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Chapter 1180 The Barrier Is Broken

Chapter 1180 The Barrier Is Broken
Even the power of the strong in the Transcendence Tribulation Realm can't match, that can only prove that the realm of absurdity is still above this Tribulation Transcendence Realm!

A smile appeared on Lin Xiu's face, and he said: "Hall Master, my subordinate Lin Xiu, this time he is here to succeed Captain Huang Qi!"

"Oh? Are you the rookie who defeated Huang Qi? Judging by your state, it's only in the state of concentration. I didn't expect you to have some means. I will now succeed you as the captain of the third team of the temple!"

After a pause, I heard the temple master say: "But you have to be careful, I can feel that Wushen Temple has sent people to spy on our temple, and they are likely to attack our temple!"

"Yes, Palace Master!" Lin Xiu replied, but in his heart, he was a little puzzled, Wushen Palace?what is that?
Lin Xiu had to go back and talk to Wang Ze about this news.

Although he became the captain, Lin Xiu didn't feel any problems or changes. After all, he didn't need to do anything, but other people needed to go on patrol. It's just that Lin Xiu's pretense value had reached 9500 million. See It won't take long to get the holy land experience pill treasure box.

On the way Lin Xiu came back to live in the temples of his team, he met a man who could be seen as a villain at a glance, because Lin Xiu felt that he looked very unpleasant.

"You are the new guard of the temple, the brat named Lin Xiu, right? I heard that you defeated Huang Qi, that trash of Huang Qi is really useless, just defeated by you and taken over by him." position!" said the man.

Lin Xiu looked at this man, only seeing his beard, which looked fierce.

"Big beard, who are you? Does this young master know you?" Lin Xiu asked after glancing at the man.

"It doesn't matter if you don't know me, it's enough for me to know you, kid, to be honest, it's better for you to occupy the position of Huang Qi. This time, our fourth team will definitely be able to win the championship in the temple guard competition!" the man said. Immediately said with a smile.

"Hehe, I'm not interested in your competition!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

"What? How dare you say such a thing?" The man snorted coldly and wanted to make a move.

"Huanglong, what are you doing?" Only another man's voice was heard.

Lin Xiu looked back, and a handsome man came over. I have to say that this man is indeed handsome, but after Lin Xiu saw it, he felt that he made him very uncomfortable. Who told him to be taller than himself? hansome?
This man came here to help Lin Xiu. Naturally, Lin Xiu couldn't speak ill of each other, but it didn't make Lin Xiu have a good impression of him.

"Wilderness, the affairs here are not under the control of your second team. What are you doing here?" Huanglong said coldly, obviously not fond of this man named Wilderness.

"I'm here to visit the new captain. It has nothing to do with you, Huanglong. I just hope that you don't make trouble here!" Only Wilderness said.

"Hmph!" Huanglong took a deep look at the wilderness, but didn't say anything, turned around and left.

Wilderness said to Lin Xiu: "Lin Xiu, don't mind too much, Huanglong is like this, he just has a bad temper, and he is a good person!"

"My young master knows!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

"Lin Xiu, if there is anything you don't understand, then come to me and ask, and I will definitely tell you!" Wilderness said again.

"Okay!" Lin Xiu said again.

"..." Wilderness felt a little depressed. Chatting with this Lin Xiu would really kill the world, so he had no choice but to say, "Lin Xiu, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave first!"

"Then I won't give it away!" Lin Xiu said again.

Wilderness left, Lin Xiu looked at his back, Lin Xiu had a feeling that this man might not be a good person.

But whether this feeling is judged from the face of the wilderness, or from Lin Xiu's contact with the wilderness, only Lin Xiu himself knows.

During the three days here, nothing happened. It really surprised Lin Xiu, but Lin Xiu also discovered that some new soldiers came here. When they saw that Lin Xiu was actually the captain of the temple guard, they Can't help being surprised.

During this period of time, as long as Lin Xiu went out and wandered, he could get a lot of pretense.

Wang Ze didn't know about the Wushen Temple, but Lin Xiu's identity could be used to enslave the strong men of the three major forces, and Lin Xiu had a good life during these three days.

This is in the illusion, so it will definitely not go on like this. If nothing happened, how could the Desolate Temple be destroyed?

On the night of the third day, sirens sounded in the entire Desolate Temple!

Lin Xiu knew that something was going to happen!
"Enemy attack, an enemy is coming!"

"It's the people of the Temple of Wu, all the guards of the temple are ready to fight immediately!"

"Calm down, everyone, don't mess up!"


The voices of the people around were chaotic, and the entire temple shook violently!
When Lin Xiu rushed out, he only saw countless figures appearing in the sky. Apart from the figures, there were also ten arks.

I don't know how many people are on this ark, but one can imagine that these arks are absolutely extraordinary.

"It's Xianzhou, these bastards from Wushen Temple are really attacking!" Huanglong's voice came.

"Captain Wild Dragon!" Lin Xiu looked at this wild dragon, he said a little surprised.

"It's you? Haven't you scared the shit out of your ass yet?" Glancing at Lin Xiu, Huanglong laughed out loud.

"This small situation has not threatened me yet!" Lin Xiu said calmly.

"Oh? It seems that I underestimated you, but these sons of bitches, even if they come, it's useless. Our Rage God Temple has the protection of Lord Rage God, can they attack?" Huanglong said disdainfully.

"What level of attack can the Rage God's protection withstand?" Lin Xiu could see that there was a huge barrier around it, and it looked quite stable.

"As long as it is not opened from the inside, even the arrival of immortals may not be able to break the enchantment here!" Huanglong said, "Let them attack us for a few days first, and then we will fight back!" Huanglong said immediately.

"What if someone came to open the enchantment here?" Lin Xiu asked.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could there be such..." Huanglong didn't finish his sentence, a beam of light fell from the sky, only a loud noise was heard, and not far away, a beam of light bombarded the building, and the building was immediately destroyed.

The enchantment has been broken!
(End of this chapter)

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