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Chapter 1108 Shameful Spiritual Root Looting Spell

Chapter 1108 Shameful Spiritual Root Looting Spell
Punch!Facing Shen He's three magical attacks, Lin Xiu was able to shatter all of his attacks with just one punch.

What kind of strength is this?Is this really just a strong man in the early stage of foundation stage?Everyone couldn't believe it.

"Ding...Pretentious value +"


Now the ground that Lin Xiu stepped on, the ground immediately shattered, and Lin Xiu's footsteps had already moved towards Shen He. Every step Lin Xiu took seemed to be very light, but it possessed a hugeness that other people could not imagine. strength.

"Is that all your strength is?" Lin Xiu stood in front of Shen He with a sneer.

"It's true that you were able to break my magical powers, but it would be too ridiculous for you to think that you would be my opponent!" Lin Xiu was a little surprised when a bow appeared in Shen He's palm. The bow actually looks the same as the ice crystal bow in Lin Xiu's hand.

However, the power of the ice crystal bow is not strong, and it is a bit troublesome to use, so Lin Xiu seldom uses it. However, the bow in Shen He's hand now surprised Lin Xiu. When this bow appeared, Lin Xiushen The ice crystal bow on the top also reacted unexpectedly.

I saw Shen He shoot an arrow towards Lin Xiu, the arrow was very fast, and it reached Lin Xiu in no time, but Lin Xiu dodged the arrow with a flash, and appeared behind Shen He .


At such a close distance, Shen He's arrow could not be used at all. He flipped his hand, and stabbed at Lin Xiu with a blue sword.

But how could Lin Xiu care about this sword?His palm had already caught Shen He's neck.

A ray of light appeared from the spirit armor on Shen He's body, but it was shattered immediately after.

The spirit armor couldn't resist Lin Xiu's attack at all!

Shen He's sword slashed on Lin Xiu's body, and it couldn't even cut Lin Xiu's skin. This is a low-grade magic weapon, but it can't hurt Lin Xiu?
how can that be!

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be aggressive, and got double rewards for pretending to be aggressive, 400 points of pretending to be aggressive!"

Shang Fang's complexion was a bit ugly. This is the man she had a crush on, but he was defeated so easily. How strong is this Lin Xiu?
Other people around couldn't believe it, a strong man at the foundation level was defeated by Lin Xiu so easily, Lin Xiu didn't seem to use his full strength yet.

"The bow on your body is good, I took it!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

Lin Xiu had to take this bow away, but he wanted to see how this bow was related to the ice crystal bow on his body.

Shen He's eyes were full of unwillingness, he said: "How dare you? I am from the Shen family, you dare to attack me? I..."

"Slap!" As soon as Lin Xiu raised his hand, he slapped Shen He's face, and Shen He's face immediately became red and swollen.

"So what if you are from the Shen family? This young master is still the son-in-law of the Shen family, and you were the one who attacked me first! What you have is the ice spirit root, and what you cultivate is also ice-type supernatural powers, but you are There is no way to transform the holy power in the body into ice-type holy power!"

Lin Xiu continued: "A meridian in your body is blocked, preventing you from cultivating the holy power in your body into ice-type holy power. I'm afraid you don't know it yourself. You haven't even opened up 108 martial arteries. Such a holy warrior is simply trash!"

Lin Xiu's words shocked Shen He. These things are his secrets. How did Lin Xiu find out?

"Ding, pointing to the strong man in the Holy Realm succeeded, and collected 100 million pointing points!"

"But forget it, you don't have a chance to practice anymore!" Lin Xiu had a sneer on his face.

"What do you want to do?" Shen He's expression changed drastically. Could it be that Lin Xiu wanted to kill him?No, this is absolutely impossible, this is the territory of the Shen family, if Lin Xiu kills him here, he will be an enemy of the Shen family!
"Lin Xiu, you can't kill people!" Chen Xiang also said immediately.

"Don't worry, I won't kill anyone, I just want to get something from him!" Lin Xiu smiled.

"What do you want to take?" Shen He felt relieved when he heard that, as long as he didn't take his life, he could still take revenge in the future.

Lin Xiu's face was a bit weird, he hesitated for a while, and finally shouted out: "I am the messenger of love and justice, today I will represent the moon to take away your spiritual root!"

What a shameful curse this is!
Lin Xiu felt a little depressed, but he immediately saw a ray of light flying out from between Shen He's eyebrows.

Only Lin Xiu could see this ray of light, and no one else could see it at all.

And Shen He didn't know what happened to him at all, he passed out directly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully robbing the spiritual roots, the number of collected spiritual roots is 1!"

Sure enough!

Apart from being a little ashamed of the spell, Lin Xiu didn't feel guilty about robbing other people's spiritual roots. After all, it was Shen He who offended him first. In this case, why would Lin Xiu feel guilty?

Lin Xiu threw Shen He aside, and then said: "It's useless to faint like this!"

"Stop!" At this moment, a white-haired old man suddenly shouted, he fell from the sky and appeared in front of Lin Xiu.

However, this person was still a step late. He glanced at Shen He, then at Lin Xiu, and said in surprise, "I'm late?"

Lin Xiu glanced at the white-haired old man. He looked quite old, but his face was like a boy, which looked quite weird, but his strength was not weak, and his figure was a bit fat. Chen Xiang said quickly: " I have seen the Great Elder!"

Lin Xiu suddenly realized that this one was the great elder of the Shen family!
"What happened here? Who told you to fight among yourself here?" the Great Elder said with a straight face.

Although he wanted to put on a serious expression, his fat face was a bit funny.

"You are the great elder of the Shen family, you must avenge my Brother He!" Shang Fang said immediately.

Shang Fang was supporting Shen He, she pointed to Lin Xiu and said, "He was the one who injured my Brother He!"

"Are you still shameless?" Lin Xiu said angrily, "Obviously he was the one who wanted to sneak up on me, but I just touched him casually, and he just fell into a coma. Is it my fault?"

Shen He attacked you?
You touch him casually, and he passes out?
What the hell are you talking about?
The people present did not believe Lin Xiu's words, because what they saw with their own eyes was completely different.

"Grand Elder, I and others can also testify about this incident. It was Shen He who provoked Lin Xiu first, and Lin Xiu only fought back for self-defense. According to the rules, this incident should not be blamed on Lin Xiu! "I only heard Chen Xiang say.

"Send the person back for treatment first, and I will find out the truth about this matter!" the Great Elder said with a straight face.

(End of this chapter)

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