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Chapter 1045 Can you understand animal language?

Chapter 1045 Can you understand animal language?

When Lin Xiu heard this, he immediately became excited: "Three, pass by unevenly, draw your sword to help, it seems that someone needs my help again!" After Lin Xiu finished speaking, he rushed out.

After Cheng Qi saw it, he couldn't help sighing: "A chivalrous person like Yasuo, the name of a swordsman is indeed right, a swordsman, a swordsman, a swordsman!"

"In this world, there are not many chivalrous men like Yasuo. He is really a role model for my generation!" Cheng Shi also said in admiration.

Song Yi whispered: "It's just pretending to be aggressive here, what's the big deal?"

Song Yi is full of envy, jealousy and resentment towards Lin Xiu. In Song Yi's eyes, Lin Xiu can be so powerful, but only has a sword. If this sword falls into Song Yi's hands, Song Yi has a feeling, I can also become as strong as Lin Xiu.

Song Yi already had his own plan in his heart, Lin Xiu didn't know, even if he knew, he wouldn't care, he had already rushed forward.

This time, there were more than a dozen monsters in front of them. These monsters were almost half-human and half-beast, with a human head and a monster body.

Moreover, it seems that the bodies of these monsters are quite strong, and what these monsters guard is a spiritual fruit, which is as crystal clear as crystal.

"It's the Sky Crystal Fruit!" Cheng Shi looked at it and said happily, "It is said that there are magical stripes on this Sky Crystal Fruit. As long as you take it, you may realize supernatural powers!"

"Supernatural power?" Lin Xiu said a little surprised.

"Yes, the supernatural powers that the Sky Crystal Wenguo can obtain may even be top-ranked supernatural powers, with extraordinary power!" Cheng Qi said.

"It seems that we must get this Sky Crystal Vein Fruit!" Lin Xiu's eyes lit up. Lin Xiu was not willing to hand over such a good thing.

"There is only one Sky Crystal Vein Fruit, who do we want to take it?" Song Yi asked.

As soon as Song Yi said these words, the other three immediately fell silent.

There is only one Sky Crystal Vein Fruit, and only one person can take it!

"This spiritual fruit doesn't have much effect on me. I'm a profound formation master. To me, it's not as good as a formation weapon!" Only Cheng Shi said.

"Yasuo, you saved us before, so this spiritual fruit should be regarded as a gift from us, Song Yi, what do you think?" Cheng Qi said.

"I have no objection!" I only heard Song Yi say.

In this way, the temporary agreement was completed, and the three of them assisted Lin Xiu to obtain this Sky Crystal Spirit Fruit.

But now here, there are three monsters, and there seem to be other hidden people around.

It is estimated that Lin Xiu is not the only one who discovered the Sky Crystal Spirit Fruit here, but they are very smart and did not come out now, everyone is waiting. When the Sky Crystal Spirit Fruit matures, the three-headed monster will appear scramble.

The three-headed monsters kept roaring, and the other people around couldn't understand what the three-headed monsters were saying, but from their powerful momentum and roar, everyone could know that the three-headed monsters must be mocking the other party.

It's just that when Lin Xiu heard the roar of the three monsters, his expression became a little weird.

But at this time, it was the time for them to compete. In an instant, the three monsters roared at the same time.

The monster with the head of a wolf and the body of a wolf spit out gusts of strange wind from its mouth, blowing towards the front.

The monster with the head of a man and the body of a tiger spit out black flames from its mouth. There was no heat wave, and it was more like a ball of ice.

The half-bear, half-human monster was even able to slap the ground, and the ground immediately sent out shock waves.

There are three monsters, but each of them understands the supernatural powers of monsters, and their power is much stronger than martial arts.

Although these three monsters have not reached the Holy Realm, judging from their appearance, they have at least possessed the strength of the eighth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm.

The three-headed monsters have already started fighting for the Sky Crystal Vein Fruit.

The power of the three monsters is extremely powerful, but the bear monster is obviously stronger in combat power. Although the other two monsters are powerful, they are still a little weaker. After fighting, the bear monster is still stronger.

The bodies of the two monsters were lying in a pool of blood, life and death were unknown, and the wounds on the bear monster were not serious. It could be seen that it was also seriously injured in order to win the other two monsters this time, but it was all worth it, as long as it could get This sky crystal grain fruit!

When the bear monster was about to walk towards the crystal grain fruit of that day, he saw that there were already strong people around him who suddenly attacked the bear monster.

There are 30 people hidden here, and their strength is not weak. The realm of these strong people even has the strength above the sixth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, and there are even a few strong men from the eighth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm.

Even the bear demon could not resist the joint attack of these strong men. These attacks all fell on the bear demon. The position where the bear demon was located exploded, and it was also blown away. This bear demon fell to the ground , no longer move.

So simple to solve it?
Everyone's eyes were full of disbelief, but these people didn't care about these bear demons at all. Although the bear demon's corpse and the bear demon's inner alchemy were used to make alchemy, the effect was good, but this also Can't compare to the Sky Crystal Vein Fruit!

This is a kind of supernatural power, as long as you can get it, you can get a kind of supernatural power. Of course, no one knows what the level of this supernatural power is. After all, the supernatural power possessed by each Sky Crystal Vein Fruit is different.

But as long as there is one more supernatural power, it will be much stronger than before.

The three-headed monsters have already been defeated, life and death are unknown, this is a good opportunity!The warriors around will not miss this opportunity, they have already rushed out, wanting to take the Sky Crystal Vein Fruit into their hands.

There used to be more than 30 people here, but now it suddenly turned into 50 to [-] people. The sudden appearance of these people also planned to snatch the spirit fruit away.

"Yasuo, let's make a move too, otherwise, this fruit spirit will be taken away by others!" Only Cheng Qi could be heard saying immediately.

"Now that the three monsters have been killed, it is naturally a good opportunity! Yasuo, are you still planning to make a move?" Cheng Shi said.

"You are not afraid of death, are you? If we let other people take this spiritual fruit first, we will have no chance!" Song Yi also said.

Although Song Yi had other thoughts in his heart, if Lin Xiu didn't act, all his plans would be impossible to implement.

After Lin Xiu heard what the three said, he shook his head and said, "Now is not the time to act!"

"Isn't it time to make a move? Then when will we make a move?" Cheng Qi asked.

"Can you understand animal language?" Lin Xiu asked suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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