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Chapter 1066 Brother Lin Xiu

Chapter 1066 Brother Lin Xiu
Sure enough, the current White Bone Demon's face darkened.

Don't look at the appearance of the Bone Demon is very kind, in fact, this woman is different, her heart is much more ruthless than most people, since she is a monster, there is not much humanity in her, and she still bears the burden of knowing hate people.

The current Bone Essence is a person with deep resentment, offending her is undoubtedly courting death, Rou'er said that, it is obviously very disrespectful to Bone Essence.

If the Bone Essence were to make a move, Rou'er would definitely die, Lin Xiu immediately shouted: "Rou'er, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"What? How dare you talk to me so loudly?" Rou'er was also angry when she heard that.

"I'm your senior sister Chen Xiang's guest, and she's my subordinate. If you treat her like this, you'll treat me like this!" Lin Xiu said coldly.

Bai Jingjing was quite angry at first, but after hearing Lin Xiu's words, she felt a little grateful in her heart that Lin Xiu was so kind to her!

For her sake, Lin Xiu even offended the owner here!

Before coming here, Bai Jingjing had already heard from Lin Xiu that this was the place of Lin Xiu's friends, and they were just guests here. Because of this, Bai Jingjing didn't take action directly. Now that Lin Xiu was speaking for her, she was very clear to Lin Xiu I am even more grateful.

"Bai Jingjing's favorability for you has increased, and it is currently 60!"

That's okay too?Lin Xiu was overjoyed. The more Bai Jingjing liked him, the more loyal she would be to him. Moreover, if the favorability reached 100, something might happen.

Bai Jingjing is a monster, Lin Xiu really didn't ask if she was a wife.

"You are too much, our Senior Sister Chen Xiang asked you to practice here, not to let you bring other women over!" Rou'er said.

"In this case, I will not go back. I believe that there is still room for me, Lin Xiu, in this holy courtyard!" Lin Xiu flicked his sleeves and wanted to leave immediately.

It is obviously impossible for Yu'er to stop the two of them. Now that Rou'er has spoken, how can he stop them?

Rou'er snorted coldly and said: "If you leave here, there is no other place to go. How can the aura in other places be as strong as our Xianglai Peak? Unless you can find other real disciples' caves to live in, otherwise..."

Before Rou'er finished speaking, she heard a man's voice outside.

"I'm at Taozheng, I met Senior Sister Chen Xiang!" A man appeared outside Xianglai Peak.

"Rou'er, don't say any more, let's go pick up that senior brother Tao Zheng first!" Yu'er said hastily.

Tao Zheng, this is an existence on the eighth floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm, and he is also one of the stewards of the Hall of Merit. He must have something important to do when he comes here, so he can't offend him.

"Senior Brother Tao Zheng, I don't know why you came here?" Yu'er stepped forward and asked.

Lin Xiu didn't bother to stay, he just wanted to leave here, but at this moment he heard Tao Zheng's words: "I'm here to look for Senior Brother Lin Xiu, I wonder if Senior Brother Lin Xiu is here?"

Hearing this sentence, Rou'er and Yu'er were both taken aback at the same time, what?Brother Lin Xiu?

When did Lin Xiu become a senior brother?And from Tao Zheng's words, he has great respect for Lin Xiu!

"Senior brother Lin Xiu? Brother Tao Zheng, are you right? How did Lin Xiu become a senior brother?" Rou'er asked.

"Senior brother Lin Xiu has entered the ninth floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm, so he is naturally my senior brother!" Tao Zheng replied immediately.

The ninth floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm?
Upon hearing this sentence, Yu'er and Rou'er's expressions changed drastically, how could it be possible?Only a few days later, Lin Xiu was already on the ninth floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm!
This is too bad!

"Two junior sisters, I wonder if Senior Brother Lin Xiu is here?" Tao Zheng asked again.

The eyes of the two women fell on Lin Xiu, and Tao Zheng followed the eyes of the two women to look at Lin Xiu.

"I am Lin Xiu!" Lin Xiu replied.

"Brother Lin Xiu, this is the true discipleship flag promulgated by our sect. The cave where the flag is located belongs to you, senior brother Lin Xiu. Congratulations, brother, you have become a true disciple. There is also this token of meritorious service, which also belongs to you." Brother Lin Xiu is yours!" Tao Zheng said.

"What? Brother Tao Zheng, you said this is the true disciple flag? How did Lin Xiu become a true disciple? Could it be that he has already entered the holy realm!" Rou'er said quickly.

"Although Senior Brother Lin Xiu has not entered the Holy Realm, he is already on the ninth floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm, and he is only one step away from the Holy Realm!" Tao Zheng replied, "And Senior Brother Lin Xiu has already killed the Demon Dao True disciples, as well as Heavenly Demons, even beheaded [-] demons!"

"This feat alone is enough to sweep away most of the disciples in our Holy Academy. Coupled with Brother Lin Xiu's extraordinary potential, becoming a disciple of the Holy Land is just around the corner!"

Tao Zheng turned the words, but Rou'er's face turned pale all of a sudden.

Rou'er originally thought that even if Lin Xiu had a bit of talent, it would be impossible to enter the holy realm and become a true disciple so quickly, but now, it's completely different from what she thought!
"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be invisible, and collected 200 pretending points!"


After two reminders, Lin Xiu said lightly: "Thank you, Tao Zheng, this is exactly what I need!"

The current Lin Xiu was planning to leave Xianglai Peak, and it happened that the current Tao Zheng sent the True Disciple Banner here, allowing Lin Xiu to have a new cave.

"Where is it, senior brother Lin Xiu, this is my honor, senior brother Lin Xiu, if you have a fancy cave, you can tell me about it!" Tao Zheng said again.

"I have something to discuss with you, Tao Zheng, let's talk as we walk!" Lin Xiu laughed.

In the holy courtyard, strength is the most important thing. Lin Xiu's realm is higher than Tao Zheng's, so Lin Xiu naturally became a senior.

Bai Jingjing's eyes flickered, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Rou'er and Yu'er looked at the background of Lin Xiu leaving, Yu'er sighed and said: "Rou'er, you are too impulsive, this time, I'm afraid Senior Sister Chen Xiang will blame us!"

"Who...who knew that Lin Xiu's realm would improve so quickly, and he could even become a true disciple. He obviously hasn't entered the holy realm. This kind of thing has never happened before!" Rou'er was also a little flustered, and said .

"Let's go ask Senior Sister Chen Xiang first, and explain this matter to her properly!" Yu'er had no choice but to say.

Chen Xiang woke up from the retreat, when she heard about this, her face changed a bit.

Lin Xiu just went out for a trip and became a true disciple?What kind of cultivation speed is this?

After inquiring, Chen Xiang felt even more unbelievable. What kind of big trouble has happened to this Lin Xiu?

(End of this chapter)

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