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Chapter 1086 My storage bag?

Chapter 1086 My storage bag?
As soon as he heard these words, Mo Liang's eyes immediately turned cold, and his eyes fell on Kang Shi, and he said, "Is what you said true or false?"

"It's true, Senior Brother Mo Liang, this matter is true, that Lin Xiu, he went too far, he not only took your spiritual herb, but also wanted to slander me!" Kang Shi said again .

"Is this incident true or false?" Mo Liang immediately walked in front of Kang Shi, his face darkened, and said.

"It's true, Senior Brother Mo Liang, this matter is true! I..." Kang Shi called out hastily.

"Senior brother Kang Shi, you actually said such exaggerated words, how can you do this?" Lin Xiu's voice came immediately, "I thought you were a senior brother, but you actually wanted to frame me?"

Mo Liang frowned, and the anger in his eyes became more intense. In his heart, he actually believed Kang Shi's words a little bit.

"You stole the spirit grass. After I saw it, you started chasing me. Fortunately, I escaped quickly. Otherwise, I would have been killed by you now. It doesn't count if you hunted me down. You still want to come here to frame me, you are going too far!" Lin Xiu said with an aggrieved face.

Kang Shi was depressed, he was about to vomit blood from Lin Xiu's anger, this Lin Xiu was so hateful, how could he do this?
Who framed whom?

"You're talking nonsense, Lin Xiu, don't you dare to admit it if you dare to do it?" Kang Shi said again.

"Don't you dare to admit it? Senior Brother Kang Shi, I am not the only one who saw this kind of thing, and other disciples also saw it. It was also the seniors on Mo Ling Peak. Senior Brother Mo Liang, don't you Believe me, I can understand, but you can ask your disciple on the Spirit Peak!"

Lin Xiu's voice came again, making Mo Liang stunned.

Did the disciples on Mo Ling Peak also see it?Mo Liang's eyes fell on the three Mo Lingfeng disciples next to him.

"Senior Brother Mo Liang, these three are the Mo Ling Peak disciples we invited. They saw it with their own eyes. It was Kang Shi who came out of the Lingcao Garden and knocked them out. Then Kang Shi came to chase and kill Lin Xiu!" Yang Shu said.

"Tell me, is it true?" Mo Liang stared at the three people and said.

The three of them didn't dare to lie in front of Mo Liang, they quickly said: "Yes, we did see Senior Brother Kang Shi coming out of the Spiritual Grass Garden, and the spiritual grass in it is gone!"

"We were knocked out by Brother Kang Shi, we don't know anything!"

What the three of them said made Kang Shiyao's face change drastically: "Senior brother Mo Liang, what they saw was not me, but Lin Xiu, who pretended to be me. He didn't know how to do it, but he was able to disguise himself Be like me, Senior Brother Mo Liang, you must trust me, I will never betray you!"

Mo Liang's expression didn't change. From a rational point of view, Mo Liang really didn't believe that Kang Shi would betray him. After all, Kang Shi had followed him for a long time.

"Disguise? Hehe, Senior Brother Kang Shi, it's too much for you to say that. If you can disguise my body and appearance, I will admit that I am a weed thief!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and immediately said loudly.

As soon as these words came out, Mo Liang's eyes couldn't help but freeze. Indeed, appearance can be changed, but what about body shape?

Lin Xiu's trick of deception has already been used. Even if Mo Liang entered the state of concentration, his spiritual power has not improved much. Now he will still be fooled by Lin Xiu.

Lin Xiu's words have already worked!
Lin Xiu continued: "Moreover, the profound formation in the Spiritual Grass Garden of Senior Brother Mo Liang is not something I can break. I cannot break this formation, and naturally it is impossible to enter it, let alone steal the spiritual grass inside." Already!" Lin Xiu continued.

The profound formation outside the Spiritual Grass Garden is indeed not something that ordinary people can break through. Even Lin Xiu, who is at the first level of the Holy Realm, can't break through. Everyone knows this.

But Mo Liang thought of one thing. In fact, only Kang Shi knew about his method of breaking the formation. Although others had seen it, Mo Liang didn't think that they could find the way to break the formation after only seeing it once. Unless it is a profound formation master who is familiar with the technique of breaking formations!

Mo Liang would never have imagined that someone would be able to memorize the books recording the profound formation in his mind, and then search for a way to break the formation.

Thinking about it this way, the possibility of Kang Shi is even greater!

"Senior brother Mo Liang, we understand your anger about today's incident, but you have to find out if you can blame the wrong person. All the evidence today has pointed out that the weed thief is Kang Shi. You probably don't want to cover him up!" Yang Shu said.

"Kang Shi even stole your spirit grass, Senior Brother Mo Liang. He must have taken away other people's spirit grass too. Mo Liang, do you still want to wrong Lin Xiu?" Ming Hua said.

"That's right, today's matter, we must have an explanation, the spiritual herbs and medicines we planted so hard, can't just disappear like this!" Yuan Mei also said.


The people around were obviously already yelling.

Mo Liang's face darkened, and he said loudly, "Shut up!"

Everyone immediately quieted down. After all, Mo Liang had been the chief disciple of the Holy Academy for many years. The power he possessed was not comparable to that of others, so Mo Liang's words immediately made everyone quiet down.

"Since you keep saying that it was Kang Shi who stole my spiritual herb, in this case, I also want to know whether he did it. Kang Shi also said that it was Lin Xiu who stole it. My spirit grass!"

"My spiritual grass garden is huge. If someone really steals my spiritual grass, it will definitely need a huge storage bag to hold it. Lin Xiu, Kang Shi, you hand over the storage bags on your body , we will be able to know who took my spiritual herb!"

Mo Liang's voice came again, and his eyes were filled with coldness.

This is a good idea. If you really stole the spirit herbs, you can definitely pack them up and take them away.

"That's right, Senior Brother Mo Liang, these spirit herbs must be in Lin Xiu's storage bag, as long as you check this storage bag, you will be able to know that Lin Xiuxiu is the thief who stole the spirit herbs!" Kang Kang Shi Xin said happily.

The spiritual grass garden in Mo Liang has tens of thousands of spiritual grasses. It is really impossible for ordinary people to steal these spiritual grasses. The best way is to put them in the storage bag!

Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Xiu. If the spirit grass was found in Lin Xiu's storage bag, it would prove that it was indeed Lin Xiu's problem.

(End of this chapter)

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