bullying the weak with the big Already!"

"This young master has no enmity with you, but you openly attacked me to show your prestige. Unfortunately, you have found the wrong opponent. This young master is not an ordinary disciple. You want to use me to show your prestige, but instead you are rejected by me." hurt!"

"You hold a grudge and want to continue to kill me, so you have an appointment with me to fight this stage of life and death. I, Lin Xiu, although my strength is not as good as yours, but I am a man with backbone and blood!"

"A man promises nothing in exchange for a thousand pieces of gold. Why are you afraid of throwing your head and spilling blood? I, Lin Xiu, stand on this stage of life and death today, and I want to use my life to prove that even if I sacrifice myself, I will not sacrifice myself to you evil forces. yield!"

Lin Xiu's voice was full of charm, and it was full of a sense of righteousness. After people heard it, they seemed to see a man with strong bones appearing on them.

Even in the face of difficulties and power, this man still has no hesitation, no bow, no confusion, he is an upright man!

"Junior brother Lin Xiu has such ambitions, it is really rare!"

"With the spirit of Junior Brother Lin Xiu, if he doesn't die, he will definitely become a master!"

"I've never seen a man as unyielding as Junior Brother Lin Xiu!"


The people around have sighed, and the way they look at Lin Xiu has changed.

"Ding...Pretentious value +"

(End of this chapter)

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