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Chapter 1117 Still Pretending to be Highly Efficient

Chapter 1117 Still Pretending to be Highly Efficient
Since then, the road to the fairy world has been broken by people, so if you want to get to the fairy world, you can only go through the ascent.

And even ascension is quite difficult, and it is likely to be blocked by people.

This Tongtian tree has always been just a legend, because no one has seen the Tongtian tree for a long time, and they don't know if it is real.

But now, if the sapling in front of him is the sapling of Tongtian Tree, that means the legend is true?

"After the saplings of the Tongtian tree in this piece of fairyland, the fairy energy here is much stronger than before. If we plant spiritual grass here now, I believe that one day can be equivalent to ten years in the outside world. Xianjing well water can even grow to a hundred years old!" Yaowang Village Chief said again.

As soon as this sentence came out, Lin Xiu was overjoyed. He didn't expect that there would be such benefits here.

"But now this fairy field has grown bigger, and the well water in the fairy well has also increased, but the water from the fairy well can only irrigate ten acres of fairy fields at most!" Du Yu said at this time.

"Is the well water in Xianjing limited?" Lin Xiu asked in surprise.

"Master Lin Xiu, don't you know?" Du Yu said a little surprised, "The well water in Xianjing has always been limited. It turns out that the well water in Xianjing can only be used to irrigate an acre of Xiantian, and it will only be available the next day. There is well water to fill it up, although there are more well water now, but there are also more fairy fields!"

"So that's the case. If this is the case, then we can divide a part of the fairyland and use the water from the fairy well to plant it. It happens that I want to grow more precious medicinal materials recently!" Lin Xiu nodded immediately and said.

Lin Xiu collected more and more seeds during this period, and they became more and more precious.

After Jin Yuan Dan, there is Shen Yuan Dan, the effect of this kind of medicinal material is similar to that of the top grade immortal stone.

Even the powerhouses at the Transformation God Realm, or even at the Pulse Transmitting Realm level, are very eager for this kind of elixir. If Lin Xiu can use the medicine fairy cauldron to refine it, Lin Xiu will be able to get more wealth.

"Yes!" Du Yu nodded, very happy.

The location of Xiantian has become so large, and the people here don't have to live together as crowded as before.

And Lin Xiu can also allow them to plant some spiritual trees here, and then use the spiritual trees to build houses to live in.

After all, they are not mortals but warriors. It is quite easy for them to build some houses to live in.

In this Xiantian ring, they are not souls, but human beings.

Before Lin Xiu left, he fused a drop of his blood essence into this sapling, which was a kind of ceremony to recognize the owner, and sure enough, after dripping blood essence, Lin Xiu seemed to hear a voice shouting: "Father! "

Lin Xiu's mood was a bit complicated, a sapling reaching to the sky, calling himself a father, this feeling is really beyond words for Lin Xiu.

When Lin Xiu withdrew from Xiantian Ring, the excitement in his heart still didn't stop.

It goes without saying how many medicinal materials Lin Xiu can grow in the [-] acres of fairyland, and how precious they will be.

Naturally, Lin Xiu would not reveal this secret.

When Lin Xiu appeared in front of everyone, the people present were taken aback. Lin Xiu was only at the foundation level yesterday, but now he has entered the spirit pill level. What kind of breakthrough speed is this?

And Lin Xiu also deeply felt that he is not a person who needs to practice, as long as he can continue to pretend to be aggressive, of course it will be faster than practicing!

The more people there are, the more pretense points you will get for pretending!If there are 100 million people around, Lin Xiu only needs to play tricks once, and he can almost get a holy land experience pill treasure box!
As for cultivation, it will take several years to have a chance to break through, the efficiency is too low!

If other people knew what Lin Xiu was thinking, they would definitely be very depressed. It is very rare to be able to break through a realm in a few years, but in front of Lin Xiu, the efficiency is low.

Even when Chen Xiang saw Lin Xiu, she couldn't help being surprised, Lin Xiu actually made a breakthrough!
Others don't know, but Chen Xiang knows very well that Lin Xiu a month ago was still at the peak of the Martial Ancestor Realm, but now Lin Xiu has broken through the Foundation Establishment Realm and even entered the Spirit Pill Realm!

What kind of cultivation speed is this?You are too against the sky!

Bai Suzhen also had disbelief in her eyes.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be invisible, and got 200 pretending points!"


There are quite a few people who know about Lin Xiu's realm. After these people knew about Lin Xiu's realm, they were all taken aback. Lin Xiu was already at the second level of the holy realm, the spirit pill realm!

"Lin Xiu, today we need to go back to meet my parents and clan. Tomorrow we will enter the Patriarch's assessment. It is very likely that I will fall in the Patriarch's assessment, so today, we must meet them!" Chen Xiang said.

"Okay, I'll go with you!" Lin Xiu thought for a while, nodded and said.

Chen Xiang was a little moved. Although she and Lin Xiu were not in a real Taoist relationship, it would not be good if she went back to see her parents alone.

Now that Lin Xiu is with her, it is naturally better.

Naturally, Bai Suzhen never leaves Lin Xiu. She is here to protect Lin Xiu this time, and she is also Lin Xiu's subordinate. No one can stop her from following Lin Xiu.

There are many clans in the Shen family, and there are even more side branches. Chen Xiang's clan this time is in a city outside the imperial city, and the distance is not too far away.

And this clan manages this city, Lin Xiu and Chen Xiang directly entered the city lord's mansion, the city guards did not dare to intercept them, and inside the city lord's mansion, there was already a noble lady waiting for them.

Lin Xiu could tell from the lady's face that this lady should have a very close relationship with Chen Xiang, and they looked alike.

"Mother!" Chen Xiang said, although her face didn't have much emotional fluctuations, but Lin Xiu could tell from her eyes that she was not calm.

This is probably the first time Chen Xiang saw his mother after returning to Wanfa Continent.

When Chen Xiang came back here, she reported the matter directly to the Shen family, and did not come back to see her mother, because Chen Xiang did not have a good impression of the Shen family.

Chen Xiang was abandoned in Fenggu Continent since she was a child. If she hadn't met Lin Xiu, she would have been a corpse, so she hated this Shen family, let alone personally.

Although Chen Xiang also knows that this choice is the ancestral motto of the Shen family, even her parents have no way to refuse it.

" are Chen Xiang?" Chen Xiang's mother was a little excited, she suddenly hugged Chen Xiang in her arms, tears were streaming down uncontrollably.

Chen Xiang struggled a little, but finally hugged her mother, the tears of both mother and daughter flowed down.

(End of this chapter)

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