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Chapter 1028 Fang Nan's Supernatural Ability

Chapter 1028 Fang Nan's Supernatural Ability

Fang Nan is not He Ming, Fang Nan's realm is already at the seventh level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, and his strength is quite good, but now Lin Xiu wants to challenge him?

Originally, after Lin Xiu and Fang Nan made an appointment to fight for a month, Yang Xing was actually not too worried. After all, when Lin Xiu was in Shengzhou City, he was only at the first level of Martial Ancestor Realm!

At that time, Fang Nan was already on the seventh floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm, but now, Lin Xiu has only entered the fifth floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm after only 3 days since he joined the Holy Academy!

Lin Xiu's cultivation speed is really appalling. He has never practiced at such a speed!

And that's all, what is truly terrifying is Lin Xiu's supernatural power!
Naturally, Yang Xing couldn't make a mistake, he could already see that Lin Xiu's supernatural power was a mid-level supernatural power!
If you don't enter the holy realm, you will know supernatural powers and secrets. Unless someone teaches you, it is absolutely impossible to succeed in cultivation!

Even if it is some low-grade supernatural powers in the holy courtyard, it is not so easy to obtain, so He Ming only has one supernatural power, the ice string arrow.

But even so, He Ming's strength in the fifth level of Martial Ancestor Realm is much stronger than others.

The current Lin Xiu has not only entered the fifth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm in a short period of time, but also has supernatural powers, and it is another kind of supernatural powers that can easily crush low-level supernatural powers.

There is only one possibility, Lin Xiu knows middle-grade supernatural powers!
The middle-grade supernatural power is considered a secret in the holy courtyard. If you want to get it, you need to pay a lot of money, but Lin Xiu knows it. This makes Yang Xing feel a storm in his heart.

This Lin Xiu is really terrifying!

Fang Nan didn't expect this, Fang Nan just wanted to kill Lin Xiu now, because Lin Xiu killed his younger brother, he had to take revenge!

Moreover, Lin Xiu pointed at Fang Nan and told him to get out in front of so many people. If Fang Nan backed down now, the entire Holy Court would probably underestimate him.

"Brother Fang Nan, don't go!" Yang Xing still wanted to stop Fang Nan, although he knew that he might not be able to stop Fang Nan this time, but Yang Xing still wanted to do his best.

"Yang Xing, I came here for revenge this time. Today, no one can stop me from taking revenge. Since he wants to die, I will naturally fulfill him!" After Fang Nan finished speaking, he shook Yang Xing's hand away.

"Brother Fang Nan, you..." Fang Nan ignored Yang Xing's words, and Fang Nan leaped onto the stage of life and death.

The people around immediately erupted. Lin Xiu dared to challenge Fang Nan, which really surprised them.

Lin Xiu's strength is very strong, and he had an agreement with Fang Nan that he would fight in a month's time, but no one would have expected that Lin Xiu would deal with this matter today.

This is Fang Nan, not He Ming!

Just now He Ming was beheaded by Lin Xiu, what about Fang Nan?
"What the hell is he thinking? Such a challenge is too much fun. Fang Nan is not He Ming. His strength is much stronger than He Ming!" Tang Qing said with a sigh.

"I think he's out of his mind. He really thinks that he is invincible. He won't stop after defeating He Ming, but he still wants to provoke this Fang Nan!" Rou'er said with curled lips.

"Fang Nan has mastered two kinds of supernatural powers. Although they are only low-grade supernatural powers, his own martial soul has also undergone mutation, and even the blood in his body has been awakened. His strength is very powerful. He can also deal with the eighth floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm!" Yu'er said.

"Fang Nan is indeed very strong. This time, Lin Xiu was too careless. Even if he has middle-grade supernatural powers, he can't show the true power of that supernatural power, so he won't be Fang Nan's opponent!" Chen Xiang said with a sigh. .

But Chen Xiang actually has his own thoughts in his heart, if Lin Xiu can win He Ming, can he win another one?

Chen Xiang didn't know, theoretically, Lin Xiu had no chance of winning. Even Lin Xiu had supernatural powers, but Fang Nan was at the seventh level of Martial Ancestor Realm. How could such a difference in realm be made up so easily? Lin Xiu this time It was indeed a little reckless to challenge Fang Nan.

But Chen Xiang had a feeling in his heart that Lin Xiu should win, and he would win quite beautifully, how did this feeling appear, even Chen Xiang himself did not understand.

Only by seeing what Lin Xiu is going to do next, can we know the result of this battle.

When Lin Xiu saw Fang Nan coming up, he was not surprised at all. Lin Xiu already knew Fang Nan's hostility towards him, and Fang Nan's disgust towards him had reached 60. Lin Xiu didn't need to provoke him at all, he would come up.

"Fang Nan, come up if I tell you to come up? You are so obedient, just like my pet!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"Lin Xiu, this is the stage of life and death, you should understand what it means?" Fang Nan said with a ferocious smile on his face, "I originally wanted you to live a few more days, but I didn't expect that you would Call me up now!"

"On this stage of life and death, between you and me, only one person can go down here, and only one person can survive. Today, I will avenge my brother!"

Fang Nan's expression was excited, and he looked at Lin Xiu as if he saw a prey.

"I'm just giving you this chance to take revenge now, but you don't have to thank me, because I will still send you on the road. Your brother reported to me yesterday that he is lonely on the road to Huangquan, so he needs someone to accompany him , so I think you will be very suitable!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

"You still have to be stubborn when you're about to die? Well, I'll let you know today that I, Fang Nan, can't be compared to that trash like He Ming!" Fang Nan said loudly.

A huge shadow appeared above Fang Nan's head. When Lin Xiu raised his head, he saw a huge octopus coming out. The octopus was all blue, and it was as large as a hundred feet. It was no smaller than Emperor Yan's body. .

"This is my martial soul Lan Luo. It is a mutated heaven-level martial soul. I know your martial soul is not weak, but can your martial soul compare to my Lan Luo?" Fang Nan said loudly. .

Emperor Yan appeared, facing the big blue octopus, the two spirits rushed towards each other at the same time.

"Boom!" A huge force collided, and Lin Xiu could feel that Emperor Yan seemed to be meeting his opponent for the first time after his evolution.

This octopus is not easy!
Fang Nan's strength is really strong, it seems that it is too difficult to win Fang Nan with his martial soul.

"Your martial soul strength is also beyond my expectation, but that's all. Besides my martial soul, my bloodline is also fourth-class! Can you be my opponent?" At this moment , Fang Nan's palm slammed towards Lin Xiu, and a stream of water slammed towards Lin Xiu.

(End of this chapter)

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