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Chapter 1102 Represents the moon?

Chapter 1102 Represents the moon?

Yaowang Village is already full of corpses at this time. What Huo De did was merciless. He wanted to kill all the villagers here, so naturally he would not give them a chance. The flesh and soul of these villagers were covered with blood. Swallowed by the magic wheel.

Until the last villager was killed with a look of fear in his eyes, his body fell to the ground.

The light on the Gorefiend wheel flickered, and the blood-colored light became even more bewitching.

"Senior Brother Huo De, it seems that the refining of the Blood Demon Wheel will be completed soon, and the power of this magic weapon may be improved even more!" I only heard a disciple from the Dark Court next to him say.

"Almost, only two people's blood is needed to complete the refinement!" Huo De said.

It took a lot of time from the refining to the completion of the Blood Demon Wheel, and it was finally about to be completed by now, Huo De was also a little excited.

But at this moment, Huo De felt something, he turned around and said, "Who?"


The other disciples of the Holy Court immediately looked in that direction, only to see that three people had already walked over.

Lin Xiu's eyes fell on the corpses in front of him. These people had already died. Speaking of which, Lin Xiu was not surprised. After all, it was Huo De who was here, and Huo De's method was naturally extremely cruel. He killed the people here. Lin Xiu is not surprised to die.

Lin Xiu just wanted to know, do these corpses still have souls?
"In broad daylight, you actually did such a thing. It seems that today, I must punish you on behalf of the moon!" Lin Xiu sighed, and finally said.

Represent the moon?

Everyone was a little puzzled, they raised their heads, the sun in the sky has not set yet, what means the moon is punishing us?

"It was you who killed the people in Longxiang Village?" Bai Suzhen said it much simpler, she said directly.

"Dragon Elephant Village? You mean the small village protected by the crippled Dragon Elephant? You are right, I did kill it, not only that, we also killed all the villagers, using their blood Come refine my Blood Demon Wheel!" Hodder replied.

"Looking at you, you're not from here. You don't want to avenge them, do you?" said another Dark Court disciple.

"You're right, we're here to avenge them, Suzhen, I'll leave that sissy to you, and I'll deal with the others!" Lin Xiu said.

"Alright, young master, please be careful!" Bai Suzhen said.

"It's just some miscellaneous things, I don't pay attention to them at all!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

During this period of time, Lin Xiu didn't collect many pointing points, and the pointing treasure box is too slow to upgrade. Now there are more than ten dark court disciples here, so I can give them some pointers!
"Lin Xiu, do you need me to take action?" Only Chen Xiang beside him said.

"No need, I can hit ten!" Lin Xiu took a step forward, and he said lightly, "You guys, let's go together!"

This time, Lin Xiu provoked all the disciples of the dark court. These disciples of the dark court were very angry. They stared at Lin Xiu with chills in their eyes.

Lin Xiu could clearly feel that the disciples of the dark court had increased their disgust towards him, but Lin Xiu didn't mind. He stretched out his index finger and made a seductive gesture.

"Kill him and let him know how powerful our Dark Court is!"

"No matter who he is, we will not let him go today!"

"I'm going to suck up his whole body and throw it to feed the monsters!"


The disciples of the dark courtyard swarmed up, using martial arts with each move, magical powers blasted, and there were some weapons, one or two magic weapons, and attacked Lin Xiu.

But at this time, Lin Xiu just punched out, and all the attacks in front of him were completely shattered.

"Your right hand is not trained enough, and you still want to practice swordsmanship? You can't even hold the sword steadily, so why should you practice the sword..."

When Lin Xiu said this, he punched out, and that person was directly thrown out by Lin Xiu's punch, and the long sword was also broken.

"Ding, pointing the strong in the Martial Ancestor Realm succeeded, and collected 10 pointing points!"

"Your supernatural power conflicts with your spiritual root, and you actually practice this kind of supernatural power? How stupid..."

Lin Xiu punched again, and the whole person was blown away, spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Ding, pointing to the strong man in the Holy Realm succeeded, and collected 100 million pointing points!"

"This magic weapon of yours is not suitable for your holy power. It is better for you to use a sword-like magic weapon..."

The third person was sent flying by Lin Xiu's punch.

"Ding, pointing to the strong man in the Holy Realm succeeded, and collected 100 million pointing points!"



I have to say that these people did understand Lin Xiu's advice, but they didn't have the chance to correct it, because Lin Xiu didn't show mercy at all when he made a move. Xiu can kill with a single punch.

If there is no strong man in the holy realm with spiritual armor, Lin Xiu can seriously wound him with one punch.

Among the strong men in the holy realm here, there is only one strong man in the holy realm at the spirit pill level.

But to the despair of this holy man, Lin Xiu was able to ignore his magic weapon attack.

The low-grade magic weapon can indeed exert a very powerful power in the hands of this spiritual core powerhouse, but even so, in front of Lin Xiu, this kind of attack is useless.

Can only display more powerful magical powers!

Just as this Spiritual Core Realm expert thought of this, he saw a huge palm blowing down on his body.

"What?" The complexion of the spiritual core powerhouse changed drastically, and the spiritual armor on his body glowed intensely, but even so, he was thrown out.

"Crack!" On the body of this strong spirit pill realm, the spirit armor has been shattered piece by piece.

The complexion of the strong man in the Spiritual Core Realm changed drastically. The other party actually possessed such supernatural powers!
At this time, the strong man suddenly discovered that Lin Xiu in front of him had improved a lot, as if he had entered the spirit pill realm, and flames were constantly coming out around Lin Xiu's body.

"You... who are you?" The strong man's face turned pale.

"Me? You don't have the right to know my name, because you will be a dead person soon!" Lin Xiu said, and punched him.

This time, Lin Xiu used the power of Heavenly Fire. This time, the power of Heavenly Fire is not as exaggerated as the original Martial Ancestor Realm. It just raised his realm by one level. However, for others, this is already a It's pretty scary.

A strong man at the level of the foundation level used a secret method to advance to the level of the spirit pill level. This kind of secret method is very rare. Now Lin Xiu has this kind of secret method. Moreover, Lin Xiu's power is also because of The improvement of the realm improves.

(End of this chapter)

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