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Chapter 1162 The White Sisters

Chapter 1162 The White Sisters

There are even some white tiger monsters guarding the surroundings.

The strength of these guards is not weak, but only for other people, they have the strength of establishing a foundation.

Inside, it is estimated that there will be more powerful monsters.

"Master Lin Xiu, what should we do?" Bai Suzhen asked.

"Suzhen, you and Xiaohua are leading other monsters to attack this Baihu Ridge. Jingjing and I sneak in, first to save people, and then find a way to take away the monster's treasure!" Lin Xiu replied.

Whether to save people first and then take away the treasure, or to save people for the sake of the treasure, no one can say clearly, but since Lin Xiu said so, then he will definitely do it.

"Okay!" Bai Suzhen and the white-clothed scholar nodded in agreement.

Lin Xiu released all the monsters in the Qibao Linglong Pagoda, and the white-clothed scholar and Bai Suzhen rushed out together with the monsters. The white tiger monsters were shocked when they saw it. Where did so many powerful monsters come out?
"Enemy attack, an enemy is coming!"

"Quick, hurry up and inform Lord White Tiger King!"

"How come there are so many powerful enemies? Who are they?"


The monsters immediately roared, but seeing these monsters, they were really a little scared. After all, these monsters who came here are all very powerful existences.

It's just that there are still brave monsters who have already pounced on it.

All the attention of the white tiger demons was on Bai Suzhen and the others, Lin Xiu and Bai Jingjing immediately sneaked into the lair of the white tiger demon.

This forest is called the White Tiger Forest, and it is the place where these white tiger monsters live. Here, there is also a White Tiger King.

The strength of the White Tiger King is only in the concentration state, Lin Xiu is not worried, but since he wants to save people now, Lin Xiu can't only look at the strength of the White Tiger King himself, but also worry about Bai Jingjing's two daughters.

The strange egg in the White Tiger King's hand is naturally something that must be careful.

No matter what, judging from the current situation, Lin Xiu and Bai Jingjing still need to be more careful, they must rescue the two girls first.

The White Tiger King just started to sacrifice, when he heard these voices, he was a little annoyed, and one of his subordinates immediately took a group of White Tiger Demons out.

The White Tiger King was still chanting some strange animal language, as if he was communicating with the White Tiger Divine Beast.

In the pitch-black starry sky, a few rays of light descended from the sky. The light of the White Tiger Constellation unexpectedly descended from the sky, taking care of this land.

All I saw was a huge light and shadow rushing downwards. This light and shadow was a huge tiger shadow with a head of hundreds of feet. The light all over seemed to illuminate the night.

Just the power of this giant beast is already very astonishing. As soon as it appeared, all the white tiger monsters on the entire altar fell to the ground. Even the two sisters, Bai Wan'er, couldn't control their bodies at this time. , was trembling there.

The two couldn't control their bodies at all, their bodies and souls were all afraid!
"Master White Tiger Divine Beast, these are the sacrifices we offer you. You can enjoy them well. They are all extremely pure women. I believe you, sir, will definitely like them very much!" Only the White Tiger King said immediately.

The shadow of the white tiger seemed to be quite interested in the sisters of the Bai family, and walked towards them step by step. Their huge bodies made the ground shake violently when they stepped on the ground.

The sisters of the Bai family hugged each other, their eyes full of despair.

Mother, it seems that we will not be able to see each other again, please forgive my daughter for being unfilial!

Tears flowed from the eyes of the two girls at the same time.

But at this time, someone had already walked to the side of the White Tiger King, only to see the expression of fear on the man's face: "My lord, the monsters outside have already broken through our people, and they still want to break in now!" We are here!"

"What? Send stronger people to attack!" Only the White Tiger King said.

"My lord, too many of our people have died!" I heard the subordinate say helplessly.

"Master Divine Beast!" I heard the White Tiger King suddenly say, "This time, I hope you can help us. After you come back, these two offerings will definitely be even more delicious!"

The voice of the White Tiger King came, and the Shadow of the White Tiger heard it, and walked towards him.

The White Tiger King immediately took the lead, and he said loudly: "You stay here to guard, and I will take Lord White Tiger out to deal with them!"

"Yes!" The people around immediately replied.

The White Tiger King had already rushed out, and the shadow of the white tiger immediately started to run. Seeing the shadow of the white tiger and the White Tiger King leave, Lin Xiu appeared with Bai Jingjing.

"This plan is not bad, Jingjing, let's save people!" Lin Xiu said.

"Yes, master!" Bai Jingjing flew towards the cage full of joy, "Wanling, Wan'er, mother is here to save you!"

Lin Xiu has already looked at the sisters of the Bai family. These two women are really beautiful and look so perfect, but they don't seem to resemble Bai Suzhen.

"Who?" The surrounding monsters shouted immediately.

These monsters wanted to attack Bai Jingjing, Bai Jingjing's figure was like a bolt of white electricity, and she had already reached outside the cage in an instant, but at this moment, five or six attacks hit her.

Bai Jingjing's entire body was covered with sword light, and all these attacks were resolved by her.

At this time, a voice came: "What are you looking at? Your opponent is this young master!"

As soon as Lin Xiu said these words, he could only see that the sky blood wheel had already flown out. How could these monsters around him be Lin Xiu's opponent?This day's blood wheel's attack could also kill these monsters, and the surrounding monsters fell to the ground one after another.

Lin Xiu started to kill, and now he needs to protect the two white girls. Lin Xiu doesn't want to encounter too many monsters to intercept him when he escapes. If they want to do something, they will kill them all.

In Lin Xiu's Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, there are still ten holy monsters left. These monsters are now summoned by Lin Xiu, and he immediately said: "Do it, kill them all!"

"Yes, young master!" Many monsters immediately responded, waved the magic weapon in their hands, and attacked the white tiger monster here.

Lin Xiu himself went outside the cage, only to see that Bai Jingjing had rescued the two daughters.

"Wanling, Wan'er, this is my mother's young master, his name is Lin Xiu!" Only Bai Jingjing said.

"What? Young master? Mother? He is..." Bai Wanling glanced at Lin Xiu, a little surprised, this Lin Xiu doesn't look very old, how could he be mother's young master?

"I was able to rescue you only after relying on Master Lin Xiu. You can't be rude to Master Lin Xiu!" Bai Jingjing said hastily.

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(End of this chapter)

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