Chapter 1080 It Was Him?

Yang Shu's face became very ugly. He was not a good-tempered person. It should be said that Yang Shu's temper was quite irritable. He roared and said, "Shut up, I!"

These people lived in Yang Shu's cave, and when they saw Yang Shu's appearance, they immediately understood that Yang Shu was angry, but they didn't know what happened.

"Senior brother Yang Shu, this black cloth...that person has shown his face?" A disciple said while grabbing the black cloth.

"Yes, I already know who he is!" Yang Shu said.

"Who is he?" The people around asked immediately.

"Let's go, let's go to Mo Lingfeng to seek justice!" I only heard Yang Shu say.

"What? Go to Mo Lingfeng to seek justice? Could it be that this person is from Mo Ling Peak?"

"How is it possible? Isn't there only one person on Mo Ling Peak who can threaten our Senior Brother Yang Shu?"

"Could it be that the man in black just now is... Senior Brother Mo Liang!"


The people present were very surprised. They couldn't believe that Mo Liang would do such a thing, but this was what Senior Brother Yang Shu saw. How could this matter be fake?
On the other side, the same thing happened on Minghua Peak. The Lingcao Garden here was taken away by a man in black, and this man was wearing a Confucian robe and looked thin. The owner of this cave, Ming Hua has already recognized his back.

Except for Xianglai Peak, all the other Lingshan caves were looted, which was something that could shock the entire Holy Court.

And this incident spread quickly, and almost all the true disciples gathered on Mo Ling Peak.

"Senior Brother Mo Liang is still in retreat, everyone, please wait patiently, we have already sent someone through Senior Brother Mo Liang, he will come out soon!" A Mo Lingfeng disciple said hastily.

"Retreat? Brother Mo Liang has been in retreat for a long time. Could it be that he looks down on me, Yang Shu?" Yang Shu's face became very ugly.

Yang Shu arrived first, and he has been waiting here for an hour, but Mo Liang has not arrived yet.

In addition to Yang Shu, there are other true disciples who have also arrived here. They were not sure whether the man in the black robe was Mo Liang, but they heard that Yang Shu was here, so they came here have a look.

It took a lot of time and effort to plant the spiritual grass garden of these true disciples, but now it has been destroyed. It would be strange if they could accept it.

After all, they are all true disciples, they don't want to suffer from being dumb, that's why they come here.

Yang Shu alone may not be qualified to force Mo Liang out, but if they add up, that's not the case.

In any case, it was too much for Mo Liang not to come out here for so long.

"Brothers, we have to seek justice from Brother Mo Liang today, and we must not let this matter go like this!" Ming Hua also said.

Ming Hua is also an existence of the Golden Infant Realm, and he is now at the juncture of a breakthrough, and he needs the elixir to break through. Now the Spirit Grass Garden has been destroyed, which makes him very angry.

"Yes, this time, it is absolutely impossible to let it go like this!" At this moment, a voice rang out, and everyone saw that a young man appeared here, but few people present knew Lin Xiu.

"Brothers and sisters, I am Lin Xiu. This time, not only the spiritual mountains and caves of the senior brothers and sisters suffered disasters, but even the 520 seven spiritual grasses in the cave of the little brother were also stolen. It is really disgusting. It's gone!" Lin Xiu said with a heartbroken look.

Bai Jingjing and Chen Xiang who came with Lin Xiu twitched their faces at the same time, Nima, even if you want to lie, you shouldn't be so exaggerated?

Other true disciples can plant 6 or 7 spiritual grasses, which is considered too much, but you can say 9527 spiritual grasses at one bite, how long have you had the spiritual mountain?How could you plant so many spiritual herbs?
Of course, other people have also heard of Lin Xiu's reputation, although they have never met Lin Xiu, but they have heard of Lin Xiu's name, and they quickly said: "Junior brother Lin Xiu, you lost so many spiritual herbs? How can this be!"

"This senior brother doesn't know something. I got the inheritance from a alchemy master very early on. He taught me the technique of giving birth. As long as I have enough spiritual grass seeds, I can give birth to spiritual grass! I collect The spiritual grass seeds that have been planted for ten years have just been planted and spawned!"

"I didn't know that the goddamn weed thief took all my spiritual herbs. It's too much, it's too much, it's really devoid of conscience and inhumanity!"

Although Lin Xiu was scolding the weed thief, he pointed at the Mo Ling Peak. Anyone could see that Lin Xiu was scolding Mo Liang.

With the heartbroken expression on Lin Xiu's face, coupled with his excellent acting, even if it was a holy place present, he was fooled by Lin Xiu.

"It's too much, Mo Liang. Even if he is the chief disciple, he shouldn't do such a thing. Does he really think he can cover the sky with one hand?"

"That's right, our spiritual grass was also cultivated and planted by myself. He just took away our spiritual grass. How can one be so unkind!"

"This matter, we absolutely can't just forget it like this, otherwise, if there is the first time, there will be a second time!"


The tempers of the True Inheritance disciples were not so good, and when they discussed, their resentment became even greater.

In Mo Lingfeng, Mo Liang's face is not good-looking now. He just came out of the retreat and heard about this incident, which really made him very depressed.

Stealing spirit grass?He never did it at all, how could someone see him stealing these people's spiritual herbs?
But when that person stole the spirit grass, he didn't hurt anyone, it was just that the speed was extremely fast, and almost every place was able to take away the spirit grass in less than a quarter of an hour. It's not something ordinary people can do.

Even Mo Liang couldn't imagine that someone would impersonate him and do this, but no matter what, this matter must be resolved first.

"Senior Brother Mo Liang, what are we going to do about this matter?" Kang Shi said angrily, "That bastard even snatched away my 300-year-old Tianxue Spirit Ginseng, it's really abhorrent!"

"You haven't found out who took your spirit grass?" Mo Liang said.

"No, it's said that apart from Senior Brother Mo Liang's Spirit Grass Garden, only Xianglai Peak was not stolen." Kang Shi said hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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