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Chapter 1164 Hand over your treasure chest, no, hand over your treasure!

Chapter 1164 Hand over your treasure chest, no, hand over your treasure!

The White Tiger King has already walked outside the White Tiger Forest with the shadow of the White Tiger Divine Beast.

This White Tiger Forest is actually not that big. With the speed of the White Tiger King and the shadow of the White Tiger God Beast, Bai Suzhen, the white-clothed scholar and other monsters were soon seen.

Now the monsters in Baihulin are far from being the opponents of Bai Suzhen and others.

The White Tiger King immediately shouted loudly: "Stop it all!"

Everyone saw the shadow of the white tiger beast rushing towards him, Bai Suzhen's expression changed, and the white snake sword had been pierced out. The shadow of the white tiger beast actually did not have [-]% of the strength of the white tiger beast. After all, it was just a shadow, possessed , but only in the Pulse Transmitting Realm.

It is impossible for Bai Suzhen to fight against the shadow of this divine beast, but if she wants to delay this divine beast, she can still do it.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you come to us to destroy our sacrifice!" The White Tiger King's face was full of anger. No matter who encounters this kind of thing, he will be quite angry. These people dare to come and destroy their sacrifice.

The white-clothed scholar immediately said: "Of course we came here to teach you a lesson. Our young master said that we must eradicate you evil monsters!"

"Your young master? He can take care of our Baihuling affairs? Who does he think he is?" The White Tiger King said coldly, "I think you are just a monster in the concentrating state, and you have the guts to come here to be presumptuous. If that’s the case, then don’t blame me for being rude!”

As the White Tiger King said, the claws of both hands suddenly stretched out, and he threw himself at the white-clothed scholar.

There are two kinds of supernatural powers possessed by monsters, one is innate and the other is acquired. Generally speaking, only people with great perseverance can practice supernatural powers, such as Bai Suzhen did.

However, more monsters just use their natural supernatural powers. The powerhouses of this kind of supernatural powers are completely related to the blood of monsters. This is the case with the current White Tiger King and the white-clothed scholar.

The two fought fiercely, but it was quite fierce. After seeing the monsters around, they were also secretly shocked. They naturally knew what kind of strength their respective kings possessed, but they only now discovered that the strength of the other party's king was not weak. .

There is not much difference in the fighting power between the white-clothed scholar and the White Tiger King, but Bai Suzhen is obviously much more dangerous. The shadow of the white tiger beast can already threaten Bai Suzhen.

And Bai Suzhen was also injured a little before, although she has almost recovered now, but the battle with this level of powerhouse has obviously had an impact.

Fortunately, Bai Suzhen only delayed the shadow of the white tiger beast, and did not intend to fight it head-on, otherwise, she would be even more dangerous.

"Is that all your strength is?" The White Tiger King sneered, "It seems that you are just here to die this time!"

"You are wrong, my young master will arrive soon, and then you will know whether we are here to die!" said the white-clothed scholar.

"Who is your young master?" The White Tiger King asked again.

"It's me!" Only a voice was heard, and a group of strong men had already come out from behind the white tiger forest.

Lin Xiu was the leader, Bai Jingjing and her daughter were behind, and the other monsters followed Lin Xiu.

Those monsters from the side of the White Tiger Monster were surprised to see that Lin Xiu really dared to come here. They didn't expect that Lin Xiu would really dare to come here to provoke the White Tiger King. They are looking for death!
"Who are you?" The White Tiger King asked with a frown.

"My young master, Lin Xiu, if you don't hand over your treasure chest, I will spare you!" Lin Xiu's eyes immediately fell on the White Tiger King, he said.

treasure?The White Tiger King was a little annoyed, and he said, "You came here for my treasure? But, do you think you can deal with me? Lord White Tiger Beast..."

"Xiao Wu, kill him!" Lin Xiu waved his hand and said calmly.

The three-legged Jinwu came out on the spot again, and seeing the shadow of the white tiger beast, the three-legged Jinwu was a little surprised and said, "Oh? It's actually a white tiger? No, what is this? There's a remnant soul of a white tiger here?"

"What? Xiaowu, is this really a white tiger beast?" Lin Xiu was surprised when he heard it.

The White Tiger Divine Beast, this should already be a divine beast in the fairy world. An existence of this level is naturally unusual. If it is really summoned by a monster in the concentration state, it may not be too embarrassing.

"It is indeed a remnant soul of the white tiger beast, similar to mine, but his strength may not be stronger than mine, at least, not now!" said the three-legged Jinwu.

Lin Xiu was taken aback, no way, the three-legged Golden Crow is an existence at the Tribulation-Transcending Realm, already close to the Immortal Realm, and the current shadow of a divine beast is not much worse than it?

Lin Xiu didn't believe it, but the shadow of the white tiger gave up on Bai Suzhen, and its eyes fell on the three-legged Jinwu.

"What's the matter? Baihu, do you recognize me?" the three-legged Jinwu said.

The white tiger beast didn't pay attention to the three-legged golden crow, and at this time Lin Xiu was a little impatient, and said: "Stop talking nonsense with him, just kill him directly!"

"Yes, Master!" The three-legged Golden Crow also knew that the other party was not a real white tiger, and it would not know what to say to it, so it was better to get rid of it first.

The three-legged Golden Crow spewed out a mouthful of flames. The fire of the Golden Crow is also the fire of the sun. It is so powerful that even the white tiger itself would not dare to resist it. Of course, the current three-legged Golden Crow naturally cannot burst out with much powerful power.

But the strength of the three-legged Golden Crow also surpassed the current Shadow of the White Tiger.

As soon as the three-legged Golden Crow made a move, it immediately gave the shadow of the white tiger no chance to escape, and trapped it within a certain range. As long as it took a little time, the three-legged Golden Crow could still kill the shadow of the white tiger. arrived.

"You are the White Tiger King, right? I heard that you killed many people, and even captured your daughter as a sacrifice. We should settle this account!" Lin Xiu smiled. .

"Are you planning to follow him? Have you forgotten that you are members of the White Tiger Clan? We, the White Tiger Clan, will never become subordinates of a human!" the White Tiger King said loudly.

"Don't talk nonsense, I didn't let them be my subordinates, I just let them come here to witness, I just want to do justice for the sky, that is to say, I want to destroy you in front of everyone!" Lin Xiu said.

"What did you say?" The White Tiger King looked at Lin Xiu coldly, only to hear a loud noise, and the shadow of the White Tiger was blown away.

(End of this chapter)

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