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Chapter 1157 Uncle Fahai!

Chapter 1157 Uncle Fahai!

Tang Ao's words made Mo Liang's face change greatly: "What? Vice President Tang Ao, how can this be, this time I was the one who took everyone there, you..."

"Mo Liang, you go back first, I will take care of this matter!" Only Wang Ze said.

Mo Liang's face became very ugly, and the way he looked at Lin Xiu also changed, as if Lin Xiu owed him millions of immortal stones, but he finally left.

Lin Xiu looked confused, he really didn't understand what was going on with Mo Liang, and why he seemed to have a strong hostility towards him.

Although Lin Xiu didn't understand, but the matter here had to continue, Zhu took Bai Suzhen and the white-clothed scholar back to the main hall together.

However, Mo Liang's heart was full of unwillingness. He couldn't help but have a thought in his heart. He must get the magic weapon in Lin Xiu's hand. As long as he can get it, he doesn't need to care about anyone at all. gaze.

Because of this Magical Artifact, even a Void Shattering Realm, no, even an Immortal Realm powerhouse, should be able to kill it!Thinking of this, Mo Liang's heart became hot, and a plan was formed in his heart.

Mo Liang flew over to Demon Sword Peak, taking advantage of Lin Xiu being summoned to the main hall, this is his chance to strike.

After Jingchen left this holy courtyard, he left immediately.

Jingchen seemed to turn into a giant Buddha, and he soon arrived in a temple.

"Jingchen, how is it? Have you found that Lin Xiu?" Only one monk was seen and said.

"Master, I'm very sorry. Although my disciple found Lin Xiu, the strength of Lin Xiu's benefactor is too strong. I can't deal with him at all. Moreover, he has a very powerful magic weapon on him. Disciple..." Jing Before Chen finished speaking, he was interrupted by Master Fazheng.

"Lin Xiu has a magic weapon on him? I thought he had a powerful man by his side, so I repelled you, but you will come back, I have already expected it." Only Fazheng said.

"The powerful one? Master, who are you referring to?" Jing Chen asked in surprise.

"It's a female benefactor. She seems to have killed a Taoist martial artist, but she was injured by my junior brother. Now she has fled here. We have received news that this female benefactor is exactly the one who took refuge in Lin. Repair!" Fazheng said.

"What? There is such a thing? But I did see that there is a woman next to Lin Xiu. This woman has a very strong strength, and she once fought against the Templar Knight and almost defeated him. Could it be that this Is this female benefactor the one my uncle is looking for?" Jing Chen said.

"Is this female benefactor named Bai Suzhen?"


"That's her, Junior Brother will come here soon! It's for her."

"What? Master uncle is really coming?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Jing Chen's face showed joy.

"Brother Jingchen, is my uncle an expert, why do you look so happy?" a monk said.

This time, Fazheng brought five disciples here. One of them was a young junior who was very smart, but unfortunately he started relatively late, so he didn't have much experience.

However, this junior brother has a pure heart, but he has good talent, and the other senior brothers also love him very much.

"Junior Brother Jingxin, you don't know. Our uncle is a master who is famous all over the world, and the Jinshan Temple where the uncle is located is a big temple. Although it is not as good as the Little Leiyin Temple, it is also a big temple. Our teacher Shushou's disciples are all outstanding existences!"

"That's right, I heard that Uncle Fahai has boundless Dharma and has reached the longevity realm. He is not only outstanding in strength, but also profound in Dharma. He is also a master who hates evil and hates evil. I don't know how many monsters that have harmed the world have been subdued!"

"Master Uncle Fahai's talent is also quite outstanding. Before he was six hundred years old, he was already a strong man at the level of longevity. force!"


The monks spoke with great joy, but Fazheng felt a little helpless. When these guys spoke, they were Fahai's disciples, not his own.

But what they said was correct. After all, this Fahai's strength was beyond his composure!
"Master, are we here this time to help my uncle get rid of that monster?" Only Jing Xin asked.

"Our purpose this time is not for that female monster, but..." Fazheng said flatly, stating the purpose of coming here this time.

On the other side, Kong Wei had also gone back among the Confucian disciples, but there were more than a dozen of these Confucian disciples, and the leader was a Confucian immortal.

A strong person in the immortal state will increase their lifespan by 1000 years, so a strong person of this level will have the opportunity to hit the tribulation realm. Only after passing the tribulation, will they have the opportunity to ascend and reach the rumored fairy world.

This Confucian man at the longevity level has mastered the eight characters in the nine-character mantra of Confucianism. It can be said that he is powerful and righteous, and he is invulnerable to evil.

This Confucian strong man named Yang Gan was a little surprised to see Kong Wei come back.

"As expected of Senior Brother Kong, you completed the task so quickly?"

"Brother Kong Wei has the strength to accomplish this kind of thing without breaking a sweat!"

"After all, it's Senior Brother Kong Wei, so it's different from other people. Then Lin Xiu must have been scared to death when he saw him!"


The other Confucian disciples flattered him immediately. After all, Kong Wei was the work of this Yang, and his status was quite high.

"Teacher, this disciple has insulted the teacher's reputation and cannot take back Lin Xiu's skills!" Only Kong Wei knelt in front of Yang Gan and said with his head bowed.

Hearing Kong Wei's words, the people around felt like they were being slapped in the face. Just now they said that Lin Xiu couldn't do it, and they would be frightened by Kong Wei, but now they heard Kong Wei say that Lin Xiu had scared him back.

"Get up and talk!" Yang Gan said calmly.

Although Yang Gan looks very young on the outside, in fact he is over 600 years old, but his talent is also good, he has already stepped into the immortal realm, and the road ahead will be smoother. If he is lucky, he can pass Transcending the Tribulation Realm, it is just around the corner to ascend.

After hearing what Kong Wei said, the Confucian disciples around immediately became angry: "This Lin Xiu is too arrogant, he dared to say such a thing, we must not let him go!"

"Okay, everyone, don't be nervous, I think we will meet him soon, and then we will know whether he is your uncle or not!" Yang Qian said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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