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Chapter 118 Sir, please let us go

Chapter 118 Sir, please let us go
Sure enough, with 50 seconds left, the effect of Lin Xiu's invisibility talisman had disappeared.

At this moment, the three monsters all saw Lin Xiu at the same time.

"Where did this human come from?"

"Impossible, why didn't we find him?"

"Kill him quickly, otherwise the lord will be angry!"

The three monsters shouted at the same time.

Lin Xiu still needs 40 seconds now. If the three monsters really charge over, Lin Xiu must give up this opportunity to open the treasure chest, only to hear Lin Xiu suddenly shout at this time: "Stop!"

"Human, you can actually speak our animal language?" said one of the rhinoceros-like monsters.

"Why do I speak your animal language? You still need to ask such words, you are such an idiot!" Lin Xiu put one hand on the treasure chest, pointed at the monster with the other and reprimanded loudly.

Lin Xiu's pretentious appearance shocked the three monsters. They have been monsters for so long, but they have never seen someone as arrogant as Lin Xiu. How dare he accuse them?
Are you kidding me, we are monsters, and you, a human being, dare to reprimand us?
"What did you say?" The rhinoceros glared at Lin Xiudao angrily.

"Don't you understand what my young master said? You idiot!" Lin Xiu said.

"How dare you call me an idiot! I'm going to kill you!" the rhinoceros roared immediately.

"You don't even know who this young master is, how dare you kill me?" Lin Xiu said with a disdainful smile.

Lin Xiu finally thought of a way how to deal with these three monsters, that is to pretend to be aggressive!
That's right, as a coercive king, you can not only pretend to be coercive to people, but of course you can also pretend to be coercive to monsters!

When the three monsters heard Lin Xiu's words, they were stunned at the same time, and none of the monsters dared to make a move for a while.

"Who are you?" said the tiger demon.

"You don't even know who I am? Are you idiots?" Lin Xiu continued.

We don't know who you are, you are threatening us, we ask who you are, but you don't answer us, what do you want to do?
The three monsters are so depressing, this is too bullying. Although we are monsters, it doesn't mean that we are really that stupid. Do you want to reveal your identity?

At this moment, the three of them felt a very terrifying power appearing on Lin Xiu's body.

"This... what is this?"

"Longwei! How, how could he have Longwei!"

"What a pure dragon's might, this kind of dragon's might is much more terrifying than that lord's dragon's might!"

The three monsters only felt a kind of pressure appearing on him.

What's even more frightening is that they saw a huge dragon appearing behind Lin Xiu. It was a hundred feet tall, with white skin and dragon scales all over its body.

This is... the Frost Dragon!
How could this human being have the dragon soul of the frost dragon?
The Frost Giant Dragon belongs to the ninth-level martial spirit and is naturally powerful. Even in this world, the Frost Giant Dragon already belongs to the fifth-level monster, and belongs to the extremely terrifying existence in this continent.

Lin Xiu has not exposed it because he is worried that his martial spirit will bring him great trouble, but now it is different, there are only monsters here!
But Lin Xiu didn't expect that after his martial soul was summoned, the three monsters would fall on the ground.

"My... my lord, it's our fault, we shouldn't attack you!"

"Yes, my lord, it's all our fault, my lord, please don't blame us!"

"My lord, please, please forgive us!"

The three monsters knelt down on the ground at the same time and said.

"What are you doing? You already know who I am?" Lin Xiu was a little puzzled, but his face was full of contempt, disdain, and sarcasm. That's right, as a king, you don't have to be strong, but you must be high. It's cold, you have to pretend!
"I see, my lord, you are a member of the Dragon Clan, and now you have cultivated to the point where you can transform into a human form!"

"My lord has such great dragon power on him, he must be from the dragon clan!"

"My lord faced me without any fear. We believe that my lord is definitely not an ordinary human being!"

The three monsters said separately, these three people directly helped Lin Xiu explain his identity.

Naturally, Lin Xiu would not deny it, but he would not admit it either. He had to make the other party think so, so that he would believe his speculation, and if he voluntarily revealed his identity, the other party would be suspicious instead.

"Who am I that has something to do with you? You offended me just now. According to our family rules, you three must die!" Lin Xiu said with murderous intent in his eyes.

Seeing Lin Xiu's murderous look, the three monsters were shocked at the same time. Lin Xiu said this, not admitting in disguise that he is indeed a member of the Dragon Clan!
Indeed, the dragon race is superior to other races. Anyone who wants to offend such people must be courting death. Lin Xiu will kill them, saying that it is a family rule, and they can't refute it at all. After all, they are not dragon races. !
"This... my lord, please let us go!" The three monsters said at the same time.

"It's okay to let you go. I'll give you a chance. Of the three of you, only one can survive. You can figure it out!" Lin Xiu said.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully opening the platinum treasure chest, and congratulations to the host for obtaining a heavenly top-grade martial skill, Flying Immortal!"

"Flying Immortal Outside the Sky? Isn't this the master of Ye City?" Lin Xiu was taken aback.

"This system is able to extract different treasures from each plane as rewards, and it's not surprising to get City Lord Ye's Flying Immortal!" the system replied.

The three monsters looked at each other, obviously they didn't want to attack first, but Lin Xiu would not give them a chance to consider, he sneered and said: "If anyone is unwilling to make a move, let me personally deal with him!"

When the three monsters heard this, they had no choice but to make a move. After all, what Lin Xiu said had driven them to a dead end. If Lin Xiu really belonged to the Dragon Clan, if he wanted to make a move, wouldn't he be sure to die?

The eyes of the three monsters were red, and they immediately rushed towards the other people. The tiger, the rhinoceros, and the wolf fought desperately, and it was hard to say who would win.

Lin Xiu didn't watch the three monsters fighting, he was watching his introduction of Flying Immortal.

Flying Immortal from Heaven, a heavenly top-grade martial skill, this move must be issued condescendingly, it can instantly kill all enemies within a hundred feet range, although it is a single sword, it is like a thousand swords, where the sword energy goes, the situation changes color, pay attention, This skill consumes a lot of energy, and only the energy of the Wuxu Realm can display this skill.

This introduction is too domineering, but Lin Xiu still needs to try it to know how powerful it is.

Who should I ask for a try?When Lin Xiu thought so, he heard a scream.

 The third update, do you still have friends who donate rewards?
(End of this chapter)

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