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Chapter 109 Bold, You Dare to Blaspheme Moon Master!

Chapter 109 Bold, You Dare to Blaspheme Moon Master!
Yang Xing's degree of disgust suddenly reached its peak, which also surprised Lin Xiu.

There was a sneer at the corner of Lin Xiu's mouth. He held the hilt of the sword in his hand, only to see a flash of light in front of him. The light of Lin Xiu's sword had already appeared in front of him. The sword appeared instantly and slashed on Yang Xing's sword.

"Ding!" There was a crisp sound, only to see that the sword in Yang Xing's hand was cracked, and his whole body was shaken back by the sword.

Lin Xiu would not pay attention to the existence of the Wuxu Realm. Although this sword did not summon the Wuhun, it was still very powerful. Yang Xing's tiger's mouth was directly shattered, and blood flowed.

"Junior brother!" Zhong Hu came over at this time, he prevented Yang Xing from continuing to fight, based on Zhong Hu's understanding of Lin Xiu, Lin Xiu's strength was not limited to this, if he continued to fight, Yang Xing would undoubtedly die.

"Brother, I must kill him!" Yang Xing said angrily, almost Zhong Hu couldn't hold him anymore.

"If you want to kill me, I will naturally give you a chance, but why are you in a hurry? There are still people who haven't arrived yet, and we will deal with it together when the time comes!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said.

"I don't know, Master Lin Xiu, what do you want to do with our affairs?" Chen Feng said indifferently when he only heard people coming from Jianmen that day.

"Master Lin Xiu took my apprentice's pet before, I wonder if I can return it?" Master Yue and Cui'er also came, but they were the only two of them.

Lin Zhentian's head is getting bigger, and Lin Xiu offended the people of Nishang Pavilion, this is going to be over!
"So you are from the Nishang Pavilion. I heard that the disciples of the Nishang Pavilion are all beauties. I wonder if I can join? Just let me be an elder. I respect women the most!" Lin Xiu laughed.

Do you respect women?
Do you still want to be an elder when you enter the door?
Liu Ying thought that Lin Xiu had lied to herself before, just because of the box.

Su Long thought that Lin Xiu had forced herself to be his maid before.

Cui'er looked at the panda Jingjing in Shuang'er's arms, which was a pet snatched by Lin Xiu, she was speechless for a moment.

Do you want to lose face?

Yueshi smiled and said: "If you want to be the elder of our Nishang Pavilion, there is one thing that must be done, that is, you must not be a man. If you think you are not a man, Master Lin Xiu, then our Nishang Pavilion, You are also very welcome!"

"I don't know what to call this sister?" Lin Xiu said with a playful smile.

"You can call me Yueshi!" Yueshi replied.

"Sister Yueshi, in fact, I have never known the difference between a man and a woman. How about this? Let's discuss this issue tonight. Why don't we open a room, pour a glass of wine, have a heart-to-heart talk, and then we will have a conversation." ... Oh, and chat on the bed for a while! You can also learn more about what a man is!" Lin Xiu blinked and said.

After everyone heard it, the corners of their mouths twitched. It's not like they haven't seen thick-skinned people before, but it's the first time they've seen someone as thick-skinned as Lin Xiu. When it came to Lin Xiu.

"Bold, how dare you blaspheme Moon Master!" Tweety immediately became angry when she heard Lin Xiu's words, and she drew out her long sword and shouted at Lin Xiu.

"Why did I blaspheme Sister Yueshi?" Lin Xiu blinked and asked.

"Didn't you say that you want to talk to Master Yue...she..." Tweety is a young girl after all, how could she dare to say these words, her face flushed all of a sudden.

"Lin Xiu, we'll talk about this matter later, but what do you want to say about the fact that you snatched Tweety'er's pet?" Only Master Yue said.

"Steal her pet? No way? Who did this? How could I do such a thing?" Lin Xiu said with a look of innocence, his face full of astonishment.

"You still say it's not? That black and white monster in your maid's arms is my pet!" Tweety said immediately.

"What nonsense are you talking about? This is my pet Jingjing, how can you do this? It's fine to slander me, but you still want to rob my pet, Sister Yueshi, can you condone your disciple like this!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

Yueshi was stunned for a moment, and said, "What evidence do you have that this is your pet?"

"Then Miss Tweety, what evidence do you have that this is your pet?" Lin Xiu laughed.

" has been following me, but I have no proof!" Tweety said a little depressed.

"Really? But you don't have evidence, but I do. It can understand what I say, Jingjing, tell everyone, is Miss Tweety your master?" Lin Xiu laughed.

Jingjing stood on Shuang'er's little hand, and it quickly shook its head.

Tweety's face became ugly, and Lin Xiu continued: "Then your master, is it me?"

Jingjing nodded immediately.

After everyone saw it, they were shocked. Has this monster already understood human nature?This is so perfect!

"Master Yue, you've also seen it. Who does this pet belong to? You're a little uncertain, right?" Lin Xiu said proudly.

Tweety was about to go crazy, she didn't expect Lin Xiu to use this method again, but how did he make this monster listen to him?
"It's so lively here. I don't know if I'll disturb everyone when I come!" A red figure appeared and walked slowly. Everyone's eyes lit up when they saw it. Her appearance made everyone present feel amazed.

What a beautiful woman!
This is Chen Xiang. Chen Xiang's appearance and figure are extremely rare. Her appearance naturally attracted everyone's attention.

When Master Yue didn't know what to do, Chen Xiang appeared, which made her very happy. With Chen Xiang around, it seemed that it was much easier to deal with Lin Xiu.

"Miss Chenxiang!" Yueshi said immediately.

"Master Yue, we meet again!" Chen Xiang smiled.

"Miss Chen Xiang, you are finally here, you must seek justice for me!" Tweety hurried over.

"Tweety, have you found the person who bullied you?" Chen Xiang smiled.

"Yes, Miss Chen Xiang, he stole my pet! He even molested Moon Master!" Tweety immediately pointed at Lin Xiu and said.

Chen Xiang followed Cui Er's gaze, the smile on her face froze, it turned out to be him!
Chen Xiang's face turned into a wry smile, she was a little helpless, yes, he is probably the only one who would do such a thing, and with his character, doing such a thing would not surprise anyone at all!

"Master Lin Xiu!" Chen Xiang saluted Lin Xiu.

Chen Xiang's actions made Yueshi stunned for a moment, Cui'er was also shocked, Chen Xiang even bowed to Lin Xiu!
"Miss Chen Xiang is you, I treated your injury yesterday, did you recover so quickly?" Lin Xiu laughed.

"Yes, thank you very much Master Lin Xiu, I owe you a favor!" Chen Xiang said again.

As soon as Master Yue heard it, she immediately understood that Chen Xiang had shown her attitude, and it was impossible for her to offend Lin Xiu.

 In the second watch, Pikachu especially trusts my helmsman and alliance leader. Are they eating well, are they cold, and when will they appear?

(End of this chapter)

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