Chapter 1141
"Why do you ask me? Just ask that you need my help now, otherwise, you can only sleep in this sinking world forever and never see the light of day!" After Lin Xiu heard this, he immediately raised his head and said.

Just kidding, this young master is a cheater, you are just a treasure chest, dare to be rampant in front of this young master?Wait until this young master fools you until you become a fool!
Lin Xiu's words made the three-legged Jinwu's eyes flash with murderous intent: "Boy, are you not afraid that I will kill you?"

"Afraid that you will kill me? If you could do it, you wouldn't let so many people enter the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda casually. If I guessed correctly, you wouldn't even be able to attack me!" Lin Xiu sneered and said.

After the three-legged Golden Crow heard it, his eyes were full of anger, but he didn't make a move. Based on this alone, Lin Xiu was sure that his guess was right. The three-legged Golden Crow really had no way to make a move.

"I'm afraid you can communicate with me only because I have the soul of Huaxia. If another person comes, you may not even have the possibility to communicate with them, so if I don't take action, you will always sleep here!"

Lin Xiu continued to flicker: "How many years have you been here? Ten years? Hundred years? Thousands of years? Or ten thousand years? If you want to meet the next person who can help you, how long should you wait? But you should It won't be too long, at most tens of thousands of years, anyway, you are the magic weapon of the fairy family, you can afford to wait!"

Lin Xiu's words made the three-legged Golden Crow feel chilly, Nima, wait tens of thousands of years?The Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda could indeed afford to wait, but he didn't want to wait!
If it really waits, it will go crazy, there are only monsters here, and there is no possibility for monsters to communicate with it at all.

Being able to meet Lin Xiu this time was obviously an accident. You must know that entering this kind of place, the people who come in are all from the Shen family. It is definitely a fluke to be able to have a person from Huaxia!
"As for me, even without you, I can still find more fairy treasures, even more powerful treasures, so if I want to serve you, I will not accompany you!" Lin Xiu said, only seeing his Sudden changes in the eyes.

Lin Xiu's left eye and right eye turned into different colors at the same time. From Lin Xiu's mouth, a mouthful of flame suddenly spewed out. It was like a painting in the surrounding space. It was directly torn by someone, and the three-legged Golden Crow was shocked. , this little devil actually possesses such a strange flame.

The illusion summoned by the three-legged Golden Crow cannot be destroyed by supernatural powers, but the current Lin Xiu can easily destroy it. This young man has such a strong strength. He did not lie talk!

If other people encounter this Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, they will definitely respect it very much, hoping that it can recognize itself as the master, but Lin Xiu is completely different.

Your Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda is awesome?This young master is even more awesome, so, it should be you who begged this young master to take you in!

Lin Xiu indeed has such arrogant rights and qualifications, and even the three-legged Golden Crow has to admit that, considering Lin Xiu's age and the strength he has shown, whether he can get more magic weapons of the fairy family in the future is really a question. is unknown.

But the three-legged Golden Crow also knew that if he wanted to leave here now, the only way was to recognize Lin Xiu as the master. If he didn't do this, he would have to stay here, and he might never see the light of day!

"Young man, don't leave yet, we can talk again!" The three-legged Jinwu said immediately, and his address for Lin Xiu also changed.

After all, the current three-legged Golden Crow has something to ask of Lin Xiu, and he is not as arrogant as before.

"Oh? Now you want to talk to this young master? But this young master doesn't want to talk to you, unless you are willing to take the initiative to recognize me as master!" Lin Xiu sneered.

"You! Okay, if you can help us restore the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, as one of the pagoda spirits here, I can recognize you as the master!" The three-legged Jinwu finally said.

"Only you?" Lin Xiu frowned.

"I am the main pagoda spirit here, and here is the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda. When we fell into this world, we were all seriously injured, but I recovered more easily than them. Now I can make the decision and let you be our pagoda." Master, however, you have to help us fix it first!"

The three-legged Golden Crow looked at Lin Xiu. This time, he was not telling lies, nor was he trying to scare Lin Xiu, because the three-legged Golden Crow could already tell that the young man in front of him was not so easy to fool. I know it is a treacherous person.

Lin Xiu thought for a while, and then said: "You want me to help you fix it, how can I help you?"

"To recover, we need a lot of magic tools, even fairy weapons. Every treasure needs a lot of magic tools, and fairy weapons can be recovered!" said the three-legged Jinwu.

Lin Xiu wouldn't hand over the immortal artifact easily, and Lin Xiu didn't own one, not even a fake immortal artifact, let alone an immortal artifact.

In addition, in Lin Xiu's Immortal Field Ring, although there is a Tongtian Tree, the area of ​​​​the Immortal Field inside is gradually expanding, but if there is an Immortal Artifact, it is quite beneficial to expand the area of ​​​​the Immortal Field.

If you hand over the fairy artifact to the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, why do you feel that you are still at a loss?
The three-legged Golden Crow seemed to be able to see through Lin Xiu's strength. It said, "Don't worry, although we need fairy artifacts, it is not impossible to replace them with a large number of magic artifacts!"

"Well, in this case, in order to help you leave, the young master has no choice but to be a good person and take you in reluctantly. From now on, you will be called Xiao Wu!" Lin Xiu sighed and said with a benevolent look.

"..." Three-legged Golden Crow.

Xiao Wu?The three-legged Golden Crow resisted the urge to kill Lin Xiu in one gulp. How could this bastard give him such a name?
"What? Do you have a problem with the name I gave you?" Lin Xiu said coldly after hearing this.

"No, since the master bestowed the name, I will naturally accept it!" the three-legged Jinwu had no choice but to say.

"Okay, since that's the case, you can follow me from now on!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully conquering the pagoda treasure box. The pagoda treasure box needs to absorb 65000 million pagoda points to recover. Each low-grade magic weapon can provide 1 pagoda points, and each middle-grade magic weapon can provide 1 points. ..."

"Get 5000 million pagoda points, you can restore the first floor pagoda, get 15000 million pagoda points, you can restore the first and second floor pagodas..."

In this way, the pseudo-immortal weapon can only provide 1000 million pagoda points, and five pieces are needed to restore the first-floor pagoda!
Nima, this three-legged Golden Crow has not recovered at all, this guy is cheating himself!

(End of this chapter)

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