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Chapter 1035 Next Treasure Chest

Chapter 1035 The Next Treasure Chest

Lin Xiu immediately said: "Then you just wait! After half a year, I won't let you go!"

Kong Guo snorted coldly, turned around and left.

"The business here is over, let's go back!" Chen Xiang said calmly.

"Okay!" Rou'er and the others said.

Lin Xiu naturally followed Chen Xiang and left.

The people present were quite shocked and surprised by this battle. Lin Xiu gave them too many surprises.

With the strength and talent that Lin Xiu possesses now, it is indeed not comparable to other people, but even so, it is quite incredible that Lin Xiu can make Kong Guo so embarrassed.

"Lin Xiu, are you really sure that you can enter the Holy Realm within half a year?" Only Chen Xiang asked.

Chen Xiang's ability to enter the holy realm was entirely due to an unexpected opportunity. No one knew that her strength was even a little unstable.

Even so, it took a year for Chen Xiang to enter the Holy Realm from the ninth floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm.

But Lin Xiu threatened that he would be able to enter the holy realm in half a year. If this is true, then Lin Xiu's talent is really terrifying.

"Don't worry, within half a year, I will step into the Holy Realm!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

"Have you thought of any cultivation methods?" Chen Xiang asked again.

This question made Lin Xiu stunned for a moment, Lin Xiu really didn't think about how to practice.

"If you haven't thought about how to cultivate, I, Chen Xiang, you can go to Little Demon Realm!" Chen Xiang said.

"Little Devil?" Lin Xiu asked.

"The place we are in is called Small Sanctuary. In addition to our Tianwu Holy Academy, there are also Tianhong Bayuan, Tianxing Pavilion, and the three righteous alliances. Here, there is also a place for us to practice, called Xiaomoyu , it is full of opportunities and enemies!" Chen Xiang said.

"Enemy, you mean Earth Demon, Sky Demon?" Lin Xiu asked.

"That's right, the Earth Demon is an existence at the level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, and the Heavenly Demon belongs to the Saint Realm! Entering the Small Demon Realm is equivalent to a huge realm. The Small Demon Realm is even half the size of the Fenggu Continent, and the number of demons in it is also less than that of the Fenggu Continent." Very huge!"

"If you want to go inside to practice, you must have enough strength and the ability to escape, because if the demons catch us, they will absorb our flesh and blood, and we will not be able to survive!"

"Of course, you may also encounter various opportunities in it. The area of ​​Xiaomoyu is so huge, and there are so many rare treasures in it, even if you can get one of them, it will be very beneficial!"

"But you have to be careful, because there will be quite a few monsters there. They are different from ordinary monsters, but a very powerful existence. We call them monsters!"

"Monsters can transform into human appearances, and they can also use monster supernatural powers, which is very powerful, especially for monsters that have stepped into the holy realm, their supernatural powers are also quite strange, and..."

Chen Xiang explained to Lin Xiu what happened in this small demon realm, and Lin Xiu was also fascinated by it.

It took an afternoon for Chen Xiang to let Lin Xiu leave.

Lin Xiu has already made up his mind. Mo Yue and Tang Qing's realm is still too low. If they go out to practice, it may be dangerous.

Lin Xiu didn't go back to the residence immediately, only saw that there was an extra compass in Lin Xiu's hand. This time, Lin Xiu used the power of the sky fire, and the sequelae had weakened a lot. Change back to the fourth floor of Martial Ancestor Realm.

But it is enough for now, Lin Xiu must find a new treasure chest to increase his strength now!

Tianhong Peak.

The more Kong Guo thought about it, the more something was wrong, his face was a little ugly, Lin Xiu would let him go so kindly?

Impossible, this Lin Xiu is obviously a ruthless person, as long as there is a chance, Lin Xiu will definitely kill.

"Have any of you seen the origin of the cauldron in Lin Xiu's hand?" Kong Guo said to the three people in front of him.

"Brother Kong Guo, I don't think this alchemy tripod is as simple as an ordinary magic weapon!" said one of them.

"Could it be the Nine Dragon Cauldron of the Nine Dragon Daoist?" Another person asked.

"Impossible, Daoist Nine Dragons is a strong man in the holy realm, and his Nine Dragon Cauldron is even more powerful. Even if an ordinary Martial Ancestor is offended, it is impossible to use it!" Another person said.

"What did you say?" Kong Guo suddenly stared at the last person who spoke.

"I... I didn't say anything, Brother Kong Guo, what happened?"

"I asked what you just said!"

"The power of the Nine Dragon Cauldron is extraordinary..."

"That's right, that's how it is, that's how it is!"

Kong Guo thought why Lin Xiu didn't kill him, it turned out that he was fooled by Lin Xiu!
Lin Xiu didn't have enough holy power to drive that alchemy tripod!
It's not that Lin Xiu doesn't want to kill him, but that Lin Xiu doesn't have enough strength at all!

Thinking of this, Kong Guo's eyes were full of chills and regret. If he had taken Lin Xiu's alchemy back before, his strength would have increased greatly. By then, he would not be afraid even if it was Chen Xiang. Unfortunately, he missed it. A BEST OPPORTUNITY NOW!
Moreover, Kong Guo's heart is very angry now, and he has a feeling of being deceived by others. This Lin Xiu even dared to fool him?

Holy Court, Demon Sword Peak!

Demon Sword Peak, it is said that thousands of years ago, a true disciple once lived there. This true disciple was named Sword Emperor, and he practiced high-grade supernatural powers with extraordinary power.

It is said that this kind of skill can even allow him to display powerful sword art, even the beginner's sword art will be easily destroyed in front of this kind of sword art.

But the Sword Emperor acted arrogantly and domineeringly throughout his life, so he offended many people. In the end, for some unknown reason, he fell into the evil way, but was beheaded and killed by the dean of the holy courtyard.

But inside the Demon Sword Peak, there is still devilish energy everywhere. Others want to enter it, but they will be stained by the devilish energy. If they are young, they will be seriously ill for a few days, and if they are big, they will die because of this.

So this place has been listed as a forbidden area, but few people dare to enter here.

Lin Xiu looked at the Demon Sword Peak shrouded in black mist in front of him, the corner of his mouth twitched, and the compass had already shown that there was a treasure chest inside the Demon Sword Peak in front of him.

The magic sword treasure box can swallow the surrounding magic energy to upgrade, the stronger the magic energy absorbed, the stronger the magic energy value obtained, and it can absorb the magic attack of the demon clan!

The magic sword treasure chest, it can be seen that this is a very useful thing, and it is also very useful for what Lin Xiu is going to do next!
Lin Xiu is going to the Little Demon Realm next, there are a lot of demons there, Lin Xiu guesses, if he gets there, he will definitely meet the demons, this treasure chest is good for pretending, slapping faces, and killing people equipment!
(End of this chapter)

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