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Chapter 1178: The Second Sky Tree Fragment

Chapter 1178 The second fragment of the Tongtian Tree

These Bayuan disciples are quite depressed, but there is nothing they can do. Now they just want to escape.

The faces of other people around also became weird, this Lin Xiu is too shameless, right?
What about counting to 3?Why did I count it all at once, and didn't give anyone a chance at all!

Only one of these Overlord Court disciples could escape, and the others naturally had no chance of surviving.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the amethyst treasure chest!"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully pretending to be aggressive and getting triple..."


After finishing the disciples of Ba Yuan, Lin Xiu turned his head, and his eyes fell on the people in Tianyin Pavilion not far away. Fairy Miaoyin's face changed slightly, and she quickly laughed and said, "Young Master Lin Xiu is indeed quite powerful. I admire it!"

"Admiration? I have some doubts about Fairy Miaoyin's strength. I wonder if Fairy Miaoyin can compete with me, so that I can see Fairy Miaoyin's strength?" Lin Xiu said.

When the people around heard it, they all looked at Lin Xiu with surprised eyes. It wasn't enough for Lin Xiu to destroy a tyrant gun, and he wanted to attack Fairy Miaoyin again.

Fairy Miaoyin didn't dare to fight Lin Xiu, she quickly showed an embarrassed smile and said: "Master Lin Xiu, my strength is indeed not as good as your master's, so there is no need to compete, I will go to the temple first!"

After Fairy Miaoyin finished speaking, she only saw a ray of light appear in her hand, and the key appeared in her hand. Fairy Miaoyin led many disciples into the central temple together.

Liu Hu was also a little jealous of Lin Xiu, but he didn't say anything, and he also used the key, and took the other disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sword Sect into the central temple.

Seeing that Fairy Miaoyin also had the key, everyone felt quite depressed, but they couldn't stop it.

Lin Xiu's eyes fell on Chen Xing of Tianxing Pavilion, and he said: "People of Tianxing Pavilion, if you want to go in, I still have a key here!"

Lin Xiu didn't expect that there would be a key in the holy courtyard, plus the key he opened from the treasure chest, these are two keys, the keys are just the conditions for entering, there is no difference between one and two.

So one of them can be used for some benefits.

"What's your condition?" Chen Xing's eyes fell on Lin Xiu.

"Then it depends on whether you can give me the benefit of my heart!" Lin Xiu replied.

Lin Xiu had the second key, which surprised Wang Ze, but Wang Ze didn't stop him. If Lin Xiu hadn't had Lin Xiu this time, the key would have been taken away from him, and there would be someone inside. You can get the treasure chest by chance, if you don't go in, you can only swim around in other places.


Chen Xing gritted his teeth, and said, "I have a magic weapon of the level of a fake fairy weapon here, what do you think?"

False artifact?This magic weapon also wants to change its own key?Lin Xiu didn't speak, just looked at Chen Xing with a smile.

"I still have two top-quality magic weapons here!"

"There are still two pills!"


Chen Xing sighed, and said, "I still have this mysterious piece of wood in my hand. Although I don't know what it's used for, it should be a treasure!"

In the end, a piece of wood appeared in Chen Xing's hand. It looked completely black and strange, and everyone could feel that it had a huge aura.

After Lin Xiu saw it, he was very calm on the surface, but he was quite excited in his heart. This is a fragment of the Tongtian Tree. For Lin Xiu, this thing is more precious than other magic weapons before.

But Lin Xiu still sighed, and said, "Oh, I didn't expect your Tianxing Pavilion to be so poor, but forget it, this thing is for you!"

"..." Wang Ze.

"..." Yuan Mei.

"..." Ming Hua.

The others were also speechless for a while when they heard Lin Xiu's words.

The corner of Chen Xing's mouth twitched. He didn't know if it was worth exchanging so many things for a key. Lin Xiu even said it was a gift for himself?Are you still shameless?
No matter what, Lin Xiu still got these treasures, Lin Xiu immediately let the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda swallow the fake immortal artifact.

"Ding, the pagoda treasure chest has collected 1000 million pagoda points!"

"Ding, open the second floor of the treasure chest of the pagoda, and get the Immortal Artifact, Immortal Sword!"


Lin Xiu was overjoyed in his heart, after getting this Magnificent Immortal Sword, his combat power would definitely improve a lot now!

"The Celestial Immortal Sword is a relatively inferior magic weapon among the fairy weapons, but its power is not comparable to that of fake fairy weapons. With your strength, you should be able to exert half of its strength!" The voice of the three-legged Jinwu came.

Even if it is a relatively inferior fairy weapon, Lin Xiu is very happy.

And the Tongtian tree in Lin Xiu's Xiantian ring, after getting the sword skills and the fragment of the Tongtian tree in his hand, it grew faster.

It has become a small sapling one meter high.

Lin Xiu didn't waste any more time, and entered the central temple with everyone.

Naturally, Chen Xing would not be polite. After he got the key, he also entered the central temple.

Others know that all seven keys have been used, but they are not reconciled, and want to stay here, maybe they can get a bargain!

The people here have been waiting for a long time, and some people are already planning to leave. Even if you can’t get the treasures in the central temple, it’s not bad to be able to pick up other magical artifacts around. If you’re lucky, you might be able to get a false fairy How about a magic weapon of the weapon level!

But they suddenly heard a loud noise, and a door appeared out of nowhere in the central temple. The strong men here looked at each other, but someone still mustered up the courage to push the door open.

The gate of the temple was pushed open, and the people around were overjoyed. Without the key, they could also enter this temple!

The surrounding powerhouses poured into the temple one after another, and almost all the people here entered, but a man in a cloak stood outside the door, and he sneered and said: "Go in, after you go in, you will There is a chance to resurrect our Palace Lord!"

"You will all become sacrifices to our Desolate Temple, don't blame us, if you want to blame, blame you for being too greedy!"

What this person said turned out to be a female voice, and she also slowly walked into the temple, the door of the temple was closed, and the door seemed to disappear.

Lin Xiu looked around, his face was a little weird, the situation here was a bit unexpected, he thought that there would be many things here, but he didn't expect that it would be like this!
The place where Lin Xiu and others are now is exactly the same as the original Desolate Temple, but this is not the dilapidated Desolate Temple, but a complete, perfect, resplendent and magnificent Desolate Temple!
(End of this chapter)

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