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Chapter 1092 Accept all the gifts from Brother Mo Liang!

Chapter 1092 Accept all the gifts from Brother Mo Liang!

The supernatural power Mo Liang cultivated is indeed not bad, but unfortunately, in his current state, it is impossible to display the true power of the supernatural power, and, facing this five-light bracelet of Tianming, he is even more powerless.

The attacks made Mo Liang feel desperate even when he was angry. If his strength hadn't declined, and if his magic weapon hadn't been taken away, how could he have ended up like this?

Tang Ao shook his head. It is inconvenient for him to intervene in this matter. Even if he wants to intervene, he has to ask Bai Suzhen. Now Bai Suzhen's strength is not inferior to him. With her here, it is useful to take action by himself?

The other disciples of the true biography were quite relieved. This Mo Liang had been on their heads for too long, and no one had ever dared to offend Mo Liang, because Mo Liang was too strong, not only strong, but Mo Liang was also very strong. A domineering person does not allow anyone to resist what he decides.

It was the same this time, but this time, Lin Xiu beat him up, so it was different.

Seeing that Mo Liang finally stopped standing up, Lin Xiu walked over to Mo Liang and said, "Senior brother Mo Liang, let's make a deal!"

"You have lost weight, but it's only today. I will definitely not let you go in the future, and you!" Mo Liang's last words were for Bai Suzhen.

"Since this is the case, it would be too disappointing. Senior Brother Mo Liang, you have already hurt my spirit. And fellow seniors, I think I should also ask you for some mental damage fees!" Lin Xiu walked up Mo Liang's side directly took off his storage bag.

"What are you doing? Stop—" Before Mo Liang finished speaking, he was slapped away by Lin Xiu.

Now that Mo Liang has been seriously injured, it is a dream to want to fight Lin Xiu again. Mo Liang never thought that Lin Xiu would dare to do this. It is too much.

Forcibly taking away other people's storage bags is actually not allowed in the holy courtyard. How is this different from robbers?But now, none of the other true disciples spoke, and the Vice President Tang Ao also stopped talking.

"Lin Xiu, by doing this, you are violating the rules of our Holy Court!" Mo Liang said loudly.

"Rules? Aren't they used to restrict the weak, and are they used to break them?" Lin Xiu said with a strange expression on his face.

Rules are used to restrict the weak. This sentence was originally said by Mo Liang.

But now, Lin Xiu returned this sentence to him!

weak?How dare Lin Xiu say that stubbornness is weak?
Hearing Lin Xiu's words, Mo Liang's face became very ugly, but now he has no way to refute.

Inside the storage bag, there were Mo Liang's pills. These pills were not comparable to others, and the quantity was huge. Lin Xiu took out these pills and saw fifty or sixty jade pills in front of him. bottle.

"Senior brothers and sisters, these pills can be regarded as compensation for the spirit grass that you lost, brothers and sisters. Although it is not a lot, it can make up for one or two! Everyone, please accept the gift of Senior Brother Mo Liang!" Lin Xiu said.

Gift?Gift for your sister!What kind of gift is this?When did I say I was going to send you off?You are robbing!

Many true disciples have accepted this favor, but they are not polite.

Although I don't know if Kang Shi stole the spirit grass this time, but now the spirit grass is probably lost, and with these spirit medicines in hand, it can barely make up for their loss!

However, Mo Liang's heart is broken. Nima, this is my panacea. It took more than ten years to refine the elixir. These elixirs are rare in the first place, and now Lin Xiu directly takes them away. Yes, his next practice will be much more troublesome.

Lin Xiu took out another scroll from this storage bag, with five large golden characters on it.

Prajna Dragon Elephant Art!

Magical powers!
What level of skill is this?Lin Xiu didn't know, but it was obvious that it was definitely not as simple as ordinary supernatural powers that could cause changes in the world and the appearance of dragons and elephants.

In addition, Lin Xiu also got a scroll of supernatural power from Mo Liang, which is a top-grade supernatural power, Prajna Dragon Xiangyin!
This kind of sonic attack seems to have masculine power, which can threaten those monsters and some evil spirits.

If the original Mo Liang would never have handed over these things, but now, he has no way to resist.

"Lin Xiu, don't go too far, give me back my skills!" Mo Liang said.

"Don't worry, Senior Brother Mo Liang, I don't have any interest in your exercises, I just want to borrow them and use them!" Only Lin Xiu said.

Borrowing is indeed borrowing, but after borrowing, when will it be a question!

Anyway, I can't pay it back in a short time!

Now Lin Xiu had a smile on his face, and Mo Liang naturally knew this, so he was even more annoyed.

"Tang Ao, you don't plan to take care of this matter?" At this moment, a voice sounded.

Everyone looked at that person, only to see a middle-aged man appearing in front of everyone. This middle-aged man turned out to be another vice president, Wang Ze.

This incident actually alarmed the two vice-principals. Now that the principal is not in this holy courtyard, the two powerful vice-principals are in charge. No matter which one, they are all existences at the level of transforming gods.

The strength of these two vice presidents is also quite strong, and now they are all here for this matter.

And from Wang Ze's words, it can be heard that this time, he came here to protect Mo Liang.

After Tang Ao heard it, he said lightly: "I don't want to interfere in today's matter. If you want to take care of it, then you can do it yourself!"

Tang Ao's words made Wang Ze's eyes condense, and Wang Ze felt that something was wrong, but Mo Liang is a genius of the academy, and he is also the chief disciple. If Lin Xiu really took away the supernatural powers from Mo Liang today And the treasure on his body, can Mo Liang be the chief disciple again from now on?

"Vice President Wang Ze, Lin Xiu acted so boldly that he dared to hurt his fellow disciples. This matter must not be left alone. I am willing to act for you, Vice President, to teach Lin Xiu a lesson and to take away the things stored in Lin Xiu's hands. Bring the bag back!" At this moment, a person who followed Wang Ze said.

This person is Chen Songping, the weapon spirit in Lin Xiu's magic sword, and he hates Chen Songping extremely. This person obviously also wants to get the magic sword in Lin Xiu's hand. This time he will stand up, naturally not For Mo Liang, but for Lin Xiu.

Elder Chen wants to make a move?

Surprised expressions appeared on the faces of the surrounding true disciples. Elder Chen made a move. Is there any way for Lin Xiu to deal with it?
 Today's one is even later, it's too late to go home, and the saved manuscripts are used up, and the early morning one is gone, let's update at [-] o'clock tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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