Chapter 1121

This place in Shenjie is quite special. There is still the sun here, and it feels like there is something separated from the sun when you can see the hazy sun from here.

Here, it should be the place opened up by the ancestors of the Shen family, but for some reason, the people of the Shen family seem to have given up on this place.

But it can be seen that this place is indeed very rich in aura, except that there seem to be some strange monsters appearing around.

The spiritual intelligence of these monsters seems not to be high, but their strength is not weak. Their half-human, half-beast bodies directly rushed towards Lin Xiu and Chen Xiang.

"Be careful!" Chen Xiang said hastily.

These monsters are much stronger than the monsters in Fenggu Continent, but their spiritual intelligence is obviously lower.

Unless it is a big monster, otherwise, the intelligence is quite weak, even not much better than a human baby, and more inclined to a beast. This kind of monster has a stronger instinct to prey.

Now beside Lin Xiu and Chen Xiang, there are five monsters with the body of a wolf and the head of a man.

But these are just monsters on the eighth or ninth floor of the Martial Ancestor Realm. One of the monsters with the strength of the Holy Realm seems to have developed a spiritual root. This monster can speak human words and even display supernatural powers.

A tornado storm rolled towards Lin Xiu, but how could Lin Xiu be afraid of such an attack now?
Lin Xiu punched the monster in front of him, only to see that the monster's head was directly smashed into pieces, blood spattered, and the tornado rolled directly onto Lin Xiu's body, but it had no effect at all, even Lin Xiu's skin was hurt. less than.

Even in the Holy Land, how could an attack of this level hurt Lin Xiu?It was even easier for Lin Xiu to deal with them. Chen Xiang took care of one of the monsters here, and Lin Xiu killed all the other monsters.

Lin Xiu suddenly thought of something, he put his palm on the monster's head, the monster in the holy realm, after Lin Xiu chopped off his limbs, there was no way to escape, Lin Xiu thought for a while, in the Recite a mantra silently in your heart.

In the monster's body, a ray of light flew to the center of Lin Xiu's eyebrows.

The monster panicked: "You... what did you do to me?"

This monster actually felt that his energy was constantly weakening, how could this be possible!

Someone could forcefully take away its demonic power?
At this moment, Lin Xiu received a reminder.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully robbing the spiritual roots, the number of collected spiritual roots is 2!"

It turned out to be possible!

Finally, there is no need to say this kind of mantra with your mouth, it turns out that it is also possible to say it silently in your heart!

This is much better than reciting directly, at least it won't be so shameful!
And Lin Xiu also discovered that monsters also have spiritual roots, which can also be collected by Lin Xiu. If this is the case, that would be great!

There should be a lot of monsters here, it seems that some monsters can be slaughtered here and their spiritual roots can be collected!

Lin Xiu felt a murderous intent in his heart!
For the next part of the road, Lin Xiu did not intend to let these monsters go, as long as they were monsters in the holy realm, Lin Xiu would kill them directly. I have to say that there are quite a lot of monsters here, and almost all of them There are monsters in the holy land to take the lead.

"Why are there so many holy monsters here? Don't the people of the Shen family want to take care of the affairs here?" Lin Xiu asked.

"This area was originally left by the ancestor of the Shen family. It is said that the ancestor was an existence of the pulse transmission state, but in my opinion, that is not the case!" Only Chen Xiang said.

"Oh? Why is that?" Lin Xiu asked.

"If it is really a strong person in the pulse transmission state, it is impossible to break through the space, let alone make it an independent space. There is only one possibility that can do this kind of thing, and that is, he has already He is a strong man in Shattering Void Realm!" Chen Xiang replied.

Lin Xiu was startled: "An expert in Shattering Void Realm?"

"Yes, since we entered the Holy Realm, the realms are divided into the Foundation Establishment Realm, the Spirit Pill Realm, the Golden Infant Realm, the Concentrating God Realm, the God Transformation Realm, the Pulse Transmitting Realm, the Void Breaking Realm, the Longevity Realm, and then the Tribulation Crossing Realm. After crossing the tribulation, it is possible to ascend and enter the so-called fairy world!"

Chen Xiang continued: "The pulse-passing state can only change the bloodline so that the bloodline can be passed on. If it reaches the void-shattering state, it can break through the void. It already has the ability to cross the continent. It is also possible to create a small space. Made it!"

Lin Xiu shook his head and said: "It takes too much holy power to break through the void, and after using it, the lifespan may also be greatly reduced. If you don't reach the longevity state, each state can only increase your lifespan by 100 years. Will use this ability to cross continents!"

"You're right, but if I'm not wrong, that ancestor has already died, so no matter whether he is willing to open up this space, he will die. He left this space for us. That's it!" Chen Xiang said.

"If this is the case, how could this space be reduced to this?" Lin Xiu said in surprise.

"This space was originally used by our Shen family to grow spirit grass and raise monsters, because of this, it can enhance our strength, but later, some changes occurred, and those monsters did not know what happened, but unexpectedly changed! "I only heard Chen Xiang say.

"What mutation?" Lin Xiu was even more surprised and asked.

"The strength of these monsters has improved a lot, and the number of monsters entering the holy realm has become huge, and among them, there are even monsters at the concentration level! Even the members of the Shen family dare not fight against them!" Only heard Chen Xiang continued to speak.

"The monsters have suddenly become stronger. That would not be a bad thing for the Shen family. If it is because of this, it would be too wasteful for the Shen family to abandon this place!" Lin Xiu said.

"Of course I won't just give up this piece of Shen Realm just like that, but the Shen family doesn't want to waste time here either. It would be a waste of the Shen family's strength and efforts to wipe out all the monsters here, so the Shen family chose a better way. !" Only Chen Xiang said.

"In what way?" Lin Xiu asked.

"The Shen family will set up a huge profound formation here, so that the members of the Shen family can enter it and use it to plant spirit grass. However, only the Patriarch of the Shen family can know this place, while other places are used as monsters. Our territory!"

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiang continued: "Every ten years, the Patriarch of the Shen family must lead the members of the Shen family into the Shen realm to hunt and kill monsters, and obtain the corpses of monsters and inner alchemy for the Shen family!"

After Lin Xiu heard this, he was a little surprised. The Shen family was ruthless enough to treat the entire Shen world as a place of captivity. The monsters in the Shen world were numerous and powerful. The best material for refining magic weapon!
(End of this chapter)

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