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Chapter 1129 Host, please subdue it!

Chapter 1129 Host, please subdue it!

"..." Many monsters were stunned.

These monsters have probably never seen such a man in their life.

Our king and human beings are fighting for life and death, and you are here to crack melon seeds?This is too much, do you think our king can't act here?
And this person is too courageous!Isn't he afraid that we monsters will kill him?

Chen Xiang was also a little depressed, the two of them had already arrived when Shen Bai abandoned the girl in white, but Lin Xiu didn't intend to save her.

After all, neither Shen Bai nor the woman in white seems to be a good person. To save them is obviously adding a little harm to himself. How could Lin Xiu do such a thing?

It's just that now Lin Xiu has exposed the positions of the two of them. This is not a good thing. The monsters here have already spotted the figures of the two of them, so naturally it is impossible to let them go.

Judging from Shen Bai's situation, it won't take long for Shen Bai to lose.

Chen Xiang was ready to fight, and the surrounding monsters also surrounded Lin Xiu and Chen Xiang, but Lin Xiu was not afraid at all.

"Crack!" Lin Xiu started knocking a melon seed.

"Crack!" Lin Xiu started knocking on the second melon seed.


The sound made the monsters around go crazy. This young man actually dared to knock melon seeds in front of them. This is Chi Guoguo's provocation!
Many monsters did not make a move, because they were waiting for their king's order.

The kings of these monsters are now fighting with Shen Bai. Shen Bai's Buddhist handprints are still very restraining to monsters, but under the absolute suppression of the realm, Shen Bai has obviously failed.

Shen Bai didn't want to lose, and he didn't want to die, so now Shen Bai started to ask Lin Xiu and Chen Xiang for help.

"Lin Xiu, Chen Xiang, what are you doing? Why don't you come to save me? Sister Chen Xiang, if you don't save me, uncle will be angry!" Shen Bai said loudly.

Even if you don't come to rescue me, you can delay me for a while, why don't you take action?

Shen Bai didn't say this sentence, but he had various vicious thoughts in his heart, but Lin Xiu and Chen Xiang didn't move at all.

Only the sound of Lin Xiu knocking melon seeds made Shen Bai's face even more ugly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for discovering the white-clothed scholar!" The system suddenly reminded.

"What? A scholar in white? What is that?" Lin Xiu asked quickly.

"The white-clothed scholar is a little demon at the beginning of Journey to the West, whose strength is at the peak of the Concentration Realm. Host, please subdue him!" the system prompted.

Lin Xiu just remembered that in Journey to the West, shortly after Tang Seng met Monkey King, he did encounter three monsters, one of which was the black bear spirit. In addition, the black bear spirit also had two sworn brothers, one was the white flower basilisk and the other was the gray monster. wolf monster.

"Conquer him? You mean, I can subdue him like summoning gods and demons?" Lin Xiu was even more surprised when he heard it.

"Yes, but the host should pay attention. If the host accepts this white-clothed gentleman, he will be an enemy of Ling Xuzi, the wolf spirit. The strength of the wolf spirit is no worse than that of the white-clothed gentleman!" The system reminded again.

Lin Xiu was a little surprised, he didn't expect such a thing to happen here.

In the past, Lin Xiu could summon gods and demons only if he had the gods and demons card in his hand, but now, there are gods and demons appearing here, which really surprised Lin Xiu.

"System, how many monsters are there in this world like this gentleman in white?" Lin Xiu asked.

"The system can't count, but the number of monsters with names and surnames will not be too many!" The system prompts.

"This white-clothed scholar is a very powerful monster. How can I subdue this kind of monster at the concentration level? System, are you trying to trick me?" Lin Xiu asked hastily.

"This can only be subdued by the host's own strength!" The system prompts.

Lin Xiu had a guess in his mind. If all those gods and demons were trapped by the system, then these monsters that suddenly appeared now must be due to a loophole in the system that allowed them to escape.

"Since you don't help the system, then I shouldn't subdue it. I'd better not do such a dangerous thing!" Lin Xiu said to the system.

"If the host kills or subdue these two monsters, the system can reward the host with a diamond treasure chest!" The system was really anxious.

"I don't know what can be opened from the diamond treasure box. If something bad is opened, I don't want it!" Lin Xiu felt a little treacherous in his heart.

"The system has no way to determine what items can be found in the treasure chest, but the system can narrow the range of items that can be dropped from the treasure chest!" said the system.

"As long as you subdue it, you can give it a specific treasure box, right?" Lin Xiu's eyes lit up, and he said immediately.

"Yes! The system can increase the host's spiritual power to 1000, making the host's spiritual power even higher and turning it into a sea of ​​spirit!" the system said.

"Since the system has begged me like this, I have no choice but to help you out of trouble!" Lin Xiu said rather helplessly.

No matter what, Lin Xiu finally understood. It seems that the system is not omnipotent. It and Lin Xiu are not in the relationship between superiors and subordinates, but a relationship of mutual use!
Lin Xiu needs this plug-in to help him practice, improve his strength, and get benefits, and the system seems to need him to help him collect treasure chests of various resources, and even fix loopholes. All of this is a friendly relationship.

Of course, Lin Xiu firmly believes that only his own strength is the best. What if he has no use value for the system in the future?Therefore, enhancing one's own strength is the most important thing for Lin Xiu.

Of course, it would be even better if he could subdue more gods and demons to help him!
The White Flower Snake Essence in front of him is one of them, after all, this is an existence at the Concentration level.

Lin Xiu could only feel that the spiritual eyes in his eyebrows had turned into a sea, and his spiritual power had increased again!
Originally, after Lin Xiu practiced the spiritual skills, his spiritual power had improved a lot, and he was not far from 1000 spiritual power. Now the system is just a little help, and Lin Xiu's spiritual power has changed. Get stronger!
The stronger the mental strength, the more beneficial it is for Lin Xiu to fool people!


A scream appeared, and Lin Xiu saw a figure flying out, it was Shen Bai.

Lin Xiu saw that Shen Bai's arms and legs were twisted strangely, and it was not hard to see that Shen Bai was seriously injured.

However, seeing Shen Bai receiving such a serious injury, Lin Xiu's heart was very cool. It seems that this is pretending to be struck by lightning, and even this monster can't stand it.

"Human? Two more humans?" White Flower Snake Spirit looked at Lin Xiu and Chen Xiang and said.

(End of this chapter)

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