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Chapter 1153 Templar Knight Armor

Chapter 1153 Templar Knight Armor
Jingchen's heart was broken, his eyes fell on Lin Xiu, and he said: "Poor monk Jingchen, I wonder if the benefactor is Lin Xiu?"

"You are right, this young master is Lin Xiu, I heard that you are here to find me!" Lin Xiu said, looking at the monk in front of him.

"I'm Jack, the Knight of the Church. I want to take you for a walk today. You, come with me!" Jack said indifferently.

"I am a disciple of Confucianism, Kong Wei. I came here today to find out if you have taken away our Confucianism's cultivation method!" said the No.3 powerhouse.

Three strong men, and they seem to be of extraordinary strength.

"These three people seem to be at the level of transforming gods!" I only heard Bai Suzhen say.

"It's okay, let me ask first, I don't want to hurt innocent people!" Lin Xiu said lightly

"Yes, master!" Bai Suzhen nodded.

"All three of you came to look for me? Why don't you tell me the reason!" Lin Xiu said.

"You stole our Confucian School's Grand Virtue of Righteousness, so I came here to take back this set of exercises!" Only Kong Wei said.

"Confucianism's Great Righteous Qi Jue?" Lin Xiu blinked his eyes and said, "This set of exercises was actually taught to me by my master. He once said that if I meet those true disciples of Confucianism, I can let them They called me... Uncle Master!"

"Uncle Master?" Hearing this sentence, Kong Wei asked instinctively.

"Good boy, that's right, you will be my nephew from now on!" Lin Xiu said with a smile.

As soon as this sentence came out, Kong Wei's face darkened. If he was not careful, Lin Xiu took advantage of him and called Lin Xiu his uncle. How could this not make Kong Wei angry.

Few people present believed Lin Xiu's words, what kind of uncle, it was obviously Lin Xiu's nonsense.

However, being able to make Kong Wei suffer is enough to prove that Lin Xiu is extraordinary.

After Jing Chen heard it, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed. He and Kong Wei had a feeling of being connected with the same disease. From this point of view, Lin Xiu is really unusual.

"Ding...Pretentious value +"

Lin Xiu was able to make the two suffer a small loss, and the other disciples of the Holy Court respected Lin Xiu even more.

At this time, Tang Ao, Wang Ze and Mo Liang had also arrived. Seeing Bai Suzhen here, Tang Ao also felt relieved. With Bai Suzhen here, this place will not become worse!

After all, Bai Suzhen is an existence at the level of transforming gods, and if the two of them are added together, they will not be weaker than the three in front of them at all. It is still possible to keep Lin Xiu.

I only saw a man standing up, and this man's eyes fell on Lin Xiu, only to hear him say coldly: "I tell you to leave with us!"

Jack is a member of the Holy Court, so he naturally doesn't care whether Lin Xiu is willing to leave with him. If he is unwilling, he will directly arrest him. Anyway, in his eyes, Lin Xiu is no different from a waste.

"You told me to leave with you, and I'm going to leave with you? Who do you think you are?" Lin Xiu had no friendly attitude towards this Jack, but he had no friendly attitude towards Jing Chen and Kong Wei at all.

Although Lin Xiu didn't know why these two people came here to find him, Lin Xiu could probably guess what the purpose of these two people was. , it is for the Tianlong Babuyin.

As for Jack, Lin Xiu didn't have the slightest liking for him. The people from the Holy Court sent someone to capture Shuang'er. Now Lin Xiu didn't have enough strength to kill the Holy Court, but Lin Xiu would never let the people from the Holy Court go.

In the bottom of Lin Xiu's heart, he hated this church very much. As soon as Jack saw him, he already had a bad face. Naturally, it was impossible for Lin Xiu to have a good impression of him.

Lin Xiu's attitude made Jack's complexion ugly. How dare this man be so disrespectful to him?
"Lin Xiu, do you know that I am a member of the Church, you'd better listen to me, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" Jack said with a sneer.

"Since you are not being polite anymore, I don't need to be polite to you anymore!" Lin Xiu sneered, and planned to make a move.

"Young master, why don't I teach him a lesson!" I only heard Bai Suzhen say.

"Suzhen, are you sure?" Lin Xiu said.

"Yes!" Bai Suzhen has another top-grade magic weapon in her hand, and she believes that no matter how strong Jack is, she can handle it.

When Lin Xiu heard Bai Suzhen say this, he could only nod his head: "Be careful!"

"Master Lin Xiu can rest assured!" Bai Suzhen replied.

Bai Suzhen had already walked out. When Jack saw it, he said disdainfully, "So it's a monster. If so, let me kill you and send you to hell!"

Jack pulled out the sword, only to see that the sword seemed to be coated with a silver light, and the sword cut towards Bai Suzhen, which indeed had a purifying effect.

Lin Xiu didn't know what Jack practiced, but his holy power seemed to have the ability to purify, and he was quite restrained against monsters. Is Bai Suzhen really his opponent?

Lin Xiu was also a little worried about this, but Bai Suzhen did not disappoint him. He only saw that Bai Suzhen's sword had already cut in front of him, and a series of sword lights covered Jack's body.

Jack's face was calm, and there was a layer of white light on the battle armor on his body. These sword lights hit him and flew out continuously.

Bai Suzhen's sword seemed unable to threaten Jack.

"It's useless, my holy armor, how can a monster like you be able to break it?" Jack said disdainfully, "Take me to the holy cross!"

A "ten" ray cut towards Bai Suzhen. It was obviously impossible for Bai Suzhen in the past to resist this move, but now she is able to resist it.

A mirror appeared in front of Bai Suzhen, this mirror blocked Bai Suzhen's face, the light of the word "ten" was directly blasted out by the mirror.

"Snake twists the sword!" Bai Suzhen's voice was cold, and she reached Jack in an instant, and the long sword seemed to turn into a silver snake, wrapping around Jack's body.

Bai Suzhen was full of murderous intent, with this strike, she was going to strangle Jack directly.

Jack's face changed drastically. This time, he couldn't calm down anymore. If he had used his original strength, he really couldn't resist this move. However, now Jack possessed something that no one else could imagine. strength!

All I saw was a ray of light from the cross on Jack's chest. This ray of light covered Jack's body, forming a pair of armor. This Jack looked so mighty.

"This... is the Templar armor!" Tang Ao exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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