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Chapter 115 Special Treasure Chest, Face Treasure Chest

Chapter 115 Special Treasure Chest, Face Treasure Chest

But today, there are quite a few monsters killed, but the collected energy can only reach 981 points, and there is even a distance from 1000 points. Killing ordinary first-level and second-level monsters is really not enough. I really want to kill them. If so, you have to kill higher-level monsters first, such as third- and fourth-level monsters.

Since they had the command to attack, the actions of the Lin family were much easier this time. As long as they didn't encounter too powerful monsters or enemies, they could protect themselves well.

With Lin Xiu's mobilization of energy, everyone's strength has improved, even if it is only for a short time, it will be of great help to them.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for collecting 31 treasure chests. His career has been improved. He is currently a level 20 treasure hunter! Reward a special treasure chest, the face treasure chest! Reduce the time to open the treasure chest by 50%, up to [-]%!"

"What is the treasure chest of face?"

"The other party gives the host face, and the host can collect face points! After getting the face treasure box, within three days, the host should try to collect face points as much as possible!"

"Give me face? This..."

Lin Xiu was depressed, why did the system give him more and more strange treasure chests?Forget about pretending to be a treasure chest, forget about monster treasure chests, and now there is a treasure chest for face, what treasure chest will be given next?

However, these special treasure chests seem to be the fastest way to improve strength, and 31 treasure chests have been collected, which is one step closer to becoming a normal man!
It was already late at night. After the system settled, Lin Xiu was ready to practice. Although Lin Xiu didn't like Taixu Sword Art, it was the strongest skill he had now. Lin Xiu still needed to practice.

But when Lin Xiu was practicing, he heard a strange sound, which seemed to be the scream of a monster.

Is someone killing monsters?Lin Xiu's heart moved, and he sneaked over.

However, Lin Xiu heard a sound.

This is obviously not a human voice: "My lord will be here soon, what are you still doing here? Hurry up!"

"Yes, yes!" Several monsters immediately replied, and then ran in one direction.

After these monsters escaped, the talking monster said to himself: "I didn't expect even an adult of this level to come. Could it be that something has attracted the attention of such an adult?"

Lin Xiu was very surprised when he heard the words of the monster: "System, how can the words of this monster be so similar to humans? Could this be becoming a spirit?"

"The host already understands animal language, so what the monster says will automatically be converted into the language spoken by ordinary people. In fact, the monster can't speak human language, but the host can use spiritual power to understand what the monster said. Speak!" The system replied.

That is to say, the monster is actually just making sounds like "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo", but Lin Xiu can listen to what the human beings say, why does Lin Xiu feel a bit like himself Become like a neuropathy?
However, what the monster said made Lin Xiu a little curious. What exactly is the lord and "that thing" he said?
This monster seems to be a third-level monster, that is, a monster at the Wuxu Realm level, but the current monster is carrying Lin Xiu on its back.

A cold light appeared in Lin Xiu's eyes, holding the Infinity Blade in his hand, he shot immediately when he saw Lin Xiu, without any hesitation or hesitation.

Because of the effect of the Combined Attack Order, the aura that Lin Xiu erupted at this moment was not at the Martial Spirit Realm, but at the first level of the Martial Void Realm.

Lin Xiu's sword actually produced a piercing sound that could make one's scalp tingle. Lin Xiu's gaze was locked on the back of this monster, and this time he made a full blow.

The monster reacted very quickly. It turned around, let out a roar, and slapped Lin Xiu. Only then did Lin Xiu see clearly that it was a bear monster. It should be a third-level monster stone-skinned bear. It is a stone skin as hard as armor, and it is really difficult for ordinary people to hurt it.

Even its skin can withstand ordinary mysterious weapons, but what this monster is facing is a weapon that surpasses heaven, the Infinity Blade, even if it is a sealed weapon, it is enough to kill him killed.

With a soft sound, where the sword light went, blood spurted out instantly, and a bear's paw was chopped off. There is only one word for this sword, quick!

The stone-skinned bear would never have imagined that a human would appear suddenly and plot against it.

"Who are you! How dare you sneak up on me!" The stone-skinned bear let out a roar, it felt the severe pain from the place where its arm was broken, and it had forgotten that the person in front of it was a human being, so it was impossible to understand him words!
"Sneak attack? How could I do such a thing? This is actually a misunderstanding!" Lin Xiu said with a look of astonishment on his face.

Lin Xiu didn't expect that he would succeed so easily, but even so, Lin Xiu didn't dare to be careless. After all, the other party was a third-level monster. If it was a normal time, it would be difficult for him to meet a monster of this level. retreated.

"Misunderstanding? No, human, how could you understand me?" A look of doubt flashed in the stone-skinned bear's eyes.

"To tell you the truth, I am a friend of your monsters, but I am actually a monster tamer!" Lin Xiu immediately put away the sword in his hand and inserted it back into the scabbard.

Seeing this, the stone-skinned bear was relieved. I heard that the demon trainers are really good to monsters. They seldom kill monsters with their hands. In order to make monsters take refuge in them, they will even fight for monsters. The beast does a lot of things in exchange for the favor of the monster. If the human in front of him is a monster tamer, he should be a good person!
"Are you really a demon tamer?" Stoneskin Bear asked.

"Of course, otherwise, how could I understand what you said-be careful behind you!" Lin Xiu suddenly changed his face, showing shock.

When the stone-skinned bear heard it, he immediately turned around and instinctively slapped back, but his palm only hit the air, and a thought suddenly appeared in the stone-skinned bear's mind, he was fooled!
Almost at the same time, Stoneskin Bear felt a pain in his back, and a sword had pierced his back.

"Didn't I tell you to be careful behind you? A monster is a monster, really stupid!" Lin Xiu's voice came.

That stone-skinned bear is about to cry, Nima, didn't you say that all monster tamers are friends of monsters?How could the demon tamer I met be such a shameless person!
Not to mention the sneak attack, but also deceived himself, and after the cheating, to sneak attack, and shameless!
"Pfft!" Lin Xiu unceremoniously pulled out the Endless Forbearance, and the blood of the stone-skinned bear spurted out wildly. This sword caused very serious damage to the stone-skinned bear.

 Fourth update, do you still have any rewards?If not, today will be the fourth update!
(End of this chapter)

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