Chapter 1105 Golden Baby
Now there are 38 people in the fairyland. It would still be a bit small if there were so many of them managing one mu of fairyland, but Lin Xiu had no choice. way to do it.

After all, by expanding the Immortal Field, the more things Lin Xiu can grow.

"System, can this fairyland be expanded?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Xiantian space is an independent space. If the host wants to expand the space of Xiantian, he must let Xiantian swallow more fairy energy! At the current location where the host is, if you want to get more fairy energy, the best way is to get a fake fairy weapon !” The system replied.

"Pseudo-immortal weapon?" Lin Xiu's face showed surprise.

"That's right, a fake fairy weapon is a magic weapon refined by mortals after obtaining fairy energy. It is not as powerful as a real fairy weapon, but it is much more powerful than a top-grade magic weapon. But compared to a real fairy weapon The difference is quite a bit! It is also the easiest way for the host to obtain immortal energy!" the system replied.

False artifact?Lin Xiu didn't know what this kind of thing was, or even heard of it.

I'm afraid the power of this kind of thing is still higher than the top-grade magic weapon, but now Lin Xiu obviously has no way to get these fake fairy weapons, nor can he get immortal energy.

Fortunately, the 38 people in Yaowang Village don't need Lasa, otherwise, these fields would not be enough for them to live in.

Moreover, they only need to absorb the spirit energy inside to maintain their actions. If they use the spirit cultivation technique, the spirit grass inside will grow faster and better.

In addition to the holy blood wheel in Lin Xiu's hand, Lin Xiu gained quite a lot this time.

"The matter here is over, Chen Xiang, we should continue on our way!" Lin Xiu got a lot of benefits this time, but he will naturally not forget the purpose of coming this time, this time, Lin Xiu wants to help Chen Xiang got the position of the Patriarch of the Shen family!

Lin Xiu didn't know that in Huo De's body, there was a black light that had sunk into the ground, and escaped from an angle that Lin Xiu didn't expect.

"Oops!" Bai Suzhen suddenly said at this moment.

"Suzhen, what happened?" Lin Xiu asked.

"When the realm of a warrior enters the golden infant realm, even if the body is destroyed, it is possible to survive. Because there is a golden infant, it is possible to survive. To kill a strong person above the golden infant realm, one must Their golden baby must be killed too!" Bai Suzhen realized that she had missed a major event.

After Lin Xiu checked, he found that there was a small hole on the back of Huo De's body, and the golden baby in Huo De's body probably escaped from here.

"Is there a way to track him?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Impossible, he's gone far away now, it's impossible for us to find him!" Bai Suzhen shook her head.

"Let's get out of here first, maybe even if he survives, he will be used by others to make pills!" Lin Xiu said.

Bai Suzhen smiled wryly and shook her head, was it refined into a pill?It's not impossible for this kind of thing to happen. The Golden Infant is the energy crystallization of a strong man, which is equivalent to the inner alchemy of a monster. Some people will actually take it, but it may not be too bloody to do so.

People in the righteous way are quite contemptuous. Even people in the devil way, few people would do this, but now, they should really leave here first.

The three of Lin Xiu continued to go in the direction of Shen's house.

At this time, a golden light that was the size of a baby but with a big head was flying away. Judging from its head, it turned out to be Hodder's face.

Huo De has already spread the news, and the appearance of the three of Lin Xiu has also been transmitted back to the Dark Courtyard of the Demon.

Now someone will know that they killed Hodder.

This incident will definitely attract the pursuit of the Dark Court of Heavenly Demon, but before that, Huo De must find a place to hide properly.

Just when Huo De thought so, he saw that a palm had already caught him.

"Wh...what? Who?" Huo De said with anger on his face.

"Golden baby! It turned out to be a golden baby! We are so lucky, as long as we refine it, we will definitely be able to enter the golden baby realm!" Only one of them was heard saying.

Huo De's golden baby saw that these two people turned out to be a man and a woman. They looked about 27 or eight years old. The woman looked good, with long flowing hair, while the man was also very handsome.

Both of them actually have the strength of the spirit pill realm!
It is a big taboo to refine the golden baby and then take it, but in fact, many people are doing this kind of thing secretly.

However, golden infants are very rare, and they are hard to come by. Therefore, even if ordinary people want to get them, they cannot get them.

But, once this golden baby is in hand, who can bear the temptation to refine it?
After all, refining a golden baby can obtain the inheritance of the strength of a strong person in the golden baby state, and if it is in the spirit pill state, there is even a chance to break through and enter the golden baby state.

Even formidable fighters above the Golden Infant Realm can transform it into their own pure energy after absorbing the power of the Golden Infant.

How could these two people miss this opportunity now?

"No, you don't want to refine me, I can help you practice! I can feel that you have also practiced magic skills. I am a disciple of the Dark Court of Heavenly Demon, Huo De, you should have heard my name?" Huo De Said in a hurry.

"Huo De?" After the man heard it, his face showed surprise, "Are you really Huo De?"

"Yes, I am Hodder!" Hodder said.

The men and women looked at each other and saw each other's thoughts at the same time.

"If you are really Huo De, as long as you teach us the exercises and supernatural powers you have cultivated, we will let you go!" the man said.

"You two, I don't know what your identity is?" I only heard Huo De say.

"My name is Shen Ji, and this time I came back to the Shen family to compete for the position of Patriarch! This one is my Taoist companion, named Du Juan!" said the man.

"So that's it, you two, as long as you are willing to listen to me, I guarantee that you will be able to obtain the position of Patriarch of the Shen family!" Huo De said immediately.

Shen Ji and Du Juan looked at each other, and saw the deep meaning in each other's eyes at the same time.

The Dark Court of Heavenly Demon also received this news, their eyes were a little surprised, Huo De actually died, and he died at the hands of a person named Lin Xiu!
But when they saw the cracks in Huo De's life card, they dared to believe that it was true!
The news about Lin Xiu was quickly spread back to the Dark Court of Heavenly Demon. After all, this is a powerful true disciple. If there is a chance, he must avenge him. Of course, the most important thing is to kill him Get back the treasure!
(End of this chapter)

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