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Chapter 1139 The Desolate Palace Key

Chapter 1139 The Desolate Palace Key
Ling Xuzi's face became very ugly, he only felt that his limbs were weak, and even the monster power in his body seemed to be sucked out.

"The sky and the earth are boundless, the supernatural borrow..." Ling Xuzi shouted hastily.

"Borrow your sister, no one can borrow your tricks, let me in!" After Lin Xiu finished speaking, Ling Xuzi was sucked into the medicine fairy cauldron.

This Immortal Medicine Cauldron is a real fairy weapon, and now Lin Xiu's realm is already in the Concentration Realm. With this level of strength, Lin Xiu can use this Immortal Medicine Cauldron to instantly kill the existence of the Transformation God Realm, let alone The current Ling Xuzi.

Lin Xiu didn't intend to keep Ling Xuzi behind. Now that Lin Xiu has obtained the supreme spiritual root, he doesn't need to absorb other people's spiritual roots. As for giving pointers, pointing Ling Xuzi now is useless. It's just Ling Xuzi's magic weapon.

Inside the Yaoxian cauldron, flying out were Ling Xuzi's clothes, a dust whisk, and a book.

"This... is this Ling Xuzi's relic?" Seeing these things appear, the white-clothed scholar's face changed. It was Ling Xuzi, so it disappeared?
"Yeah, but the token on his body seems to have been destroyed as well!" Lin Xiu suddenly thought of this matter.

The token on Ling Xuzi's body was destroyed, and the people in Shenhuangcheng Square couldn't see the situation here at all. Of course, there is no force to continue pretending now.

Lin Xiu found a magic trick from Ling Xuzi's relics.

Lin Xiu saw that there were three words on it, True Fire Jue!

This True Fire Art is incomplete, it should be a kind of immortal art, but unfortunately, if it is incomplete, it can only be regarded as a false immortal art, and its power is probably much worse than the real immortal art.

However, it is quite useful. This move is much stronger than the flames in Lin Xiu's body.

Now after entering the Holy Realm, the martial soul is no longer of much use. They use magical powers and magical weapons to fight against the enemy. Some people use the martial soul to refine into a more powerful magic weapon as a natal magic weapon, or to refine it into a monster. .

Now Lin Xiu's strength has improved too fast, and he has no chance to do so.

However, with the magic weapon that Lin Xiu has now, if he refines his martial soul into this kind of thing, it is no longer necessary. The magic weapon and supernatural power in his hand are very powerful. Soul fusion is enough.

But now this True Fire Jue is much more powerful than Lin Xiu's Martial Soul, plus the Heavenly Fire. If the Heavenly Fire is the strongest flame among mortals, then the flame of this True Fire Jue has surpassed the realm of mortals , reaching the realm of transformation.

If you can get the full version of the True Fire Jue, you can even summon the Immortal Fire.

This kind of true fire art seems to be able to make Lin Xiu spit out fire.

I saw that the white-clothed scholar had already knelt in front of Lin Xiu and said, "Master Lin Xiu, from now on, I, the white-clothed scholar, will be under your command, Master Lin Xiu. If you have the heart to betray, let me be thunderbolt, heaven and earth will not tolerate it!" "

"Ding, if you succeed in subduing the white-clothed scholar, you will be rewarded with a diamond treasure chest!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for killing Ling Xuzi and rewarding him with a diamond treasure chest!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a treasure chest from the Shen family!"

In fact, these are the three diamond treasure chests. Lin Xiu originally planned to go back to the mountain to see if Chen Xiang had woken up, but he saw that Chen Xiang had already walked down. Lin Xiu was a little depressed. Lost a good opportunity.

"What happened here?" Chen Xiang was only heard to say.

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's just a troublesome dog!" Lin Xiu said a little depressed.

"Why are they still here?" Only Chen Xiang said again.

Lin Xiu saw that the three of Shen Ji were still alive, and the scuffle just now did not let them die!
"The three of you are really lucky!" Lin Xiu smiled, "However, it seems that no one has seen your life and death now!"

"You... what do you want to do? Lin Xiu, we have already surrendered, and you still want to kill us?" Shen Ji shouted hastily.

"Little Hua, give them a decent life!" Lin Xiu said.

The hearts of the three people were full of despair. At first they thought they would have a chance to survive, after all such a dangerous thing had passed, but now, they realized that Lin Xiu had no intention of letting them go.

So what if the melee can survive?They still have to die!

"Lin Xiu, it's time for us to leave!" Only Chen Xiang said.

"Okay!" Lin Xiu nodded. He looked at the white-clothed scholar and said, "I will come back and take you away. You don't have to worry. I can guarantee this!"

"I believe in the young master!" The scholar in white nodded and said.

Lin Xiu and Chen Xiang wanted to leave, but they had to travel a certain distance before they could find the Shen family's teleportation array, which is why Shen Ji and the others were caught.

But now that the two are leaving, naturally there will be no monsters to stop them.

Beside the white-clothed scholar, a monster suddenly said: "My lord, shall we just let him leave like this? What if he doesn't come back after leaving?"

"I believe him!" The white-clothed scholar shook his head and said.

The other monsters had no choice but to trust Lin Xiu.

After all, even if they don't believe it, it's useless, and the white-clothed scholar will not change his mind.

After Lin Xiu left here, it was the succession ceremony of the Patriarch of the Shen family. Of course, these things had nothing to do with Lin Xiu. Lin Xiu still cared more about the treasure chest he opened.

For Lin Xiu now, the role of the diamond treasure box is no longer obvious, but Lin Xiu still wants to try his luck, maybe he can get something good.

Lin Xiu has continuously locked the treasure chest as the supernatural treasure chest. After all, in this diamond-level treasure chest, at most the supernatural powers of the pseudo-immortal level can be opened.

But now the supernatural power that Lin Xiu got, made Lin Xiu a little disappointed.

Lin Xiu didn't like one move of low-grade supernatural powers and one move of middle-grade supernatural powers, but it was barely enough to use them.

In the last diamond treasure chest, a key was found.

"Ding, I got the key to the Desolate Palace!"

The key to the Desolate Palace, one of the largest temples in the small sanctuary of the Desolate Palace, will appear in the Desolate Domain in a month. This key can lead the host into it. There are seven keys to the Desolate Palace, and this is one of them!
The key to the Desolate Palace?

Lin Xiu looked at the key in his hand and was a little surprised, but what surprised Lin Xiu even more was that Huang would appear in a month. Besides Lin Xiu, there would be six other keys. Six people went in with Lin Xiu!
It is conceivable that there may be many good things in this deserted palace!
(End of this chapter)

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