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Chapter 1119 Suzhen——

Chapter 1119 Suzhen——

Why did this man just add drama to himself?

Shen Hu was a little annoyed, he said: "Your Excellency, we don't know your name yet, why don't you introduce yourself?"

"Me? You don't even know me, Wang Sicong?" Lin Xiu curled his lips and said disdainfully.

"Wang Sicong?" Shen Bo was obviously taken aback when he heard it. Shen Bo had heard of this name before.

"Bai'er, do you know him?" Shen Hu asked.

"Yes, it is said that he spent [-] gold yuan pills at the Imperial City Auction House and bought a large number of items!" Shen Bai said disdainfully, "But those are just messy things. It's of no value at all!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Shen Hu and Shen Long changed. Lin Xiu was able to take out two thousand gold yuan pills casually?Is this man a local tyrant?
Lin Xiu would not tell them that the Immortal Medicine Cauldron on Lin Xiu's body is still refining pills. After today, Lin Xiu's Golden Yuan Pills will probably exceed ten thousand!

And in the future, Lin Xiu will have more Jin Yuan Pills, Lin Xiu is really a local tyrant!
Shen Hu's face changed slightly, and he said again: "So, it seems that Xiang'er has indeed found a Taoist partner with a rich family background, but this time, the patriarch is not someone who can win with money!"

"That's just because you don't have enough fairy stones and pills! As long as you have enough pills, you can really do whatever you want!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said, "One thousand gold yuan pills are not enough, just use ten thousand, ten thousand is not enough, Just use one hundred thousand, with Jin Yuan Dan in hand, what else can't be done?"

Lin Xiu's words made the corner of Shen Hu's mouth twitch.

However, there is nothing wrong with Lin Xiu saying this. If Lin Xiu really had such a huge Golden Yuan Pill, even a strong man in the Transformation God Realm could invite him to be his subordinate.

Shen Bai's eyes fell on Lin Xiu, and he said: "Wang Sicong, do you really have so many Jinyuan pills? If I remember correctly, if you want to refine Jinyuan pills, even if you are a top alchemy master , it will take nearly ten days to refine it!"

Shen Bai continued: "Moreover, it takes a lot of medicinal materials to refine Jinyuan Dan, and it takes at least ten years to cultivate it. I really don't understand, Wang Sicong, how did you get so many gold yuan Dan?"

"You want to know?" Lin Xiu laughed when he heard it.

"I want to know!" Shen Bai nodded and said.

"But I don't want to tell you!" Lin Xiu blinked and said.

Just kidding, don't say it's your own secret, even if it's not, Lin Xiu doesn't need to tell Shen Bai.

"You!" After Shen Bai heard this, anger appeared on his face.

"What's wrong with me? You don't want to attack me, do you?" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

Naturally, Shen Bo would not be so stupid as to attack Lin Xiu now, after all, after he had heard of the name Wang Sicong, he would also have heard of that Xie Jing whose leg was broken.

Shen Bai is not afraid of Lin Xiu, but he is afraid of Bai Suzhen who is beside Lin Xiu.

But at this time, two people came out, it was Shen's mother and Chen Xiang, as if they knew what happened here, Chen Xiang said: "Brother Shen Bai, are you here too?"

"Sister Chen Xiang, I didn't expect you to grow up so beautifully. It really surprised me. Wang Sicong is really lucky!" Shen Bai said.

"Thank you, Brother Shen Bai for your compliment. Tomorrow is the day for the selection of the Patriarch. I hope that Brother Shen Bai can be merciful!" Chen Xiang said.

"It's natural. If Chen Xiang needs protection, I can protect you for a while. After all, there are some people who can only rely on the protection of the strong around them, and they don't have enough strength themselves!" Shen Bairuo said pointedly.

If it was someone else, they would only hold grudges against Shen Bai's secretly sarcastic words, but Lin Xiu was different, he said directly: "Shen Bo, you say that, but you are talking about my young master?"

"What? It turns out that you are somewhat self-aware. If you hadn't been protected by a strong man, you would have been injured by Xie Jing yesterday!" Shen Bai said immediately.

"Oh, if that's the case, I'm really not convinced!" After Lin Xiu heard this, he sneered and said, "Since you say that, it seems that I'd like to let you see my young master's ability to bully others!"

As soon as Lin Xiu said these words, the faces of the people present changed slightly.

"Suzhen, teach him a lesson!" Lin Xiu said.

"..." When everyone heard Lin Xiu's words, the corners of their mouths couldn't help twitching. What the hell is Lin Xiu talking about?He still wanted Bai Suzhen to make a move?Shouldn't you prove your strength?How could Bai Suzhen still make a move?

At this moment, Shen Bai's face changed drastically, but he never expected that Lin Xiu would not play cards according to the routine at all!

If other people encounter this kind of ridicule, they will definitely not let their subordinates take action again, but Lin Xiu is completely different, as always, let his subordinates take action.

When Shen Bai felt something was wrong, he had already seen a white shadow attacking him.

Shen Bai didn't even react at all, he was already knocked away by the palm, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

What about a strong person at the Golden Infant Realm level?

In front of Bai Suzhen, a powerhouse of this level is still like an ant!
"Ding...Pretentious value +"

Lin Xiu showed disdain on his face: "This is just to teach you a lesson, let you know, don't provoke people casually, because he is probably someone you can't afford, such as me!"

"You..." Chen Hu pointed at Lin Xiu, his expression changed.

Lin Xiu stared at Shen Hu, and he said, "What? You also want to make a move? Suzhen—"

As soon as Lin Xiu said this, Shen Hu's face suddenly turned pale, and he immediately went to help Shen Bai up and said, "Don't be too arrogant, tomorrow is the day for the selection of the Patriarch, and your subordinates will not It might be possible, you..."

"Suzhen—" Lin Xiu called out again.

Shen Hu hurriedly supported Shen Bai to escape together, the flame in Lin Xiu's palm turned into a fire tiger, and rushed into the two of them directly.

Naturally, the Huohu couldn't hurt the two of them, but it also made them very embarrassed.

What Lin Xiu did this time, Shen Long showed no sign of stopping it, Lin Xiu could tell that the relationship between the two brothers might not be good.

However, this kind of matter is naturally not what Lin Xiu should take care of.

Lin Xiu has to take care of Chen Xiang's business today, and this time he came here to repay Chen Xiang's favor, and it's nothing to help Chen Xiang once.

Shen Long's injury was indeed serious, but he still insisted on having a meal with Lin Xiu and Chen Xiang. This time it was the first reunion dinner for Chen Xiang's family.

At night, Lin Xiu took another Holy Land Experience Pill.

(End of this chapter)

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