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Chapter 1168 Cultivate the Bone Kun

Chapter 1168 Cultivate the Bone Kun

"Jingjing, are you also born from it?" Lin Xiu asked.

"Yes, Wanling, Wan'er, and I were also born here. When we were born, we were just skeletons. Only after practicing for thousands of years, did we have our current form!" Bai Jingjing replied.

It seems that Bai Jingjing and the two white girls really have no blood relationship!
Of course, the current Lin Xiu doesn't mind these things either. His eyes fell into the pit of bones in front of him, and he threw that strange egg out.

"Ding, the kun seedlings have started to evolve, please continue to feed the kun seedlings, the current evolution direction of the kun seedlings is... the bone kun!"

Sure enough, it was the bone kun that appeared this time, but the current bone kun didn't seem to want to appear, it just kept devouring the bones below.

"This...Master Lin Xiu, isn't there only the tiger kun in this egg? Why do I feel a terrifying sense of threat, as if there is a strong person in this egg that can easily shock me?" Bai Jingjing said. A little trembling.

This is not the influence of power, but the kind of instinctive deterrence. Gu Kun is the nemesis of bones in the world. As long as you encounter it, you will probably be swallowed up by it.

But what makes Lin Xiu a little depressed is that the bone kun devours it very quickly. There may be tens of millions of bones here, but now, [-]% of them have been devoured, and the rest will be devoured soon. dropped, but it grew very slowly.

"Don't worry, there is a bone kun in this egg, it feeds on bones, it's normal for you to be afraid of it!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

Feed on bones?
When Bai Jingjing saw the strange egg below, she still had lingering fears.

The bone kun devoured all the bones here quickly, before it grew to the pulse-passing state, and it didn't even reach the void-shattering state. It seems that the number of kuns is not enough to raise, and strength is needed!
Like Hu Kun, it can devour a powerful white tiger demon, so it can progress so fast.

But what the bone kun devoured now was nothing more than ordinary white bones. Even if there were a lot of them, their growth would be limited. Lin Xiu could see that.

But the bones here have been devoured, and Lin Xiu will naturally not stay anymore.

Counting the time, Lin Xiu must go back to the Holy Court now, and lead the other disciples of the Holy Court to the place called the Desolate Temple.

The disciples of the Holy Court have already made preparations. They are quite yearning for this action. In the temple, they may be able to obtain a powerful magic weapon.

It is said that in the temple, there are low-grade magical artifacts everywhere, and middle-grade and high-grade magical artifacts can be seen everywhere, even top-grade magical artifacts, fake immortal artifacts, and even immortal artifacts.

And in the temple, if you are lucky, you can even get the inheritance of the temple, get the supernatural powers of the temple, and even have the opportunity to soar into the sky.

As long as it is a true disciple of the Holy Academy, who is willing to submit to others?Therefore, these true disciples still yearn for the path of the strong.

Among the people who came this time were the elites among the true disciples, Yuan Mei, Yang Shu and Ming Hua were all there.

When Lin Xiu arrived here, he saw that there were five other disciples here. It seems that this time, the Holy Academy sent nine true disciples. This lineup is quite luxurious.

"Eldest senior brother!" At this moment, all the true disciples in front of him could be heard saying in unison.

After Lin Xiu heard it, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and he said, "Brother Minghua, what are you calling me?"

"Brother Lin Xiu, don't be humble anymore. Vice President Wang Ze has announced that Brother Mo Liang has left the Holy Academy, so you are the chief disciple of our Holy Academy!" Ming Hua said, " I don’t dare to respond to your call, Senior Brother!”

Lin Xiu realized that Wang Ze still wanted to cover up for Mo Liang, but Mo Liang had become a useless person, even if he survived, he would not come back to this holy courtyard again, Lin Xiu could still understand this.

Lin Xiu nodded and said, "In this case, I will accept the status of chief disciple without hesitation!"

"Eldest brother, I didn't expect you to enter the state of concentration after only leaving the holy courtyard for a while. Your cultivation speed is really unheard of in my generation!" Yuan Mei also sighed.

Two months ago, Lin Xiu wasn't even considered a strong man in the Holy Realm, but now Lin Xiu is already in the Concentrating Spirit Realm. Among them, there are not many people who have this kind of realm.

"Senior Brother Lin Xiu, I recently encountered some problems in cultivation, I hope I can ask Brother Lin Xiu for advice, how about Senior Brother Lin Xiu, why don't you compete with me!" Yang Shu said.

Yang Shu's words brightened the eyes of other disciples around him. After Lin Xiu heard it, he didn't find it strange. After all, he, the chief disciple who appeared suddenly, would definitely be dissatisfied. If he can't show enough strength , I am afraid that this time, these people will not obey themselves.

"Okay, since you call me big brother, then I will give you a break. I will only fight you with magical powers and holy power, and I don't need to use magic weapons!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

Yang Shu was a little annoyed when he heard it. Lin Xiu said this, but he underestimated people. Yang Shu has also stepped into the state of concentration now, but he can't compare with him before. Lin Xiu still said such words, How could he be willing?

"Senior Brother Lin Xiu, if this is the case, then I will be offended!" Yang Shu was only heard to say.

As Yang Shu said, he saw that he had already displayed his magical powers, and a mysterious light fell from the sky, hitting Lin Xiu's body.

Lin Xiu didn't move at all, allowing this mysterious light to hit Lin Xiu.

They only saw that Lin Xiu's body had exploded, but everyone saw that Lin Xiu's body was not damaged at all, and the attack just now had no effect at all!

"Continue!" Lin Xiu said lightly.

Yang Shu's face changed drastically. This move is already a middle-grade supernatural power, but it can't hurt Lin Xiu?
If Mo Liang stood here today, he could actually have the same effect. After all, the second layer of the Dragon Elephant Art can make the body stronger.

Want to hurt Lin Xiu with this mid-level supernatural power?It is simply impossible!

"Okay, if this is the case, please brother Lin Xiu be more careful!" Yang Shu said, sacrificed a magic weapon, and blasted towards Lin Xiu with a small sword.

Lin Xiu punched out, and the little sword was knocked away by Lin Xiu's punch. This attack was still useless.

"One can't do it, Ming Hua, Yuan Mei, you should go together, so that senior brother can give you some advice today!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

There is only Yang Shu, there is no pressure at all, if you want to fight, then the three of you will fight together!

Arrogant, arrogant, and very domineering!
(End of this chapter)

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