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Chapter 1137 Something is Coming

Chapter 1137 Something is Coming

Just when Lin Xiu walked into this pool, he heard a loud noise, and the whole Bloodline Mountain trembled violently.

This loud noise affected the entire Bloodline Mountain
Lin Xiu was obviously stunned for a moment, something came?
Although I don't know what it is, but Lin Xiu is very depressed, but at the same time, he also feels quite angry, Nima, who exactly interrupted this young master to do "serious business!"

Lin Xiu has been waiting for this rare opportunity for a long time, but now he will be disturbed by others. This feeling makes Lin Xiu want to kill.

No matter who it is, if you dare to disturb this young master, you must never let it go!

Lin Xiu has to go out now, he doesn't want people to come here and see him having erotic scenes.

Lin Xiu was very angry and walked down the top of the bloodline mountain. Just after he came out of the profound formation, he saw two "people" fighting fiercely here.

One of them is Lin Xiuxin's subordinate, the white-clothed scholar, and the other is a man dressed as a Taoist priest. This man is tall, holding a whisk in his hand, and wearing a Taoist robe. The road is full of holes and looks quite dilapidated.

From the applause of some monsters, Lin Xiu could tell that this Taoist priest was exactly that "Ling Xuzi".

No wonder this monster was able to fight so inextricably with the white-clothed scholar, which surprised Lin Xiu a bit.

"Master Lin Xiu, you are finally back. This Ling Xuzi caught three members of the Shen family and wanted to enter the fountain of blood. Fortunately, our king stopped him!" A monster walked in front of Lin Xiu and said.

"Caught someone from the Shen family?" Lin Xiu said in surprise after hearing this.

"Yes, Master Lin Xiu, look!" The monster pointed, and Lin Xiu really saw Shen Ji, Shen He and Du Juan.

The three of them were originally broken by Lin Xiu and took away their spiritual roots. Now their limbs have recovered, but now the three of them are captured by monsters, which makes them even have no chance to escape.

It is not difficult for Lin Xiu to imagine that these three people were caught by Ling Xuzi when they were escaping. On the three of them, there is a token that can enter the fountain of blood.

No wonder Ling Xuzi caught them here.

"Master Lin Xiu, hurry up and help our king, Ling Xuzi is quite powerful, and our king may not be his opponent!"

"Master Lin Xiu, please help us get rid of Ling Xuzi. This Ling Xuzi has committed all kinds of evil, and even pretends to be a member of the Taoist sect. It is very hateful!"

"That's right, Master Lin Xiu, he not only refines us monsters with a cauldron, but also refines and consumes humans!"


The monsters said one after another, but Lin Xiu didn't pay attention to these, his eyes fell on Shen Ji who was not far away.

"Shen Ji, where is your token?" Lin Xiu said loudly.

Just kidding, of course Lin Xiu doesn't care too much about the safety of the white-clothed scholar. After all, the white-clothed scholar and Ling Xuzi have been fighting for so long. If he is not as good as Ling Xuzi, he must have been killed already.

So now, Lin Xiu is more concerned about where the token is, because as long as he has the token on his body, he can let the people in Shenhuangcheng Square see what happened here, that is to say, as long as this token is here, Lin Xiu Then you can continue to pretend, and the people in Shen Huangcheng can also see it!

Shen Ji is now in despair. The three of them just wanted to escape from here, but they met these monsters and were caught and brought here. They knew that they might have no chance to escape, but now seeing Lin Xiu, They see hope again.

In their hearts, they hated Lin Xiu very much, but Lin Xiu was the only one who could save them now. This feeling of anticipation and hatred really made them very helpless.

"Our token was taken away by that Ling Xuzi, so it should be in his hands, Lin Xiu, please save us!" Shen Ji asked Lin Xiu for help.

"If you're lucky, maybe I can save you, but if you're not lucky, don't blame me!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said.

Nima, what excuse is this?It depends on your luck to save us?

But right away, they understood Lin Xiu's meaning, they only saw Lin Xiu waved his hand and said, "All the monsters belonging to Xiao Hua, listen to me, today this young master represents your leader and issues this order to you! "

"The subordinates of Ling Xuzi in front of you have been bullying you for too long. Today is the time for us to fight back. All cowards who dare not fight will be fucked by this young master. Anyone who has a little blood will follow this young master and fuck them!" Damn!"

Lin Xiu originally used the words to fool the monsters, but they used them with a mental power of up to 1000, but they had a very strong hint effect, and these monsters also listened to the words of the white-clothed scholar and Lin Xiu's orders. In a word, make their eyes red.

"Fuck them!"

"Fuck them!"


The monsters roared in unison, and there were thousands of monsters around. Those who could use human language roared in human language, and those who could not use human language roared like monsters.

"Okay, now, everyone, come with me, I will take the lead... I will take the lead in charging!" Lin Xiu roared, and rushed out like a shooting star.

"Follow Master Lin Xiu, let's rush!"

"Afraid of their mothers? Fuck them to death!"



The monsters were as imposing as a rainbow, and rushed out following Lin Xiu's back.

Both Ling Xuzi and the white-clothed scholar were stunned.

Nima, what the hell is this?

An even more angry expression appeared on Ling Xuzi's face: "Scholar in white, what the hell are you doing?"

"It's none of my business, it's Master Lin Xiu who wants to make a move, but look at this time, your subordinates may be in trouble!" The white-clothed scholar said with a smile.

The two of them can naturally see that Lin Xiu used some kind of mental hint to make these monsters so powerful, not to mention monsters of the same level, even if monsters at the immortal level are in front of them, they dare to cut.

But Ling Xuzi and the monsters on their side felt a little depressed, and the monsters on the other side were too aggressive, especially Lin Xiu, who was the leader, rushed over directly, and his body was even stronger than them. In front of him, he was directly blasted away.

"Ding...Pretentious value +"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully plundering the spiritual root, and collecting the number of spiritual roots..."


Lin Xiu's shot can kill a monster with almost one punch. Some monsters in the holy realm were directly collected by Lin Xiu into the Immortal Medicine Cauldron or captured and plundered their spiritual roots.

(End of this chapter)

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