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Chapter 1170 Fahai and Bai Suzhen

Chapter 1170 Fahai and Bai Suzhen
Bai Suzhen was very moved, Lin Xiu actually said this sentence, this is Fa Hai, Fa Hai has the strength of the immortal state, the strength is shocking, even if Lin Xiu is very powerful, but in the real immortal state strong In front of it, it is still too far away.

Even if Lin Xiu had the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda and the three-legged Golden Crow, if he really wanted to fight Fa Hai, he might not have a chance of winning.

People in the Buddhist sect have the ability to restrain the evil spirits in the world. Even if the three-legged golden crow is a divine bird, strictly speaking, it can also be regarded as evil spirits.

"Master Lin Xiu, he..." Bai Suzhen wanted to persuade Lin Xiu, but Lin Xiu stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Master, I don't want to say it again!" Lin Xiu turned his head and said to Wang Ze, "Vice President, Suzhen is my subordinate, and I will not abandon my subordinates. Next, I may meet some powerful My opponent came here for me, for Suzhen, I don't want to hurt everyone, so this time, I can only leave by myself!"

"Senior brother Lin Xiu, don't underestimate us, we are also willing to help you, brother Lin Xiu!" Yang Shu said.

"Yes, Senior Brother Lin Xiu, we should be able to help!" Yuan Mei also said.

"It's not something that you can interfere with, Vice President Wang Ze, they'll leave it to you. If we can still meet after entering the Temple of Desolation, I'll take care of everyone!" Lin Xiu said.

Wang Ze has heard of Fa Hai's name before. If Bai Suzhen really has an enmity with him, let alone him, even the Holy Court cannot intervene. A strong immortal is already a holy man. There is an existence that the courtyard cannot resist, not to mention there is a Buddhist gate behind Fahai.

"Lin Xiu, you have to remember that you are a disciple of our Holy Academy, and in this life, you will also be a disciple of our Holy Academy!" Wang Ze said.

"Yes, Vice President, I will definitely remember it!" Lin Xiu said immediately.

At this time, only the voice of the Buddha was rolling, and a golden light seemed to turn into a giant Buddha of hundreds of feet. Someone came from the sky, and sat down on a lotus platform, with golden light shining. The person on the lotus platform had a kind face, about 50 years old, on his neck , and a string of beads.

Seeing this person, everyone's hearts were at peace, and let people know that this monk is obviously an eminent monk.

When this monk came, he only heard him say lightly: "Jinshan Temple, Fa Hai, came here on purpose, and met Bai Suzhen's benefactor, Lin Xiu's benefactor!"

Lin Xiu had only heard of the name of this monk Fa Hai from mythology before, and had seen Fa Hai on TV, but seeing this Fa Hai in front of him now made Lin Xiu very disappointed. This is obviously an ordinary monk. middle-aged man.

But when I saw him, I couldn't help but be influenced by him. After all, this Fa Hai had practiced Buddhism for an unknown period of time, and his body was full of the aura of Buddhism.

Fa Hai's strength was even more extraordinary. Although Lin Xiu couldn't see his realm, the three-legged Golden Crow could make a sound from inside the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda.

"Be careful, the strength of this bald donkey is at least at the immortal level, and his strength is very strong, even if it is me, I may not be able to win him!"

Lin Xiu was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect the three-legged Jinwu to say such a thing.

"Fahai, I have been hiding from you for so many years, but you still found me! There shouldn't be any deep hatred between you and me. Moreover, Xu Xian has already died because of me, yet you are still chasing me! You are too much!" !" Bai Suzhen said with a bit of grief and indignation.

Could it be that Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian are still involved in this world?
Lin Xiu was a little surprised, but now is not the time for him to interrupt.

"Excessive? Donor Bai, benefactor Xu Xian died because of you. You have killed too much. Today, I will take you away and bring you back to Jinshan Temple, so that you can take refuge in my Buddha and never kill again!" Hai said.

The conversation between the two made Lin Xiu and others confused, but at this moment, Bai Suzhen was a little excited and said: "I am in love with Xu Xian, what does it have to do with you, why do you interfere with us?" about?"

"Bai benefactor, human monsters have different ways. If you do this, you will not only harm yourself, but also make you lose your thousand years of cultivation, and you will also make Xu benefactor fall into a place of eternal doom!" Fa Hai said with a bitter look. .

"So you want me to take Realgar Transformation Powder, let me recover my real body, and kill Xu Xian? Is this what you Buddhists do?" Bai Suzhen trembled with anger.

"Bai benefactor, this matter, I also feel guilty, but this matter is a foregone conclusion, and if Xu benefactor hadn't insisted on going his own way that day, I would not have made it to this point!" Fa Hai sighed , said with a merciful face.

"Xu Xian has already died because of us, yet you keep chasing me, Fa Hai, what do you want?" Bai Suzhen said coldly.

"As long as Bai benefactor is willing to go back with me, old monk will naturally not harm Bai benefactor!" Fa Hai said lightly.

"You!" Bai Suzhen's face became very ugly.

"Since the benefactor is not willing, the old man has no choice but to do it himself!" Fa Hai said, only to hear him turn his hand and slap it out.

A ray of golden light descended from the sky, turned into a Buddha seal, and blasted in front of Bai Suzhen.

Bai Suzhen's strength at the level of longevity is not something that Bai Suzhen can resist. Bai Suzhen's heart is full of despair. This Fahai's strength is really not something she can handle!

This momentum alone was able to overwhelm Bai Suzhen to the point where she couldn't bear it, let alone fight back.

Seeing this scene, the disciples of the Holy Court were also surprised. They did not expect Bai Suzhen and Fa Hai to have such grievances.

But at this time, a pagoda appeared in the air, abruptly blocking the Buddha seal.


Foyin bombarded the pagoda in the air and immediately exploded. Naturally, the pagoda was not damaged at all. I only heard Lin Xiu take a step forward and said, "Old bald donkey, do you know what you are doing?"

Old bald donkey?
Hearing Lin Xiu's words, the corners of the mouths of the people around them twitched at the same time, Nima, Lin Xiu is probably the only one who dares to call Fa Hai like that. If anyone else dared to say that, they would have already been slapped by Fa Hai. died.

Even Fa Hai's face is shaking now. With Fa Hai's heart, it is inevitable that there will be a little influence. He only heard Fa Hai say: "You are Lin Xiu, right? Do you want to take care of this matter? Lin Xiu benefactor, I advise you not to worry about this matter!"

"Don't care about it? Old bald donkey, I'm not afraid to tell you, Bai Suzhen is mine. If you want to touch her, you have to ask me if I promise or not!" Lin Xiu said.

"Benefactor Lin Xiu, what do you agree to, and what if you don't agree?" Fa Hai said again.

(End of this chapter)

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