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Chapter 1083 Mo Liang's Spirit Grass Garden

Chapter 1083 Mo Liang's Spirit Grass Garden
When Lin Xiu saw it, his face immediately showed joy. There are so many spiritual grasses, if they are all taken away, how much spiritual grass value can be collected?
Just when Lin Xiu was excited, he heard Bai Jingjing tugging on Lin Xiu's sleeve: "Master, what kind of spiritual grass is that? It looks amazing!"

Lin Xiu saw that the spirit grass was a vine, and the vines were intertwined like a dragon. The parts made up of the vine seemed to have turned into dragon scales, and they were quite lifelike, just like a real dragon.

"Dragon-shaped grass, this kind of grass is said to have the soul of a dragon. If it is used to make alchemy, it is quite extraordinary. If the medicine is a thousand years old, it can even be transformed into a dragon shape. At that time, the spirit grass will have a spirit, and it can reach heaven and earth. ..." Lin Xiu replied.

In the library in Lin Xiu's mind, he could find the record of the dragon-shaped grass in no time, and Lin Xiu could easily tell what the spirit grass in front of him was.

What Lin Xiu said surprised Bai Jingjing: "I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable, young master. What about this spiritual herb?"

Bai Jingjing pointed to a white spiritual grass next to her, and cloud-like flowers grew on that spiritual grass, which looked quite strange.

"This is Piaoyunhua, a kind of spiritual herb, it..." Lin Xiu replied.

The other people were also a little surprised when they heard it. They were a little surprised that Lin Xiu would know so many spirit herbs. There are not [-] spirit herbs here, but nine thousand. Can Lin Xiu recognize these spirit herbs one by one?
The Spiritual Grass Garden here obviously shows no signs of being damaged or stolen, so people around can clearly understand that there must be something wrong here. Lingfeng is fine.

The problem must be in these two places!
But now, although they know it well, they have no way to prove whether the grass thief has anything to do with Mo Liang.

Now that Lin Xiu is here to talk about the spirit grass here, it has opened their eyes, so they can stay here a little longer and look around here to see if they can find any clues!

After talking about the origin and medicinal properties of hundreds of spiritual herbs, the true disciples here were very shocked by Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu's knowledge of this spiritual herb, even if he is called a master, has no problem at all!
Lin Xiu's knowledge was naturally dug out from the library system in his mind. This time, it was just right to pretend!
"Ding...Pretentious value +"


"Everyone, let's stop here for today's matter. I will definitely give everyone an explanation. No matter who steals everyone's spiritual grass, I will not let him go!" Mo Liang saw these people endlessly. Yes, he said immediately.

The others naturally had no choice but to leave first, but this incident had obviously alarmed the Holy Court.

The Holy Court has already sent a person to deal with it. As soon as everyone left the Lingcao Garden, they saw Wang Yan's arrival.

Mo Liang seemed to have thought of something, and said something to Kang Shi who was beside him. Kang Shi immediately nodded and left here first.

"Elder Wang Yan, why did you come to our Mo Ling Peak?" Mo Liang's expression was obviously ugly.

"I've heard about what happened last night. I came here to investigate this matter at the request of Vice President Tang Ao. I hope you don't mind, Mo Liang. I just came here to inquire!" Wang Yan said.

Wang Yan's words made Mo Liang's face even more ugly: "Dear brothers and sisters, it is inconvenient for me to send you off today, so please leave on your own. I, Mo Liang, still say the same thing. I will definitely do this. Leave a fair one!"

"For today's incident, I also want to ask Elder Wang Yan to find the weed thief. We lost 9527 spirits on the Demon Sword Peak. It is a heavy loss!" Lin Xiu said very excitedly.

"Don't worry, I will definitely find out about today's matter!" Wang Yan said immediately.

Although everyone was dissatisfied, Mo Liang did not admit it, and they did not find any real evidence. It was indeed difficult to convict Mo Liang of the crime.

Everyone was about to disperse, but at this moment, Lin Xiu suddenly said: "Everyone, I seem to have missed something, I need to go back!"

"Master, I'll accompany you there!" Bai Jingjing said.

"No need, I'll just go back alone!" After Lin Xiu finished speaking, he had already walked back.

When Lin Xiu went back, one of the disciples on Mo Ling Peak had already followed, but if Lin Xiu wanted to shake him off, he could easily do so, so Lin Xiu soon became a person, Lin Xiu Xiu's face immediately changed.

This time, Lin Xiu did not change into Mo Liang's appearance, but another face. Lin Xiu arrived outside the spiritual grass garden very quickly. There were two guardians of the spiritual grass garden here. disciple.

And Lin Xiu was not polite, and directly knocked the two of them out. Immediately afterwards, Lin Xiu squeezed the magic formula with both hands, and the profound formation in front of him immediately changed.

Lin Xiu is not a master of profound formations, but in the library in his mind, there are records of how to break the formations, and the current formation method appeared in the Sutra-Depository Pavilion.

In addition, although Mo Liang wanted to cover up the method of breaking the formation just now, he still let Lin Xiu see part of it.

This time, Lin Xiu just came here to try it out. After all, it was the profound formation set up by Mo Liang, so Lin Xiu still doesn't know if there is anything special.

After Lin Xiu made out the formula, a gap appeared in the profound formation in front of him, Lin Xiu's face showed joy, he immediately entered this spiritual grass garden, and all the spiritual herbs rushed towards Lin Xiu at once.

"Ding, 3000 spiritual grass value has been collected!"

"Ding, 9000 spiritual grass value has been collected!"

"Ding, 4000 spiritual grass value has been collected!"


When the spirit grass flew towards Lin Xiu, it immediately turned into a pile of ashes when it was touched by Lin Xiu's palm. Although the spirit grass here is precious, Lin Xiu is not polite at all, and has already snatched all the spirit grass here. Almost gone.

The treasure chest of spiritual herbs has finally collected 1 million worth of spiritual herbs, but Lin Xiu will not let go of the other spiritual herbs here. These spiritual herbs were directly collected by Lin Xiu into the ring, even the dragon-shaped grass.

After moving the Lingcao Garden away, Lin Xiu came out and only saw a figure. When he saw Lin Xiu, and then saw the disciple lying on the ground, his face changed drastically: "Senior Brother Kang Shi, why are you here? Here? This spiritual herb garden... you!!!"

"Shut up!" Lin Xiu slapped the disciple away with a palm, and the disciple immediately passed out.

Next, two more people came. When they saw Lin Xiu's face, they were startled at the same time. This is Kang Shi. Why did Kang Shi appear here, and even snatched away the spiritual grass here? ?
(End of this chapter)

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