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Chapter 1053 I, Yasuo, Remembered You

Chapter 1053 I, Yasuo, Remembered You

If Cheng Shi can still use this array now, then Cheng Shi can still deal with Jiang Xing in front of him, but it is a pity that the array, like the Immortal Medicine Cauldron on Lin Xiu, consumes a huge amount of soul power. The soul power in Cheng Shi's body could not sustain him for a long time.

Now that Cheng Shi has used it once, it is naturally impossible to use it any more. The soul power in his body has been almost exhausted.

Cheng Qi's strength is not strong, so if he wants to fight, it will not be of much use. Song Yi was seriously injured, and he has no way to continue fighting.

"You want to stay alone?" Cheng Qi looked at Lin Xiu in surprise and said.

"This is my business. If you stay here, I won't be able to escape!" Lin Xiu whispered, "Believe me, there is nothing I, Yasuo, can't do!"

Cheng Qi glanced at Cheng Shi and Song Yi beside her, gritted her teeth, and said, "Okay, since this is the case, let's leave first, Lin Xiu, you must survive!"

"It's not time to die yet, it's too early to lie down now!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

Cheng Qi and the others immediately turned around, and Cheng Shi was ready to run away with Song Yi on his back.

"Do you think you can escape?" Jiang Xing said coldly.

But Lin Xiu said: "The person you are looking for is just me, there is no need to embarrass them!"

"Do you think you can survive today? Not just you, even them..." Before Jiang Xing finished speaking, Lin Xiu's body flashed and disappeared in place.

If he stayed now, how could Lin Xiu be able to fight against so many powerful opponents? Of course, it would be better to run away now.


As soon as Lin Xiu left, Jiang Xing and others immediately chased after him. Jiang Xing knew very well that if he couldn't catch up with Lin Xiu in a short time, it was obviously impossible to deal with Lin Xiu again!
Because once other people from the Holy Court saw it, the news that Xing Pavilion chased and killed the disciples of the Holy Court would spread, which would have a great impact on the reputation of Tianxing Pavilion.

Now Jiang Xing had to hunt down Lin Xiu in a short time. Because of this, the strong men in the Tianxing Pavilion immediately chased after him. On the contrary, Cheng Qi and the three of them did not encounter any pursuit.

If Cheng Qi and the others followed Jiang Xing, they would indeed gain a lot of benefits. However, if they did so, Lin Xiu would definitely be killed, and they would feel guilty, so they chose to stand by Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu didn't want the three of them to take risks, so it's better to retreat first today.

As for Jiang Xing here, Lin Xiu will definitely not let him go. Those who dare to provoke this young master, besides death, can they have other ways to survive?

At that time, now Lin Xiu had to retreat strategically. This was definitely not an escape!It's just a retreat. The other party is a strong man in the holy realm. If Lin Xiu confronts him head-on now, it will be a fool's behavior.

But Lin Xiu was determined to retreat, even Jiang Xing couldn't catch up with Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu's shape-shifting made Lin Xiu move faster.

A look of shock appeared on Jiang Xing's face. Lin Xiu has supernatural powers, how could he possess such supernatural powers?
Jiang Xing was both surprised and happy, but he soon realized that Lin Xiu was running so fast that he couldn't catch up with Lin Xiu at all.

If this continues, Lin Xiu will be able to escape.

There was a cold light in Jiang Xing's eyes, only to see that he immediately activated his supernatural powers, and stars suddenly fell from the sky and attacked Lin Xiu.

Falling Astrology!
These falling stars are powerful, and when they hit Lin Xiu, they couldn't stop them even if they were transformed into shadows.

Lin Xiu's face changed slightly. This move is probably not as simple as an ordinary low-grade supernatural power, and it can no longer be avoided!

All I saw was a golden door appearing above Lin Xiu's head.

The door of devouring!

The Gate of Devouring is the most powerful martial spirit on the Fenggu Continent, but here, his martial spirit is so weak that Lin Xiu can feel that this Gate of Devouring is no longer too strong among the high-ranking Martial Ancestors. Great power!
No matter how powerful the Martial Soul is, it still appears so powerless in the face of supernatural powers and secret arts. The Gate of Devouring has only swallowed three stars, and it has already been destroyed.

The Gate of Devouring spirit returned to Lin Xiu's body, but Lin Xiu didn't stop, his body flickered again, dodging the attack of the rest of the stars.

"Stop, stop chasing!" Jiang Xing said suddenly.

Everyone looked at Jiang Xing with puzzled eyes, and Jiang Xing sighed: "There are already other people in front, if we continue to chase, I'm afraid it will cause dissatisfaction in the Holy Academy!"

Tianxing Pavilion disciples chased and killed the disciples of the Holy Court. If this matter spread, it would definitely cause dissatisfaction in the Holy Court. This kind of thing cannot continue.

This time, Lin Xiu was lucky!
"Tianxingge Jiangxing, I, Yasuo, have written you down. The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. Next time we meet, I will definitely avenge today!"

Lin Xiu's voice rolled over, everyone saw that Lin Xiu hadn't gone far!
"This Yasuo is too arrogant, right? Does he think we really have nothing to do with him?"

"Brother Jiang Xing, we must not let him go!"

"I'm going to kill him now!"


The surrounding Tianxing Pavilion disciples said immediately.

But Jiang Xing shook his head immediately: "No, let's leave first, he won't be arrogant for long!"

Sure enough, there were already other small forces and casual cultivators around. They were also surprised when they heard Lin Xiu's words, and their eyes fell on Lin Xiu.

What is this boy doing?He was actually challenging Jiang Xing?Isn't that the true disciple of Tianxing Pavilion?
"I recognized him, he seems to be Yasuo, the Yasuo who claimed to be the Gale Swordsman!"

"It is said that he is a righteous man, and he has saved many people. It turned out to be him!"

"This man is so courageous that he dared to provoke Jiang Xing. Isn't he afraid of death? However, I admire him a lot!"


There were more and more people around, and Lin Xiu continued to curse at Jiang Xing's back: "Jiang Xing, come here if you have the guts, this young master will fight you for another [-] rounds, let's see if you dare Don’t dare, don’t run away if you have the guts!”

This Yasuo actually provoked Jiang Xing openly, it was really unbelievable.

"Ding...Pretentious value +"

"Ding, I have collected 10 exclamation points from Martial Ancestor Realm!"


"Ding, I am amazed that the treasure chest has been successfully promoted, and it is currently a bronze treasure chest!"

"Ding, I am amazed that the treasure chest has been successfully promoted, and it is currently a silver treasure chest!"


"Ding, I am amazed that the treasure chest has been successfully promoted, and it is currently an amethyst treasure chest!"

There are more than 20 people around, and Lin Xiu has collected 200 million amazing points.

Although Jiang Xing was a little annoyed, there was nothing he could do. It would be inappropriate to attack Lin Xiu in public now, but he would not let Lin Xiu continue to be so arrogant.

"Qi Cheng, go and stare at him, find a chance, and get rid of him!" Jiang Xing said with a cold face.

(End of this chapter)

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