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Chapter 105 That Chicken Is So Poor

Chapter 105 That Chicken Is So Poor

What... what is this person doing?
The mirror in Lin Xiu's hand is like a projection, which can project the picture onto the wall of the Drum Tower.

What did everyone see?A man about 20 years old was lying on the ground, and he was holding a chicken, and he was making a strange sound: "Googoo..."

That's all, more importantly, his face is full of excitement, why is this?Why did he make things difficult for this chicken?

"What... what's going on here? What is that young man doing?"

"I seem to have seen him before, he seems to be the man from Shen Longdian, he seems to be called Yang Xing!"

"How could it be? If it is someone from Shen Longdian, then what is he doing?"

"Beast, did he do this to that chicken!"


There are more and more people around, and the direction of their discussion has also changed. After all, what Yang Xing did was very strange. A man, hugging a chicken, was still lying on the ground with excitement on his face. The expression, the mouth made this strange sound.

This is too obscene!
When everyone saw Yang Xing's action, their faces changed. What a wretched person this is!
The news spread instantly.

That disciple of Shen Longdian actually did such a terrible thing to the chicken!
People from the four major sects have already arrived here, and their news is very well-informed, especially this time when it concerns people from other sects.

And this incident, after being confirmed by people from the four major sects, made everyone look astonished. What is this Yang Xing doing?
According to rumors, Yang Xing is the son of Yang Hui, the elder of the Shenlong Palace, and this Yang Hui is also a very famous elder in the Shenlong Palace, and his strength is already at the level of Wuxu Realm. Of course, it is not that simple in fact .

It's just that people from the four sects have recognized him now, and this person is none other than Yang Xing!
"Senior Brother Zhong Hu!" A disciple who was stationed in Shenlongdian immediately came over and shouted.

"What's the matter?" Zhong Hu was still practicing, and he was still a little upset to be disturbed now.

"Senior Brother Zhong Hu, something is wrong, now Senior Brother Yang Xing..."

"What's up with him?"

"Senior brother Yang Xing's image is now appearing under the Drum Tower, and it also shows a very strange picture!"

"Junior brother Yang Xing, where is he now?"

"Senior brother Yang Xing orders, no one can disturb him!"

"Take me to see it first!"

Although Yang Xing often made troubles, he was Yang Hui's son after all, and no one could change this matter, so Zhong Hu had to be optimistic about him, and he had to see with his own eyes what happened now.

Zhong Hu had already walked under the drum tower, and he was surprised to find that some other friends and opponents were there.

Yueshi and Cui'er from Nishang Pavilion, Yurou and Liuying from Lingyunzong, and Chen Feng from Tianjianmen.

Among the people sent by Tianjianmen this time, Liu Chen had already been killed by Lin Xiu, and Chen Feng was Liu Chen's brother and a genius, and they all came here at this time.

At this time, Zhong Hu saw the image of the bell tower. Yang Xing was still learning how to crow and was still hugging the chicken. His expression was a little helpless and depressed, and he didn't know what Yang Xing was doing, but It's shameful enough to do such a thing in front of tens of thousands of people here!

"I thought who it was. It turned out to be Senior Brother Zhong Hu. Senior Brother Zhong Hu seems to be a senior brother of Shen Longdian too. That Senior Brother Yang Xing actually did such a thing. What do you think, Senior Brother Zhong Hu?" Liu Ying smiled. Get up and ask softly.

"It turns out that the disciples of Shen Longdian still have such hobbies, they really have learned a lot!" the disciple of Tianjianmen also said.

Yueshi didn't speak, but Cui'er said: "That chicken is so pitiful, someone did such a thing to it!"

Zhong Hu's complexion was already ugly, but now he heard several people teasing him, his complexion became even more gloomy.

Zhong Hu looked around, he finally released a mirror, and it was this mirror that projected towards that drum tower, Zhong Hu immediately wanted to shoot and destroy the mirror.

But at this moment, a figure appeared in front of him, who else could it be if it wasn't Lin Xiu?
"Lin Xiu, what are you doing?" Zhong Hu asked immediately.

"It's such a beautiful thing, Zhong Hu, how can you interrupt everyone's appreciation?" Lin Xiu said with a chuckle.

"You! So it was you who did this!" Zhong Hu's face changed drastically. It turned out that he thought that Lin Xiu really wanted to do business with Yang Xing, and later because of Yang Xing's request, he didn't follow in the past, but now , Yang Xing actually did such a thing, needless to say, it must be Lin Xiu's trick, otherwise how could it be like this?
"What? Don't blame a good man, what have I done? A good man like me, but I specially instructed Young Master Yang Xing on how to lay gold coins with that hen, but I didn't expect that he would do it This kind of thing is really too much, I never knew that Young Master Yang Xing would have such a hobby!" Lin Xiu looked innocent.

"What?" Everyone felt something was wrong when they heard Lin Xiu's words. No matter how much Yang Xing did, he shouldn't have done such a thing, but now, Yang Xing not only did it, but also made people His image is projected under this drum tower.

In just half an hour, tens of thousands of people gathered here. The mastermind behind all this must be this Lin Xiu!
But how did Lin Xiu fool Yang Xing?

Zhong Hu didn't know, and neither did the others, but it's not hard to imagine that Yang Xing would be like this, and it would definitely be the ghost of this cheap person!
Moreover, what Yang Xing did could be projected to this place. What exactly did he use?
You must know that other people have never seen an object that can project this scene to other places, and they have never even heard of such a thing.

Now Lin Xiu has done it!

" deceive people too much!" Zhong Hu said angrily.

"Who am I bullying? Don't you realize how much Young Master Yang Xing likes a chicken? It's beyond my control, but if I were you, I would rush back to stop him immediately, and I don't know what he's going to do next." Will something happen with the chicken!" Lin Xiu chuckled, and that smile became even more obscene.

"Lin Xiu, I will definitely settle this matter with you!" Zhong Hu's face changed drastically when he heard this, and he ran away immediately after leaving these words. It would be a waste of time to fight Lin Xiu , this projection is still going on, if this kind of image continues, no one knows what Yang Xing will do.

Zhong Hu was scared, how could he not run away?

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(End of this chapter)

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