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Chapter 1033 Want to take my tripod?

Chapter 1033 Want to take my tripod?
"Are you trying to challenge me?" Kong Guo's eyes were full of surprise when he heard Lin Xiu's words.

Challenge him within half a year?Doesn't this mean that Lin Xiu is sure to enter the Holy Realm within half a year?
"What? Could it be that Senior Brother Kong Guo is afraid to fight?" Lin Xiu said coldly.

Lin Xiu was chewing something in his mouth.

"Of course I dare to fight, but before that, I need to find out one thing!" I only heard Kong Guo say, "Our Tianhong Peak lost a magic weapon of alchemy a month ago. I see it in your hand. There is also this Dan Ding on the board, so please hand it over and let me check it!"

"I will take it back to Tianhong Peak. If this alchemy is not my original alchemy, I will naturally return it to you!"

Will you return it to me after you bring it back?Are you kidding me when you think of Master Ben?

Lin Xiu's eyes were full of coldness, he looked at Kong Guo in front of him coldly and said: "Brother Kong Guo, you are grabbing the spirit armor first, and then shooting my alchemy, I have never seen such a shameless person like you people!"

"What did you say?" Kong Guo was already very angry.

"What? Brother Kong Guo, do you still want to kill people? I'm just a freshman now. Don't you want people here to witness you as a true disciple, so that you can't bully the small? Don't you put our Holy Academy in the In the eyes? Or do you think that in this holy courtyard, you are the Supreme?"

"Can you, Kong Guo, perform rewards and punishments on behalf of our Holy Court? Can you kill people and seize treasures here? You fancy my Danding, and you want to use this form to snatch it? Did you not take our Holy Court home at all?" Pay attention to the rules! You don’t pay attention to our dean at all, you have passed it, are you trying to rebel?”

Lin Xiu spoke a series of words, like cannonballs in a row. These words were said very quickly. Even if Kong Guo wanted to refute, it was obviously impossible, and Lin Xiu didn't give him a chance!
Kong Guo's face changed drastically, he looked at Lin Xiu, as if he wanted to swallow him up, this bastard, what nonsense are you talking about here!
"Kong Guo's dislike for you has increased, currently at 60, entering a level-[-] rage state!"

Kong Guo was never an ordinary person. Even though Lin Xiu had pushed him to this extent, he was not too angry, but only in a state of first-level rage. If other people were so slandered by Lin Xiu, they would have been extremely angry.

Of course, Kong Guo's current appearance is not good-looking either. If Lin Xiu dared to slander him, he would not let Lin Xiu go.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could I rebel? Lin Xiu, don't go too far!" Kong Guo said loudly.

"Excessive? Compared with someone who wants to kill and seize treasures in front of so many people, is this young master too much? You want to take away my young master's alchemy with a word from brother Kong Guo? Do you think I will agree? ?” Lin Xiu said loudly again.

When the people around heard Lin Xiu's words, although they didn't say anything, they still agreed with Lin Xiu's words.

Who can't see Kong Guo's intention to snatch Lin Xiu's Danding?It's just that they don't have the strength to stop Lin Xiu at all, but what happened today will also change Kong Guo's status in everyone's hearts.

Although Kong Guo's strength is strong, even so, he can't win the hearts of the people.

"Okay, Lin Xiu, since you said that I want to kill people and seize treasures, I will kill people today and seize treasures for you to see!" Kong Guo said, only to see him shouting loudly, "Heaven and earth have righteousness, and the universe is magnificent!"

Lin Xiu's face changed, this time, he still missed one thing, Kong Guo was so crazy, no matter how many people were here, he still wanted to attack him!

Originally, Lin Xiu, although he also knew that Kong Guo was an arrogant person, and a true disciple, how could he be afraid of offending others?Their status is different.

But Lin Xiu originally thought that Kong Guo would not make a move here. After all, he should save face. If he personally dealt with Lin Xiu here, wouldn't he let everyone around him see his true colors clearly?

Lin Xiu shouted loudly: "So that's the case, I only now know what it means to be shameless and invincible!"

As soon as Lin Xiu said this, Kong Guo became even angrier. Holding the golden book in his hand, he threw it at Lin Xiu.

A golden light blasted towards Lin Xiu, and Lin Xiu felt that he could no longer dodge it. After all, this was a shot by a strong man in the Holy Realm. Even if it was just a casual blow, he already possessed the power of a top-ranked martial art at the imperial level. If he shot with all his strength, he would have to reach It is not impossible to have low-grade supernatural powers.

With Lin Xiu's current strength, it would be whimsical to fight against a strong man in the holy realm. Lin Xiu never thought of fighting against a strong man in the holy realm. However, even if it was Kong Guo, if he wanted to kill him today, he would still There is a price to pay!

Lin Xiu had been chewing the elixir in his mouth.

Now Lin Xiu's soul power has recovered by [-]%, but it is obviously impossible to deal with the strong in the holy realm, so...

The power of fire!

Lin Xiu's body gushed out violent power, the meridians of his whole body became hot again, and the soul power in his body was soaring crazily, and he had already entered the eighth level of Martial Ancestor Realm!
The power of the sky fire raised Lin Xiu's realm by three levels.

The next moment, Lin Xiu directly summoned a ray of light, attacking Kong Guo in front of him.

Medicine Immortal Cauldron!
That ray of golden light was submerged in the Yaoxian cauldron, and it couldn't penetrate at all, and was sucked in by the Yaoxian cauldron.

At this time, Lin Xiu had already swallowed Kong Guo with the Immortal Medicine Cauldron.

Facing the strong man in the Holy Realm, Lin Xiu still wants to fight!
Inside the Yaoxian cauldron, flames were burning, even if this cauldron could not kill that Kong Guo, it could still make him lose a layer of skin!

After Kong Guo was directly sucked into the Yaoxian cauldron, he realized that something was wrong. How could the power of this medicine fairy cauldron be so terrifying? Sucked in.

Kong Guo looked around, his eyes full of coldness.

In this Immortal Medicine Cauldron, as if he had his own world, Kong Guo felt that flames were all around him, rushing towards him, as if they wanted to burn him up.

Kong Guo didn't have the protection of the spirit armor now, even if he had the spirit armor, it might not be able to withstand the attack of the Immortal Medicine Cauldron. As soon as the golden book in his hand came out, golden characters formed around him, representing him. Resist the attacks around here.

The high temperature around made Kong Guo feel shocked, but also felt quite unbelievable. He couldn't believe that there would be such a powerful attack in this alchemy cauldron!

If this is the case, this alchemy tripod is definitely not as simple as a middle-grade magic weapon, is it a top-grade magic weapon?
Kong Guo immediately resisted the attack with all his might, he didn't want to die here!

(End of this chapter)

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