Chapter 1057 Qi Gang
Lin Xiu also wanted to know what was in this diamond treasure chest, but since the people here had already said that it was a magic weapon, in this way, there must be a magic weapon in this treasure chest.

After the light dissipated, the magic weapon in the female demon's hand was a bow. This bow was like a work of art, as if it was composed of blue ice.

This bow is very beautiful, and around this bow, there is a constant chill. On this bow, there is a special carving pattern, like each character. One can tell at a glance that this bow is not ordinary. .

But now this treasure has been taken away by other people, Lin Xiu is not very surprised, this bow is definitely not ordinary, so it is not easy to get it, even if you can get it, if you want to It's refining, it's not that simple!
So even if the female demon can obtain it, it is impossible to refine it now.

Seeing this bow, greed appeared in the eyes of both Jin Chao and Jiang Xing.

This is a magic weapon, it doesn't need the way of bow and arrow, as long as you can read the formula on the bow, you can display its powerful power.

Jiang Xing's face changed when he saw that the female demon got this magic weapon. This magic weapon should belong to him, but now it will be taken away by other people. This really makes Jiang Xing very angry and helpless , but Jiang Xing had no choice but now he was seriously injured.

"This bow is not bad, so how about it, I want this bow, and then I will give you these two humans, what do you think?" the female demon said.

"Of course, I only need them. I'm not interested in this bow!" said the male demon.

The faces of Jiang Xing and Jin Chao became very ugly. Listening to what they said, it was as if they were discussing who owned this beast.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll accept it without hesitation! I'll also get rid of him for you!" The female demon cast her eyes on Jin Chao.

"You think we will lose to you if we are injured? You are heavenly demons, and we are also strong in the holy realm!" Jin Chao said loudly.

"Even so, so what? We are the demon clan, you are just stupid human beings!" The female demon said, only to see her clasping her palm and punching out. This punch directly blasted a ripple in the space. come out.

Jin Chao's face changed drastically, and he immediately used the spear to block in front of him, and the invisible huge wave directly blasted Jin Chao away.

Jin Chao spat out a mouthful of blood. He never thought that the opponent's power would be so terrifying.

"Hehe, human, your physical body is pretty good, but unfortunately, it's still far behind me!" the female demon said, only to see a huge hammer appear in her palm with a wave of her hand. It is three meters long, and the hammer part is two meters long.

The hammer was as black as ink, and there were black words all over the body of the hammer. Li Tianmo slammed down with the hammer, only to see that the ground was smashed into pieces in an instant.

The terrifying power has the power to destroy heaven and earth, and those powerful warriors around were also blown away by the airflow of this hammer.

"Human beings are not qualified to live, you can only be our food!" Qi Tianmo also said, spitting out black air from his mouth, and flew towards Jiang Xing.

Although Jiang Xing's controlling the sword with qi condensing silk is not as good as the real way of controlling the sword with qi, it is still possible to take the enemy's head within a hundred feet, and he can control four swords at most at the same time. It is still hard to predict who will win and who will lose when the Qi Tianmo attacks.

But even so, Jiang Xing was still at a disadvantage, because Jiang Xing found out that he couldn't even hurt the Qi Tianmo in front of him!
On the surface of Qi Tianmo's body, a white wall of Qi appeared. This wall of Qi could easily resist the flying sword in front of him, and Jiang Xing's face showed an inconceivable expression.

How can it be?His flying sword couldn't hurt the Qi Sky Demon in front of him.

"Condensing Qi into Gang, this Heavenly Demon has such strength!"

"It is said that if you have the ability to condense energy into a gang, if you don't attack with enough power, you won't be able to break through this supernatural power at all!"

"Looking at Jiang Xing's appearance, he has not broken the ability to condense energy into gangs at all!"


The faces of the crowd changed. It turned out that they were thinking that if there were two strong men in the holy realm, they could still fight the two heavenly demons, and they would have a chance. Xing and Jin Chao are not the opponents of these two heavenly demons at all.

The two of them have been seriously injured now, and it's still too reluctant to let them be the opponents of Tianmao!
Qi Tianmo spewed out energy from his mouth, and was able to attack Jiang Xing. The spirit armor on Jiang Xing's body could no longer hold up. In the next attack, he was blasted to pieces, and only on Jiang Xing's chest, there was a The blood hole, the blood flowing out of his blood hole is not red, but black.

"Boom!" Jin Chao fell from the sky, he had already sunk to the ground, and Li Tianmo showed disdain on his face.

"I thought how strong you human saints are, but it seems that's all there is to it!" Li Tianmo's voice came over.

Li Tianmo's power is very powerful, even stronger than her supernatural powers. Jin Chao has the supernatural power of spear, but compared with Li Tianmo, the gap is huge.

Other strong human beings around were also attacked by these demons. The strength of these strong demons is extraordinary, and the number of strong human beings is much smaller than this demons.

It is precisely because of this that the current human beings are in a desperate situation. If this continues, they will definitely lose to the demons, and they will not even have a chance to escape.

"Are we really going to die here?"

"Who will save us?"

"The Messenger of Justice, Will Yasuo the Gale Sword come to rescue us?"

"Don't talk nonsense, even if he comes, what can he do?"


The people around are already desperate, some people even thought of the name Yasuo, but, even if that Yasuo comes, he is only a strong martial ancestor, how can he save them in the hands of these heavenly demons ?

"Send them on their way!" Only Qi Tianmo said.

A sword light flashed like a shooting star. This person's target was directed at Qi Tianmo. This sword light was so fast that people's eyes couldn't catch that figure.

Qi Tianmo said disdainfully: "Stupid, it's only the fifth level of the Martial Ancestor Realm, and you want to hurt me? You can't even break my Qi Gang... what!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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