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Chapter 1151 Dean Ye was also captured!

Chapter 1151 Dean Ye was also captured!

"What? This... what is this?" Qingkong didn't know what kind of monster it was. He exclaimed and wanted to make a move, but a golden flame had already engulfed him. In front of Zu Jinwu, he was able to resist.

The flames had already devoured Qingkong's entire body, and a fake fairy weapon on Qingkong's body had been swallowed before it even played a role.

"That's right, this time, I finally got something good!" The three-legged Jinwu was not polite.

"Ding, 1000 million pagoda points have been collected!"

Lin Xiu's heart was full of joy and heartache, damn, another fake fairy artifact has been destroyed!
Lin Xiu's eyes fell on Ye Chenyu in front of him, and he said, "Dean Ye, you don't want to attack me, do you? If so, don't blame me!"

"What's wrong with Qingkong?" Ye Chenyu said with a change of expression.

The current Qing Kong was taken in by Lin Xiu, and he couldn't feel the breath of Qing Kong at all. What happened to Qing Kong? Could it be that Qing Kong has been solved by Lin Xiu?

"You will know soon!" Lin Xiu waved his hand, only to see the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda appearing in the air again, this time, even Ye Chenyu was sucked in by the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda.

The strength of this Ye Chenyu has actually surpassed the God Transformation Realm, and he is a strong man in the Pulse Transmission Realm.

Ye Chenyu's offspring can also inherit his blood, and the road to cultivation will be much smoother. Of course, the closer Ye Chenyu is to this offspring, the easier it will be to awaken.

But the current Ye Chenyu would never imagine that someone would be able to take him back, and this Ye Chenyu would disappear in front of everyone.

"Ding...Pretentious value +"

"How did this happen? The dean was actually taken away, this... I don't believe it's true!"

"Who is this Lin Xiu? How could he be so strong? Could it be that our Heavenly Demon Academy is about to be destroyed by him?"

"Vice President Qing Kong has been arrested, and now even President Ye has been arrested. Is this Lin Xiu so powerful?"


The true disciples of the surrounding Dark Courtyard have also started to panic now. Qingkong’s strength is still far behind Ye Chenyu, but now Qingkong must have been killed, and even Ye Chenyu was caught. , isn't it over?

Ye Chenyu's face was a bit ugly, he didn't expect that Lin Xiu's magic weapon could be sucked here even by him.

Ye Chenyu had already seen the giant golden bird appearing in front of him, his expression changed: "I didn't expect there to be such a powerful monster here!"

"Are you the second one? Well, let me deal with you!" The three-legged Golden Crow said, spewing out a mouthful of golden flame.

"Do you think I'm Qingkong? If you want to deal with me, you are not qualified yet!" Ye Chenyu said coldly.

"Master, this old guy is a bit powerful, it may take me a while to get rid of him!" Lin Xiu was taken aback when he received the three-legged Golden Crow's words.

Lin Xiu was a little surprised, this Ye Chenyu is so powerful, does even the three-legged Golden Crow find it tricky?

But now, there are still quite a few dark court disciples, Lin Xiu said: "Your principal has been dealt with by me, if you still want to resist, then don't blame me for being rude!"

The strong people around are already a little hesitant now. Now that the two strongest people have been beheaded by Lin Xiu, if they still want to make a move, they will probably follow in the footsteps of the two. If this is the case, they are not going to die in vain up?
You must know that these two people existed in the realm of transforming gods and passing the pulse, but they still died in Lin Xiu's hands, so it can be imagined that other people here will definitely not be Lin Xiu's opponents.

Just when the disciples of the Dark Court here wanted to retreat, they only heard a voice: "Are you still our disciples of the Dark Court?"

Immediately, a powerful aura surged around.

Lin Xiu was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that there was such a powerful existence in this Dark Courtyard of Heavenly Demon. Although this strong man Lin Xiu hadn't seen anyone yet, he could tell from the other party's aura that this person, It is indeed not ordinary people.

Even Ye Chenyu, who is in the Pulse Transmitting Realm, is not under his pressure.

"Master, be careful!" Bai Suzhen said.

At this moment, Lin Xiu's body flickered, and he had already left the original place. The attack landed on Lin Xiu's original position, smashing the ground into pieces. Lin Xiu saw a white-haired old man not far away from him. , Lin Xiu frowned: "Old guy, who are you?"

"Me? I'm just an old man here! However, I have a mission to protect this Heavenly Demon Dark Courtyard. No matter who it is, as long as it endangers the Dark Courtyard, I will send him on his way!" said the old man.

"Really? Since I am old and immortal, I will not provoke you. Let's stop here today! Suzhen, Xiaohua, let's go!" Lin Xiu said.

Bai Suzhen and the lady in white nodded at the same time, and they went back to Lin Xiu's Qibao Linglong Pagoda.

"You just want to go now, do you think you can go?" The old man sneered, only to see that he had already waved his hand, and the space around Lin Xiu had been distorted.

"Shattering Void Realm!" Lin Xiu was a little surprised, this old guy is actually a strong man above the Pulse Passing Realm, and is an existence in the Shattering Void Realm!
"Boy, you have a bit of eyesight, and you know that I am a strong warrior in the Shattering Void Realm. Do you think you can still escape from my hand?" The old man said again.

"That's not necessarily the case!" Lin Xiu said lightly, "I came to pretend to be aggressive, and I also left to pretend to be aggressive. I waved my sleeves and didn't take a cloud with me. Everyone, don't miss me, this young master is leaving! "

In front of everyone, a smile appeared on Lin Xiu's face, and then he disappeared.

"..." The audience fell silent.

Everyone knows that Lin Xiu used space to move away, but now the elder of the Dark Courtyard has used the ability of Shattering Void Realm to limit the space here, how did Lin Xiu leave?
That old man was called An Lao, and he was indeed the guardian of this dark courtyard. His face became quite ugly. He could not have imagined that his own Void Shattering Saint Power disturbed the space here, and he would still be killed by him. It was impossible for Lin Xiusuo to escape, but now it really happened here!

"Go check the damage here immediately, and I'll find him. No matter where he flees to, I won't let him go!" An Lao said coldly.

Ye Chenyu hasn't found it yet, and he doesn't know what his situation is, but more importantly, Lin Xiu stole a lot of magical artifacts, and these magical artifacts must be taken back!

(End of this chapter)

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